We are Nemesis

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  • #17399

    Seferia: Hmm… hopefully it doesn’t have a genetic flaw to it.. *shrugs to herself then sits down next to Sephiroth* And yes, that is basically all that you need to do. Insure that they stay incubated. Also, insure that they don’t get cracked or damaged. *frowns in thought* At least, I was never told of any other directions to follow and my instincts aren’t screaming at me that something is wrong..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: So do I have to sit here all day and keep them warm? Or can we leave them in the tent while we work all day? *deeply frowns at the idea of leaving the eggs alone, thinking that somebody might come in and break them, or steal them*


    Seferia: *glances over at Sephiroth then softly chuckles* You have such thoughts yet you doubt that you’re much different from the man that I originally met? *shakes her head, finding Seph’s contradictions to be quite humorous* I doubt that many would dare enter my tent, let alone damage those eggs. However, if you want, we an take turns watching over them.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I don’t want to leave them unattended. We have theives in this camp. And there are those who do not like me at all. I fully believe that they might try to spite me and kill the eggs. Thus, yes, they need to be guarded and watched over. *deeply scowls*


    Seferia: *ponders over what Sephiroth just told her and wonders if those thieves would be so brazen to try to anger a dragon. Finally, she nods her head and speaks up* I suppose you are correct there. Very well, we will take shifts over watching over them. However, I can promise you that you do not need to stay awake if we are both in here, whether I am asleep or not. I mentioned this before, but dragons such as myself are fully aware of our surroundings even while asleep. I can psychically sense out the entire area within a twenty five meter radius from myself at all times, awake or not. It is another defensive instinct of ours.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: That sounds like a good defense mechanism… do dragons have any weaknesses? *begins to think that all he has heard about are strengths so far. He also begins to think about the fact that a lot of dragons he has met have giant egos to match their size, and that Seferia is about the only one he can think of that doesn’t*


    Seferia: *deeply frowns at Sephiroth* If I was all perfection without faults, I wouldn’t be scarred and maimed, now would I? *shakes her head at him* Yes, we have weaknesses. For starters, the inner membranes of our wings can easily be torn up. Several male dragons have gashes in their wings due to their fights over females. Second, our armor has gaps that need to be there in order to allow for movement. Also, an inexperienced and slow dragon can make their eyes quite vulnerable. Then swallowing an armed creature puts a dragon at risk as well. To say the least, if I attempted swallowing you and you decided to stab up into the roof of my mouth with your sword as I put you in my mouth, assuming I try eating you whole, you can stab right into my brain.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns as Seferia lists off all of the dragon’s weaknesses. He seemd concerned for her wellbeing and makes mental notes to keep an eye on her should she ever turn into her full dragon form and need assistance. In his mind though, he also makes mental notes of the weaknesses incase he should ever need to abuse them on other less-friendly dragons*


    Seferia: *blinks and tilts her head as she catches onto Sephiroth’s concerns for her. She then grins and chuckles at him. Thinking that he’s taking her list of weaknesses a bit too seriously* You need not worry for my safety so much, Sephiroth. A dragon who knows of the weaknesses also knows how to keep them from being utilized against them. *deeply frowns as she considers the day that Nemesis attacked her, thinking that, even if she had no weaknesses, she would have been incapable of protecting herself*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns at Seferia’s thoughts and sighs* How are we going to defeat that thing… *lowers his head, then glances at the eggs, pondering whether or not it’s a good idea to be raising children in such a hostile environment*


    Seferia: *looks over at Sephiroth* We have offspring even in hard times in hopes of things becoming better, Sephiroth. If we did not have children, we’d be dooming ourselves even more. It is necessary. Even if this is not the best environment for offspring.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns, thinking about that for a few moments, then slowly shakes his head, thinking that Seferia voicing her opinion about his thoughts only a moment later is weird* I can see what you mean.. but I would not want to see them killed in the process of trying to attain freedom. I do not think that would be enjoyable to watch.


    Seferia: *slowly nods at Sephiroth’s words* Yes, I can see what you are getting at. Still, we can’t deny them life because of the times. *yawns, thinking of how tired she is now that she’s laid down her eggs. She then leans back onto the bed*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *rises to his feet, seeing that Seferia wants to rest* I suppose that is correct too… *sighs* You rest. I’ll occupy myself while you do so. *moves out of the tent, heading across the camp to head back to work. He begins to think about all Seferia has said, and also about the fact that he’s going to be a father in the near future. He heads back into the command center tent, blinking as he finds materia on the desk*


    Seferia: *yawns and nods her head at Sephiroth’s suggestion. She soon moves onto the bed and lies down on her right side. After a few minutes, she closes her eyes and begins to fall into a deep sleep*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs as he catches up on some of the reports left on his desk, glaring at the others in the area, pondering whether or not they are going to heckle him about being Seferia’s pet again. He also thinks about how quickly Seferia fell asleep, and begins to ponder how long it will take for the eggs to hatch. He continues to work at the desk for a few more hours if undisturbed*


    Ramses: *walks into the command center, intending to check up on the reports and complaints from his own kind. Thus, he moves to a desk that is not too far away from Sephiroth’s current location. For now, he doesn’t pay any attention to Sephiroth*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glances up at the male feline, then gives him a small nod before going back to his job. He begins to idly hum and clicks his pen, frowning at his work* This can’t be right… *examines the report more closely, then grunts over at Ramses* A group of explorers want to travel two days out from the cave to explore a new source of clean drinkable spring water. Have you heard anything of this yet?


    Ramses: Hm? *looks over at Sephiroth then over at his papers* I am sorry, but I barely have much to do with such operations. *shakes his head* This is the first that I’ve heard of such an endeavor. Is this something that I should be concerned about?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shakes his head and turns back to the report* Probably not… *sighs and leans over the report, quickly denying it before turning it over onto the reviewed pile, picking up the next one* It’s not going to go ahead now, anyway.


    Ramses: Hmm.. I must admit that our supplies of water do require some improvement though. *shrugs* But I am a delegate and not a tactician. It would be unwise to have me pick out strategies.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *mutters* Forget about it. I probably shouldn’t discuss such things with you anyway, then. *scowls and continues filing out reports in silence, wanting to get through his workpile*


    Ramses: *tilts his head at Sephiroth’s words* If you mean because such things are not my expertise, then I suppose you are right. However, if you mean that you believe I don’t have clearance, you are incorrect. As Sekhmet’s advisor, I am allowed to know nearly everything that goes on around here.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I’m not disputing the clearance thing. But if it is not your area of expertise, then there is absolutely no point in discussing this with you. *continues to work at his desk, then opens Seferia’s drawers to look for older files she had been working on*


    Ramses: *slowly nods at Sephiroth’s words. He then turns his back to the man and continues to go through his own reports. After a bit, he sighs and shakes his head* We’re running low on basic necessities again… Or, at the very least, several are complaining about the lack of good food and water.

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