We are Nemesis

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    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *was busy tinkering with a small pulley system to automatically open his tent flaps when Sekhmet comes for him. He loudly yelps and drops the tools he has, scowling as the feline drags him along* What’s happening? Am I in trouble? What are you doing, princess?

    Sephiroth: *Shakes his head as Sekhmet leaves* This should be interesting…


    Sekhmet: *snorts at Rizon’s questions* Will you cease with the questions so that I can answer you. *shakes her head* You are going to talk to Sephiroth. He wants you present so he knows he won’t blow himself up when he looks at your flash toy. *continues to drag Rizon along. Soon, enough, she returns to the command center. Upon reaching Sephiroth’s desk, she shoves Rizon forward, toward Sephers*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *yelps as he is dragged across the campsite and towards the command center tent* It’s not a flash toy, it’s a weapon of somewhat-mass destruction! *he stumbles into the tent, nervously grinning at Sephiroth once near him, then he lowers his head* Uh, sir…

    Sephiroth: *lightly taps the grenade* What is this actually for?

    Rizon: Well, it explodes with anti-energy and teleports chunks of that elsewhere…


    Sekhmet: *spats in agitation at Rizon* No matter what you want to call it, Sephiroth wishes you to be present while he examines it. So, you will be present. *moves to the side of the desk once she’s let go of Rizon. She then crosses her arms* I believe that was more or less the same description I gave you, Sephiroth. Now, can we find if that thing is actually useful or not?

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *bobs his head in a submissive manner then closely watches Sephiroth handle his new invention* You better not break it. It’s still a prototype – It’s not as rugged as a normal Plasma Grenade, and it’s liable to explode normally if you drop it. *sighs* Take it outside…

    Sephiroth: What makes it so different from the normal standard design? *holds the grenade up, examining it more closely* Get me a screwdriver.

    Rizon: You’re not opening it!! *loudly growls and tries to snatch the device back*


    Sekhmet: *growls at Rizon* Settle down, dragon. *snorts and drops the tools that she had grabbed while searching for Rizon on Sephiroth’s desk. Then, she moves to whack Rizon’s hand away* He is to do whatever is necessary to determine whether you made anything of value or not. Unless you can give a good reason not to open it up.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: Of course I can! *squeaks loudly* If you open that up, you are risking it exploding in your face! And because it releases anti-energy rather than normal expansion of plasma energy, well, uh… it’s not going to end pleasantly. Ontop of that, there’s a shard of… *becomes quiet, not wanting to give away the secrets of his invention* Don’t open it up! Just use it on something outside and determine whether or not it’s useful… if it is, then, well… *shrugs*


    Sekhmet: Shards of..? *deeply scowls then loudly hisses* This is not the time for you to be protecting your “intellectual property” like some accursed human! What the hell were you going to say about there being shards of? *swishes her tail*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *initially cringes a bit at Sekhmet’s ire, then raises his head, scowling, puffing up his chest slightly* It’s not something an ordinary human can do, princess. *takes a screwdriver out of his pocket, then raises his hand out towards the grenade ball* Gimmie it. I’ll take it apart myself and show you.


    Sekhmet: *Loudly snorts once more and crosses her arms* This is still not the time to be hiding secrets. There is absolutely no point in the activity now of days. *looks over at Sephiroth* Do whatever is necessary.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts, then gently places the device down on the desk. He narrows his eyes at Rizon, then holds out his hand, as if asking for the screwdriver to be handed to him* Give it to me right now. The feline princess is right. There is no point in such secrets.

    Rizon: *lowers his head, then turns to leave the tent*


    Sekhmet: *calls out to Rizon* Don’t you dare think about leaving now. We are listening to you, but you need to actually tell us full answers. *narrows her eyes and storms over to Rizon. She then grips onto his shoulders and shoves him back over to the desk* Stay put and answer whatever questions this human has of you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *frowns at Sekhmet, then shakes his head* If I tell you what’s inside of that device, then I’ll never get anywhere around here. I’ll keep on being a lowly ranked loser with a single tent tinkering away on the next device that will only end up being stolen and made better by somebody older, smarter and wiser than me. Just use it outside. That’s all I ever wanted.

    Sephiroth: *growls and moves to his feet, snatching Rizon’s screwdriver away. He then begins to carefully undo the grenade, being careful not to trigger it off*

    Rizon: *loudly yelps* Stop that!!


    Sekhmet: *crosses her arms at Rizon’s words* Do you really believe that the two of us dislike you to the point of stealing your secrets? We are not competitors of yours. We know full well that it is you that shall have credit for this things. Now, stop being so paranoid.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *sighs and lowers his head* Fine… its a shard of materia that I took from the arsenal some time ago. I carefully broke it and influenced the magic inside of the shard to teleport instead of whatever the heck it did before.. I couldn’t tell properly. In any case… *whimpers slightly* The positive and negative charges in the grenade have been swapped and soldered back into the device, thus creating negative energy from the plasma pulse inside. When the energy is released, it activates the Materia to teleport… essentially teleporting anything in the negative-energy blast radius. *frowns* It will tear literal chunks out of anything and teleport them elsewhere.


    Sekhmet: *blinks and stares at Rizon as he goes through the explanation. She then tilts her head, frowning in confusion* Right.. Isn’t materia not native to Earth though? How are we supposed to mass-produce something with limited quantities?

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: You can’t… *lowers his head* You have to break it, and influence whatever shards you have with powerful spells. After we run out of it… well, that’s it. *frowns* I knew it wasn’t a viable weapon… *mutters* I was kidding myself for actually thinking I came up with something useful this time… *turns around and tries to leave the tent again*

    Sephiroth: *just casually undoes the grenade and places both halves onto the table, disarming the trigger device shortly afterwards. He then begins to look at the components inside, frowning in thought to himself*


    Sekhmet: *Growls and yells out to Rizon* Try to leave without being dismissed again and I’ll insure that you’ll be chained to this desk! *narrows her eyes* You built this item, you need to support it. *glances over at Sephiroth* And clearly the human here is smart enough not to blow himself up.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *stops and freezes, then lowers his head and moves to sit on the floor. He says nothing, but sits by the desk, deeply scowling to himself*

    Sephiroth: *pokes at the components with his screwdriver, then narrows his eyes* A hack job at best. Altering an already existing device doesn’t make it any more powerful or useful. *puts the device down on the desk, along with the screwdriver* Not to mention you’ve broken one of my materia to make this. *scowls* I’m denying this from being used.


    Sekhmet: *blinks then scowls at Sephiroth’s words, not having expected it to be denied so quickly. She then swishes her tail and glances at Rizon. For a moment, she considers saying something, but eventually, she decides to simply walk out of the tent, shaking her head as she walks*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *heads out of the area and returns to his tent, shutting and zipping down the flaps, tying up the bottom, not wanting to be disturbed now*

    Sephiroth: *picks up the grenade after Rizon has gone again, then begins to pull it apart, removing the shard of materia from it. He places it in the drawer beside him, then pulls off the trigger, pushing the rest of the grenade into the garbage*


    Sekhmet: *paces about the area for a bit, trying to figure out what to do now. Eventually, she loudly hisses in annoyance at herself. With that, she heads to Rizon’s tent. Growling at the fact that the flaps are closed up tight, she calls out* Rizon, open up. I wish to speak to you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *is silent at first, lying down on his mattress, trying to pretend nobody is home. After another few moments, he thinks that it probably isn’t the best strategy to adopt and sits up again, calling back out to Sekhmet* I don’t really want to speak to anyone… I’m not on duty and I’m not needed anywhere. So please just go away…


    Sekhmet: Well, that is good. I am not here to be “on duty” either. I want to speak to you. Now, open up or I’ll make my own opening! *sets her right hand on the hilt of her mother’s sword, fully intending to follow through with her threat*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *tiredly sighs, then moves to the edge of the tent, unzipping it so he can poke his head out. He looks visibly depressed and unhappy, but looks up at her anyway, frowning* What is it, your majesty?

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