We are Nemesis

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    Seferia: *looks up at him as he pats his back then nods* Yes, that is all I ask of you. I’m certain that you’ll be fine. And even if you have problems, I won’t be hard to contact. *scoots over a bit, giving Sephiroth appropriate room on the bed. She then closes her eyes* For now, I need to rest.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *slowly nods his head* Please, then go ahead and rest. Especially if you need it. *shuffles aside, then waits until she is lying down. Then he moves to lie down behind her, snuggling up against her both for the closeness, and for heat*


    Seferia: *lazily opens her eyes as he snuggles up against her then allows herself a small grin. Soon emitting a soft purring sound in order to make him more comfortable, she closes her eyes again* ~I must admit, I’ve never actually slept so close to anyone else in my life to date. It does feel good.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”You didn’t? I find that odd. I would have thought you and the feline queen would have done this at some point… I mean. You were her dragon, and mount, and everything else.”* *deeply frowns as he thinks he might be offending her or making her sad* *”It is nice to be warm and close to somebody like this.”* *slowly moves his arms around her, then rests his head down on the bed, getting comfortable* *”It is soothing.”*


    Seferia: *Sighs at Sephiroth’s questions* No, Sephiroth, we didn’t get close like this. Yes, she did ride on top of me at times, but that is a completely different touch. When I was younger, I’d occasionally sleep near to her throne, but we’d never get close like you are at the moment. Not to mention, Clawina could not sleep while lying down. The gift that her Lord gave her to make her more menacing also made that task near to impossible. *Shuffles a bit, soon facing him. Then, she warps her arms about him as well* I’m glad you find comfort in me.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glances back at her, giving her a faint grin. He begins to think about the mental bond to her, and the whole concept of ‘mateship’, thinking that it might not turn out so bad as he is fearing at all. He moves his head closer to gently nuzzle against her cheek, amused* That whole purring thing sounds foreign to me.


    Seferia: *chuckles at Sephiroth’s words* I am not surprised there, Sephiroth. Humans do not purr. And knowing your background, you did not have many cats as companions prior to coming here. The noises that my departed Queen’s kind make in general probably are all foreign to you. To me, they are just second nature. *she feels pleased at the fact that he might want to be her mate* You might also like to know that my heat cycles probably will have up to a decade of separation, so the actual “mating” won’t happen that often. *frowns as she realizes that humans have made mating recreational* Unless you just feel like doing it without a purpose. I won’t stop you if you do choose to mate for that reason.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I’m not somebody who does recreational things… *deeply frowns at the idea, then thinks about how sex was probably a violation of her personal space and privacy, and begins to mentally berate himself for getting involved with it and succumbing to his physical desires in the first place* So, a decade, hm? I suppose I won’t get to lose my sanity again until then?


    Seferia: *tilts her head as she receives his thoughts. She then shakes her head and leans in to whisper into his ear* I didn’t mind the invasion at all. It did feel quite good. So, if you ever desire to do it just for the sake of it, I will not deny your physical desires. *nods her head* And yes, I should hope you don’t lose your sanity again for quite some time.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I don’t know if I want to do that again ‘for the sake of it’… I don’t like the idea to be brutally honest with you. *frowns at the comment about his sanity and remains lying beside her for now, not saying anything more for the time being. He just reaches over to lightly stroke her arm, thinking to himself about everything she has said, pondering whether or not that this entire scenario is something he wants*


    Seferia: *her lips turn upward in a small grin. She continues to softly purr as Seph strokes her fur, even as she falls asleep. Within fifteen minutes, she’d be well asleep and her limbs would be loosely wrapped around Seph*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just lies there as Seferia falls asleep. When she is actually asleep, he just remains fairly still, not actually tired himself, but enjoying the fact he is close to another body, and warm. He glances towards the tent exit, frowning as he wonders whether or not he has to go back to work later today*


    Seferia: *even though she is asleep, she is aware enough to process Seph’s thoughts. So, she sends him a soft impression that he should be fine as is unless an emergency occurs. Seferia would more than likely sleep all throughout the rest of the day and well into the morning of the next day*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *lies with Seferia for a good many hours, then moves away from her when night approaches. He heads out of the tent altogether to bathe and sit outside, alone for a while, just enjoying the fresh air. When he has finished and it is quite dark, he returns to the tent to sleep in his corner for the night. When he finally wakes again, he dresses in suitable clothing for the day and leaves Seferia to rest, heading into the command center tent to begin paperwork*


    Gorchev: *arrives at the command center about half an hour after Sephiroth has started to work. He snorts in aggitation as he sees the human the desk. Then, he saunters over and drops down a pile of requests from his squad* Have fun, little pet human. *chuckles and turns around, intending to return to his squad*

    Seferia: *groggily wakes up about an hour after Sephiroth leaves. Glancing in the direction of her abdomen, she slowly gets up then pats her stomach area* Soon… *frowns in thought then nods to herself, mentally determining that the area that she had spoken about earlier on behind her tent will be able to fit her at full size, even though it will be cramped. So, she moves to her food strage and takes a large piece of steak before quickly devouring it. Once that is done, she exits the tent from the back. Soon after, she shifts into her true form and tries her best to make herself comfortable*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *is already working on a report when the feline dumps the pile of requests down infront of him. He glares slightly, but doesn’t say anything and wordlessly picks up the request papers to work on, leaving the Russian Blue feline to his own devices*


    Gorchev: *snorts in distaste as he plops the papers down infront of Sephiroth then growls out* Is that all that you pets are good for, signing your name over and over again? Hrmph, I’m glad I wasn’t given your damned position anyway, little pet.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just places the papers aside on the table and continues to work on the report he was already working on before, not even bothrering to glance up at the Russian Blue feline and acknowledge his prescence*


    Gorchev: *loudly snorts at Sephiroth’s silence* Hrmph, idiotic human pet. *turns around and walks away from the desk, not longer overly interested in Sephiroth*

    Sekhmet: *enters the command center’s area a bit later. She is currently carrying the device that Rizon has made. She moves over to where she usually finds Seferia then twitches her left ear in agitation as she only sees Sephiroth. She shakes her head then scowls and puts the device down on the desk in front of Sephiroth’s work, not caring that she’s unboubtably blocking his work* Tell me, human, what do you think of this thing?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *hums quietly as he works on a few more reports, denying most of them, allowing one, and placing a big query over another, archiving it for later. When he picks up another to place on the desk in front of him, he is distracted by Sekhmet’s rude interruption, staring at the device now on his papers* What about it? It’s an ordinary lightning grenade, isn’t it?


    Sekhmet: According to the dragon who says he made it; no, it is not. *nudges the gernade closer to Sephiroth* I’m no technician, so I have absolutely no idea what this thing is. He said something about it making matter vanish.. *shrugs* It’s your job to evaluate such things. So, evaluate it.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns and looks around for a screwdriver* I can make a better evaluation if I had a means to take it apart and examine the components inside. From the outside, it looks like an ordinary standard explosive grenade. *tries to hand it back to Sekhmet*


    Sekhmet: *pulls her ears back a bit as Sephiroth tries to hand the gernade back to her. She then loudly snorts* What exactly do you need to perform this evaluation of yours? Just tell me what will be needed and I’ll gather the items. *crosses her arms, trying to look stand-offish*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: A screwdriver for one would help. Possibly the means to disarm this device so it doesn’t accidentally explode while I am trying to handle it. I am assuming that it is live and ready to be activated. *scowls* Though if this is a prototype and invented by somebody here… it is probably best to get them to explain how it works. Or have them deactivate it.


    Sekhmet: Hrmph, very well. I shall get the things that you desire. Then we shall see whether this bobble of Rizon’s is worth anything or not. *loudly snorts then turns around and makes her way to Rizon’s tent. On the way, she stops by an equipment tent and gathers a few tools. Soon enough, she walks into Rizon’s tent. If he is in there, she’d immediately home in on him, grab him by the right arm, and begin to drag him back to Sephiroth’s location*

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