We are Nemesis

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    Ramses: *Sighs at Sephiroth* I am sorry, sir. However, I do not understand how hearing from our sister groups bodes unwell for us. Can you please explain that to me? I would think knowing that they are still active would be a good thing for us.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Read the reports they sent. On all accounts, the Nemesis has not been sighted, either near or far from them. It’s gone quiet. *scowls* That will fill people with a sense of false security and they will get more and more brazen and explorative. The further away they go from their protective bases, the easier it is for the Nemesis to pluck them off. *scowls further* These reports will mean more residents here will demand more freedoms.


    Ramses: I suppose that is understandable. A good majority of the people stationed here in this location grew up in a country named the United States of America. Those people had strong beliefs in personal freedoms and rights. They called them unalienable rights. *shrugs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snorts in disgust* A council meeting may be required for this before it gets out of hand. Can one be arranged, Ramses? *glances over at him, frowning* If everyone knows the situation, we can negotiate a good outcome. Otherwise I will be blamed or accused of keeping everyone here.


    Ramses: On the contrary, it will not be you who takes the blame. Seferia is still in charge here, good sir. *shakes his head, as if chiding a child* However, I shall call for a meeting. Would tomorrow work for you?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Tomorrow is fine. Something needs to be done about this situation. *deeply scowls* Before it brews into a giant problem. *moves to his feet, heading for the doorway* Thank you for your concern and quick action regarding this subject.


    Ramses: You are quite welcome, Sephiroth. *politely bows his head* I’d rather work willingly with you than have to deal with more strife than necessary. Sekhmet creates enough of that alone without any confrontation.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *nods his head* I’m not somebody who enjoys causing confrontation, either. *heads out of the command center tent, then walks across the camp site to check up on Seferia. He peers his head in the doorway of the tent, completely silent for now*


    Seferia: *is begining to wake up from her nap. However, she is still laying down on the bed. As Sephiroth moves into the doorway, she twists about to face him then opens her eyes* Didn’t deny every request again, did you? *yawns, but doesn’t bother to push herself up to a sitting position*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Most of them… *moves into the tent properly now that he knows and has confirmed that Seferia is awake. He moves to stand in front of her, then dusts off his clothing* I have requested a council meeting, and Ramses can have it arranged tomorrow. I suppose they will want you in attendance… *thinks to himself that calling a meeting is a good idea to keep peace amongst the commanding parties in the camp, but probably an inconvenience to Seferia, especially if she wants to rest and recover*


    Seferia: *tilts her head. For a moment, she considers scanning Seph’s mind to find out what exactly is going on that is making him so concerned. However, she chooses to simply do things the old-fashioned way and let him have his mental privacy* Might I ask what spurred on this decision? Was there some sort of development that occurred while I slept that I need to be updated on?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *his eyes widen slightly at Seferia’s concerns, not really believing she would want to do that. A feeling of appreciation washes over him when she asks him normally* A rather large development occured in the last few hours, Seferia. A communications report came in from the other camps around the planet. Nemesis hasn’t been sighted for a while. *frowns* This is going to lead the people of this base into a sesnse of false security. They’re going to demand more freedoms. *moves to sit down on the bed* I can’t say I blame them, either. Quality water and food sources have been found about two days away from the base.


    Seferia: Hmm… no sightings of her at all…? *narrows her eyes and ponders over what that could mean. Her thoughts vary from Nemesis laying low in order to give them a sense of security, to her being in some sort of instable state due to her combined bodies, to the very idea that she is simply not on this planet. She then sighs and shakes her head, deciding that it might be best that they never truly do find which option it is* Very well then. I just hope you’re ready for all the arguments that come with such meetings.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *is quiet as he picks up on Seferia’s thoughts, agreeing with most of them* Oh, I know. I’m quite prepared for the arguments and issues that will come from this meeting. But regardless of how the other council members feel, this meeting still has to be called. The situation means our current operations cannot continue the same way.


    Seferia: *glances up toward the “roof” of the tent* Sephiroth, to be quite honest.. I knew that the operations had to change a few weeks ago. Too many of our group are suffering as is. The more they suffer, the more they are willing to turn against anything that they perceive as an oppressor, even if our intentions are not to oppress them. *frowns* We will need to find some sort of middle ground.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I know we do…. *lowers his head* As is, the hatred towards the Nemesis is slowly turning towards anyone who is stopping them from doing as they want. Problem is, the wants are becoming clouded with the needs… I can’t decide whether the mission to leave for water is more of a want for freedom, or a need for the base.


    Seferia: If that is the case, Sephiroth, then we shall properly discuss this need and mission during the meeting tomorrow. *looks up at him. She then sits up and pats the bed, trying to invite him to sit down next to him* Aside from the issue that we’ve already covered, did you fare well for today?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *takes the invitation and sits next to Seferia, getting comfortable. He slowly nods his head, grinning at her* I think I fared well today without you. *his grin fades a bit* Nobody called me a dragons-pet today really, either. But I doubt it’s going to go away.


    Seferia: *shakes her head* Once the label is given, it’ll never go away. Even now, there are still some who would call me Clawina’s pet dragon. In the long run, it’s just easiest to tune out such words. It’ll be an endless fight if you want them to stop calling you that name.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs at her words, then slowly leans against her, frowning* Name calling is a rather childish way of annoying your opponent. *scowls* I’m only annoyed because the statements are innacurate – I am hardly your pet. *relaxes, though he seems troubled. He begins to ponder whether or not that it really seems like he’s a pet of Seferia, and wonders if he follows her every word*


    Seferia: Sephiroth, I would have assumed that you’d know by now that a mass majority of adults maintain certain childish qualities. Unfortunately, I cannot say why this is. *looks down at him* And considering your past, I’m surprised that most aren’t calling you a “mother’s boy”. I suppose you should be glad they have fogotten that aspect of your history and personality.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I don’t think too many of them knew of my mother-worshipping tendancies to begin with. My past hasn’t been publically broadcasted around the base here. I don’t wish that to be so, either. *moves to his feet to check up on the eggs, readjusting his old blanket around them properly* Will they adopt the first thing they see as their parents?


    Seferia: I can’t imagine how many could not have known about you screaming out for your mother nearly constantly when we brought you in. *shakes her head* I still do not see much similarity between you and what images I saw of this “mother”, or Jenova. *ponders over the issue, thinking that maybe the hair color is the same, but the rest seems to not have been inherited* I must admit that you are quite strange on that aspect. *glances over at the eggs* And that is a yes and no situation. While there is some imprinting instincts amongst us dragons, we are not purely instinct-driven creatures. We are smart enough to realize, after a few years of development, whether we are truly related to the ones we have imprinted on or not.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I inherited my entire range of abilities from my mother, not just her hair. Oh, and my eye shape. *shrugs and turns his attention to the eggs also* Ah, I see… so if I adopted them out to somebody else in this base, they would come looking for me once old enough?


    Seferia: *frowns for a brief moment. However, she quickly turns her expression nuetral, not wanting to annoy Seph with the fact that she’s saddened by the mere fact that he suggested adopting out her unborn children* Yes, that is correct. Unless, of course, you were to die and thus be unfindable due to your lack of life. *glances down at him* I must admit that I do not desire to adopt out my children.

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