We are Nemesis

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    Zack: *eyes the banana for a moment. Then, he slowly shakes his head and nudges the hand that is holding the banana with his nose, trying to push it back toward Aeris* “Thanks, Aer, but you have it.” *moves over to the pad that he’s been sleeping on and lies down on it*

    Seferia: *finally wakes up and takes a bit of time to change into clean clothing, also returning to her feline form. Soon enough, she makes her way to her work station then blinks as she spots Sephiroth* You still have the right to take time off if you wanted to, Sephiroth.

    Sekhmet: *would continue to complain about how boring her lesson is. Still, it seems that she is paying some attention to it. At one point, she spots a food stain on one of the maps and begins loudly complaining about how someone could be so stupid to eat food around their maps*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *seems amused at Sekhmet’s current complaint, but doesn’t say anything about it and continues to read through the reports. When he hears Seferia, he glances back at her, frowning* *”I thought that’s what you were doing. I don’t think we should be seen together around here. They keep calling me your ‘pet’.”*

    Aeris: *blinks at Zack’s behaviour, then sets the banana aside and moves over to him* What’s wrong, baby? You seem really depressed. *sighs*


    Seferia: *loudly snorts* ~They’ve called you that since the first day I started working on making you sane, Sephiroth. You just now noticed?~ *shakes her head* ~Just ignore it. Most that call you that are the ones who wanted the position I gave you. And we need to work together with the position that you have. As for taking time off, no I was not. I just accidentally slept more than I should have.~

    Zack: *looks up at Aeris and does his best to grin at her then shrugs. Soon after, he rests his head down on his paws and tries to make himself comfortable*

    Sekhmet: *continues to whine about the food marks and proclaims that she is going to execute the idiot who spilled what she’s determined to be spaghetti sauce onto the map.*

    Ramses: It’s just a small stain, Sister.. Can we get back to your lesson already? *sounds rather tired at the moment*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I can’t really ignore an insult or a taunt, Seferia… its just not something I–“* *glares at Sekhmet* If it is so important to you feline-princess, then I suggest you just go out there and kill them already. I am trying to do important work over here. *scowls and turns his attention back to his work* *”Sleep as long as you want to. After last night, I am surprised you’re even still standing. Or me, for that matter.”*


    Seferia: ~I am not a fragile creature, Sephiroth. Though yes, I am impressed that you are functioning at all after last night. Especially since I believe it was your first time using your muscles in that manner.~ *glances over at the stack of paperwork* ~Do you have any questions about those?~

    Sekhmet: *loudly growls and screeches out in Sephiroth’s general direction* Stay out of my head, human! *Snorts then glares at Ramses* Where were we?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts* I never got into your head. Don’t you know the difference between speech and telepathy, feline? *shakes his head in irritation* *”I don’t know, Seferia. I was well-rested, and I’ve been through vigorous exercise training sessions before. It wasn’t that bad really.”*


    Sekhmet: *snorts and only twitches her ears as she hears Sephiroth speak to her. However, she keeps her back to the man and chooses to concentrate on her lessons instead*

    Seferia: *nods at Sephiroth* ~Then there is no need for either one of us to worry about the other.~ *reaches out for the stack of papers, intending to take some to work on herself.* ~You never said whether or not you have any questions concerning what you have done so far. If your largest complaint is that someone called you my pet, I’d imagine that you’ve been doing well.~ *ponders how others used to refer to herself as Clawina’s pet, but quickly dismisses the thought*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shakes his head slowly* *”No questions on this work so far. It all seems fairly straightforwards. I know how to read reports and orders already – I have already been trained for this via the group that created me in the first instance.”* *frowns at Seferia’s thoughts, then scowls* *”I dislike being called a pet.”*


    Seferia: ~Well, I assure you that I do not consider you my pet. Still, unless you want to kill off a good number of our allies, you are going to have to learn to live with the names. They simply want to belittle you to make them seem better.~ *grabs a free chair then sits down and begins to read through the reports, moving at quite a rapid pace*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”There’s no need and no point for it. All such ever does is create civil disorder amongst our own ranks. They should be severely reprimanded for that pathetic behaviour!”* *growls and flips through the report, picking up a pen to deny the proposed idea*


    Seferia: ~If you can think of a way to reprimand them without compromising our position, then go ahead and do such. You have the position and authority to attempt such now. About the only ones you cannot reprimand are myself, Sekhmet, and Ramses.~ *continues to flip through the pages that she’s reading, using her magic to mark whether or not she approves or disapproves*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”So I can punch them and punish them however I see fit?”* *ponders this for a moment, then continues working on the report at Seferia’s desk* *”It would earn me the ire of everyone if I did it too much, or was inconsistent with my methods. I don’t even know when or what to do.”*


    Seferia: *looks over at him, slowly shaking her head at his words* ~As I said, the best course of action is to ignore the words that they speak in order to rile you. There are more ways to promote loyalty than to simply express violence.~ *turns her attention back to the papers. Her thoughts would occasionally drift toward discussing the meaning of her mental connection to Sephiroth, and what the fact that there is only so long she could casually keep the connection in tact before it becomes permanent. However, she keeps on trying to put those thoughts to the side, not wanting to discuss them quite yet*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns* *”If they say something direspectful, they should be reprimanded, plain and simple. Nobody should insult their commanding officer. If they tried that in any other organization, they’d get hung up by their ankles.”* *glares, too annoyed right now to think about Seferia’s current thought pattern*


    Seferia: ~We are in dire circumstances, Sephiroth. In these sort of circumstances, certain things need to be overlooked in the interest of survival. This is not a simple conflict over land where our enemy will concede to letting us live if we give her some concessions… Or more correctly, them.~ *sets aside the papers that she’s already finished*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls* *”The fact of the matter remains that if they don’t respect me, they will never follow my orders. And if my order would prevent them from being killed, then they’re going to be in a lot of danger if they ignore me or do the opposite to spite me.”* *grabs another stack of papers, having denied 100% of the report propsals so far* *”This is very easy.”*


    Seferia: *glances over at Sephiroth’s stacks of papers and narrows her eyes. She ponders whether he is letting his emotions toward the one who had spoken ill of him overwhelm his reasoning as she notices all the denials* ~Sephiroth, take a break for a bit.~

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    Sephiroth: *grunts* *”Take a break? I’m feeling just fine.”* *sighs* *”Though, if you say so…”* *slides out of his chair, then heads out of the tent*

    Rizon: *charges out of his tent, carrying a small device, seeming incredibly happy with himself. He runs across the camp and heads for the command center with his new invention, knocking on the door of the tent* Can I speak with somebody? I’ve finally done it!!


    Seferia: ~Denying every request that comes across your eyes does not sound normal to me. Certainly, not all of them were disagreeable.~ *gets to her feet and moves to properly sit down at her desk. She then continues to go through the papers*

    Sekhmet: *groans as she hears Rizon’s voice and looks up from her lessons* What do you want this time, dragon? Aren’t you under house arrest?

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: Yeah, I know, but… *holds out the device he has been working on, which looks like a rather ordinary and standard plasma grenade* Look at this! I modified it. Instead of blowing up with excess energy, it blows up with negative energy and teleports whatever’s in range into non-existance! You could throw a ton of these at the Nemesis and kill it forever. *grins* Try it out somewhere outside if you don’t believe me, princess!

    Sephiroth: *”They were ridiculous proposals and some involved danger. Thus, I denied them on the grounds that they were hazardous.”*


    Sekhmet: *narrows her eyes, suspicious, as she studies the gernade. She then snorts and shakes her head* How do you know it works if you’re under house arrest and can’t go outside to test it. *twitches her ears then flicks her tail* Just give that thing to the science department. They’ll properly test it and see whether you actually came up with something of use this time around.

    Seferia: ~Please enlighten me as to what exactly was ridiculous and dangerous about those documents, Sephiroth. We can’t exactly always stay out of harms way.~ *despite her questions, she doesn’t bother reviewing Sephiroth’s work in an attempt to redo it. Instead, she continues to work on the untouched worksheets* ~You still could have used the break to calm down..~

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *seems hesitant, then scowls and nods his head* Good day, princess. *bows his head as he moves away from her, then skulks off to the other tents*

    Sephiroth: *”They were hazardous. One threatened to give away our position.”* *scowls* *”I can’t let that happen. Not right now, anyway. Not while we don’t even have a good defense against the Nemesis in our own damn base.”*


    Sekhmet: *glances back at Ramses and hisses as she sees his disapproving expression. She then flicks her tail and looks back at Rizon* You, come back here. *snorts* You can entertain me while I finish this damn lesson at the very least, dragon.

    Seferia: ~That is one. Certainly not all of them were like that. I’ve seen pleanty of requests for food in my stack of papers that I grabbed at random.~ *shakes her head* ~You can come back from break whenever you feel like it. Though, you technically still have the day off.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *stops and glances back at her, raising his head* Please don’t consider me as a means of entertainment, princess… *sags his shoulders* You directed me to the science department, and that is where I am going. I can’t entertain you with my device here – it’s too dangerous.

    Sephiroth: *”I didn’t see any requests for supplies in my reports. They were all requesting to do things such as leave the base for various functions. None were suggesting supplies.”*


    Sekhmet: Yes, but you have a whole lot more brains than my good-for-nothing brother. *snorts at Ramses* So, if you wish to keep me company, I shall accept it.

    Ramses: *sighs and slowly shakes his head at Sekhmet’s words. He then pulls out the next lesson in negotiations and politics that he was going to teach his sister*

    Seferia: ~Very well then. I trust your judgement, Sephiroth. I can assure you that I have not gone through the pages that you’ve done.~ *sets aside her stack of papers and sighs. Her thoughts once again drift toward the nature of the bond that she had selfishly set up without Sephiroth’s actual consent*

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