We are Nemesis

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  • #17374
    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: Perhaps… I can’t see them being very happy about something like that, though… *sighs* I don’t want to go with you when you do that. I’m quite happy to go back to my tent and continue my research. *nods his head, then turns and heads out of the tent, heading back towards his own*


    Sekhmet: *scowls at Rizon and loudly calls out to him as he leaves* If you really want people to take you seriously, you need to stop locking yourself up in that damn tent. Damn cowardly dragon. *snorts and continues on her way to Seferia’s tent*

    Seferia: *shifts into her feline form and picks up the single egg that she’s determined actually has a fetus inside of it. Once she has it carefully held in her hands, she moves back into her tent via the back entrance. She barely bothers to give Sephiroth a look as she looks about the room, trying to determine how to best “nest” the egg*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glances up at Seferia as she carries the egg into the tent, seeming curious at the dragon’s behaviour. He says nothing and remains where he is, not wanting to disturb her. At the moment he is mildly concerned with Seferia’s state of mind, and worried about the fact that she may try to attack him*


    Seferia: *pauses for a moment as she moves toward the mattress that Seph had been using. She then looks over at him* I will not attack you. *shakes her head* Is there anything you need to move before I set this egg down here? *nods toward the mattress*

    Sekhmet: *angrily grumbles to herself as she makes her way to the tent. Soon enough, she stands before the entrance* I wish entrance, Seferia.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glances up at Seferia, then shakes his head, moving off the matress entirely* I don’t need anything from here. *picks up his clothing and cooking utensils, then moves them away from the corner* You want to put it there? Why?


    Seferia: It is soft and stable. It also can produce warmth with the blankets. I believe it will be the best spot for a nest. *sets the egg down in the middle of the mattress. She then blinks and looks to the tent’s entrance as she hears Sekhmet* Please, take care of the egg so that it’ll be insulated, Sephiroth. *briefly thinks about mentioning that there are several dud eggs in back that would probably easily feed Sephiroth for a few weeks if he chooses. However, she quickly puts away such thoughts as she moves to the entrance and opens it up* Yes, Sekhmet? What is it?

    Sekhmet: *strolls into the tent as soon as Seferia opens it up for her. She then scowls* I was just informed that there are several about here who think that you’ve taken up the human there… *blinks and stops dead in her words as she sees the egg*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *thinks the idea of eating eggs that came out of his own friend is a disgusting and barbaric idea. When Sekhmet moves into the tent, he promptly covers the egg with a blanket, then sits in front of it, picking up his journal to write in, wanting to look busy*


    Sekhmet: *twitches her tail in annoyance at Sephiroth’s attempt to hide the egg. She soon stomps over to the mattress and moves to uncover the egg*

    Seferia: *tilts her head at Sekhmet* They are saying that I’ve taken up the human as what? *sighs as the young feline makes her way to the egg*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *makes a defensive loud growl and grabs at the other end of the blanket, wanting to keep the egg covered* Are you an idiot!? Get away from this and get out of my tent! *moves infront of the egg, snarling. He thinks Sekhmet may want to take it away from him and snarls louder, determined to stand his ground and protect the egg*


    Sekhmet: *narrows her eyes at Sephiroth’s attitude. She then spats out at him* This is not your tent. This is Seferia’s, and she allowed me inside. *continues looking at the egg, being able to figure out what the lump is from what glimpses she’s seen so far and the shape* You two…? *deeply frowns as she begins putting together Sephiroth’s attitude with the fact that humans can’t produce eggs* That’s…

    Seferia: *blinks, a bit surprised at how protective Sephiroth is being over the egg. Not that she doesn’t like the fact that he wants to protect it; however, she did not expect him to be so protective already. She then looks over at Sekhmet* Yes, that egg is the product of myself and Sephiroth.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts* Why don’t you take a picture? It will last longer. *snarls and settles the blanket over the egg properly again and goes back to writing in his journal, though he is keeping attentive of the current conversation*


    Sekhemet: *loudly growls at Sephiroth and snaps her teeth in his direction* I am not about to do anything to that egg. I wanted to see it. That is all. *straightens up, trying to regain a royal-looking composure* I’d never injure anything of Seferia’s, even if it has to do with a traitorous megalomaniac like you.

    Seferia: *slowly shakes her head, a bit disappointed that Sekhmet still can’t bring herself to realize that Sephiroth has changed since the days when they brought him in* Sekhmet, what did you come in here for?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *narrows his eyes at Sekhmet’s comment, but stays relatively quiet while she speaks. He thinks about what she has said, seeming both angry and a little hurt by her comment. He also begins to think about his old life and compares it to how he is now, pondering whether or not he has actually changed at all*


    Seferia: *Glances over at Sephiroth for a brief moment* ~Of course you are different. You would have been stabbing her if you were the same as when you were when I met you.~ *looks over at Sekhmet, waiting for her to respond*

    Sekhmet: *scowls in irritation* I was going to inform you that Rizon informed me that there are several about this camp that are proclaiming this human vermin here to be your pet. However, with recent events, I doubt you’ll be able to change that view.

    Seferia: This is news that I’ve been aware of for quite some time, Sekhmet. Thank you for your concern, but it is of little trouble to me what they call our relationship.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *does his best to remain where he is, just casually writing in his journal. However, he continues to closely listen, scowling* *”Perhaps… although I can’t deny I am feeling like doing that right now.”* *listens to Sekhmet’s words and snorts* It’s true. The blue feline in the command center seems to like calling me such all the time. *frowns at Seferia’s comments, and when she mentions the word ‘relationship’, which causes him to think about their mental link, and current attachments all over again, and whether or not he likes the idea*


    Sekhmet: Mrr… Well, considering that my news is of no use to either of you, I shall be on my way. I’ll at least tell Rizon not to call this human vermin your pet, my dear friend. *nods at Seferia then strolls out of the tent*

    Seferia: *deeply sighs as Sekhmet walks past her. Slowly shaking her head, she walks over to Sephiroth and sits down next to him* You might have been thinking about it, but you did not act upon those thoughts. That there is a large difference.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glares at Sekhmet as she leaves* You would think that if she is your friend, she would not call me ‘vermin’ any more. *growls, clenching his fists* It doesn’t matter that I didn’t act upon my thoughts. I still thought them. *shakes his head and sighs* Were there any other eggs?


    Seferia: *reaches over to gently pat Sephiroth’s back, wanting him to calm down* The point of rehabilitation is not to make you stop thinking bad things. It is to make you aware that they are “bad” and for you to choose of your own will not to follow them. *glances toward the back of the tent* There are about a dozen duds out there. They can be given to the troops for food if needed.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *moves to his feet silently and heads outside towards the eggs. He crouches down in front of them, then begins picking them up individually, scanning them for signs of life. He places the first egg down once finished with it, then begins to go through the entire stack carefully*


    Seferia: *tilts her head to watch Sephiroth leave. As she watches him leave, she thinks that he is a bit too self-conscious of his own faults. She believes that he’s become a bit fearful. Soon enough, she gets up and begins tending to the egg on the mattress, insuring that it is properly incubated*

    *The eggs are quite large, larger than ostrich eggs. Each one weighs about twenty-five pounds. In comparison to size, one could say that each of the eggs is as large as a small bobcat*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *continues to sort through the egg pile, carefully setting down each one after scanning. He picks up a slightly darker coloured egg and scans it, quickly moving back into the tent with it* Place this with the other one. Or near it. *shrugs his shoulders then moves over to the matress, placing the egg down beside its sibling*


    Seferia: *blinks and stares at the egg that Sephiroth is holding* Why should we keep a dud? What exactly are you doing, Sephiroth? *considers the thorough scans she did on the eggs, trying to remember if she missed any of them*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *moves back outside to continue closely examining the rest of the eggs. It takes him another twenty minutes or so, but once he’s done, he returns to the tent and moves to sit down on Seferia’s bed* That was all of them. *grunts* I don’t know why you would lay so many eggs, and only have two that are of any use.


    Seferia: It is a survival tactic that has been encoded into the genes of my species. Since we breed at such slow rates, we are genetically programmed to improve the chances of survival for each offspring. Hence, there are several more eggs than there are fetuses in all cases. It helps insure that the ones that are fertile will actually survive a nest robber’s attack. *casts a spell to effectively warm up the area where the eggs are. Once that is done, she stands up and walks over to Sephiroth* I still can’t believe that I missed one..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You probably didn’t. For all I know, it could be a dud. It’s life energy was very small. Hardly detectable. *shrugs* I’m not sure why that is, but once I sensed it, I decided that I wouldn’t let it go cold. *glances over at the eggs, then up at her, sighing* So that’s all you have to do? Just keep them warm, and that’s it?

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