We are Nemesis

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  • #17224
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *lowers his head, seeming a little confused by her words. When she instructs him to scan her belly though, he willingly nods and closes his eyes, performing the scan as instructed* I sense you… *frowns, his brows furrowing in concentration* And the tiniest spark of an aura which is not you and unfamiliar… *snaps his eyes open again, then deeply frowns, backing away from her* Shit… I… *shakes his head* I should never have gotten near you earlier… *grunts* Forgive me…


    Seferia: *groans at Sephiroth’s reaction and reaches out to grip onto his arm again, wanting to calm him down* Stop that. There is nothing to forgive, Sephiroth. *Sighs and tries to get him to sit down on the bed by nudging him onto it* You’re the one who stated that you didn’t want offspring… Are you alright with what has happened? *a deep frown appears on her lips as she looks at him. She fears that he might request for her to kill the life that is now just barely developing*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *quickly shakes his head* I’m alright with it, but… *pauses, looking genuinely concerned, perhaps even slightly afraid. If Seferia pries into his mind through their link right now however, fear is the most prominent thing on his mind. He fears he might not have what it takes to care for offspring, and he doesn’t feel that he is ready to be a father just now* I’d probably end up killing it. *moves to lean against her, thinking that he wants to be near somebody for the company right now*


    Seferia: *blinks at Sephiroth’s statement then chuckles and shakes her head. As he leans against her, she moves to wrap her arms about his body* My offspring would never be that flimsy, Sephiroth. *thinks for a moment, trying to figure out the best way to comfort him. Soon enough, she begins to gently rub the back of his head* We can learn how exactly to raise a hatchling together, Sephiroth, but you won’t be an automatic failure as a father. The fact that you are afraid proves that.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glares* I am not afraid. What is there to be afraid of? *grunts sharply, seeming offended by her comment. He doesnt behave that way for long though, and relaxes again, closing his eyes when his head is scratched* But this is just… something to think about…


    Seferia: *leans in to press her nose against Sephiroth’s, wanting to partially assure him that she’s not bothered by the recent turn of events. Also, she wants him to know she isn’t joking* Sephiroth, haven’t you noticed the link between our minds? Lying about your emotions is pointless. *pulls her head away then begins to ease herself down onto the bed, still rather tired. She also gently nudges Sephiroth down into a lying position as well, but she doesn’t force him* And you are wrong, it is not something to think about. Not unless you plan on abandoning your kin. It is something for you to digest and accept, but not to think about as in consider and choose one way or another.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs and moves to lie down beside Seferia, snuggling up against her for body heat. He silently listens to Seferia’s words, slowly nodding, though doesn’t seem to accept them. He thinks about the responsibilties of raising a child, and ponders if it will stop him from performing his new duties and the position he has been assigned to* Oh, I am not going to abandon it.


    Seferia: *closes her eyes, her thoughts are slowing down and becoming more sluggish as she begins drifting to sleep* I would think that you’d perform your job even better while knowing that there is something important to you, aside from your own life, to fight for.. *yawns and wraps her arms about him as he snuggles up against her. For now, she remains in her human form, not having bothered to change into a feline quite yet* I’m glad that you won’t abandon it… *briefly thinks about link she formed with Sephiroth and how it’s actually supposed to signify a life partner/mate situation. Then, she decides she’ll discuss that with him later*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *his eyes widen slightly as he picks up on her thoughts regarding the life partner link, then deeply frowns, leaning up against the female as she drifts off to sleep. He lies awake thinking about what the thoughts leaked through, soon drifting off to sleep himself*


    Seferia: *would remain rather peaceful and still as she sleeps, barely moving at all. However, unlike most nights where she wakes up early to get a head start on her work, she winds up sleeping in until a few hours past sunrise, given that Sephiroth doesn’t wake up first and then wakes her*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *wakes up shortly after the sun rises, then carefully climbs over Seferia to prepare for the day. Once properly dressed, he heads out of the tent, leaving her to sleep. He glances around the camp, then heads for the command center tent, wanting to begin performing his new duties*


    *One of the troop commanders looks up as he spots Sephiroth moving into the comand center. The tall, male, Russian-blue type felidae general snorts in annoyance before glancing over at one of his comrades* “Seems that Seferia’s little pet is finally ready to do something of use. Heh.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *makes an aggressive growl at the commander’s tone of voice, then huffily snorts, glaring at him* Just tell me what I need to do first. That’s all I’m here for. *folds his arms and scowls, seeming deeply irritated*


    Gorchev: *haughtily scoffs at Sephiroth and flicks his tail* “What’s the matter? Your keeper didn’t brief you properly for today? Heh, we all knew you weren’t right for this job. I would have made a much better second, little pet human.” *flicks his hand at Sephiroth then points at the reports on Seferia’s desk* “Go find something to distract yourself with while we deal with real work.”

    Zack: *is heading toward the area, wanting to see if Sephy is ready to try to turn him back into a human again. If Cloud was up for it, he would happily have him as company*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I can make those stupid hisses and growls too, but you don’t see me sounding as stupid as you. *moves to Seferia’s desk, then sits down at it to read the reports, scowling* Just outline my duties and I’ll do them as quickly as I can. *grunts* And then I’ll be on my way.


    Gorchev: *growls in irritation then stomps up to the desk* If I were you, I’d put an effort into trying to learn the language that half of the troops speak first then, Seferia’s pet. *snorts then points at the papers* Seferia said you have experience. Use it and figure out what you should do. *snorts then turns around, wanting to return to his troop* “I would have made a much better second.”

    Zack: *trots into the command center and crouches a bit to avoid being too obvious. Soon enough he finds Sephy and moves over to him* “Hi, Sephy. Have any new ideas as to what went wrong?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls angrily and moves to his feet, striding over to the Russian Blue bipedal feline. He sharply shoves him in the shoulder, then glowers at him, snarling* I am NOT a pet. Say that again and I’m going to start wiping the walls with your hide. *gives him another shove before returning to the desk, sitting down at it, examining the reports* I asked ONE question. *snarls* That does not mean I do not know what to do. *glances down at Zack and grunts* Hello. Get out of here.


    Gorchev: *hisses in annoyance as Sephiroth shoves him twice then loudly growls* Everyone knows you are Seferia’s little pet project. So, accept it, little pet human. *swishes his tail then stalks away to his troop’s location so that he can start waking them up for the morning*

    Zack: *blinks and stares at Sephiroth* “What? But you said you’d try to help me with this, Sephy…”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Go suffocate on a hairball, fleabag. *snarls* I bet you eat rats. *snorts down at Zack* I said get out of here! What part about that don’t you understand? I’m busy here. *sits down at the desk, then sifts through the report papers*


    Zack: *tucks his tail under his legs and flattens his ears at Sephiroth’s tone* “Maybe.. I can help you..? I definitely would help you like I used to if you helped me become human, Sephy.” *sniffs the air* “You smell strange today.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Stop smelling me and get lost!! *loudly growls and moves off his chair, glaring down at Zack* I told you twice to get lost now, what part of ‘go away’ don’t you understand? I’m BUSY, damn you!


    Zack: *whimpers and slowly backs away from Sephiroth* “Alright, I’m going.. Sorry.” *turns tail and begins quickly moving away from Sephy and heads back to his tent with Aeris*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls and leans over his work, thouroughly irritated now*

    Aeris: *notices Zack’s return, then blinks as she observes his body language* What is it, Zacky? *moves over to him, crouching down infront of him to raise out her hand to touch his head* You look very sad. Did something happen?


    *A bit away from Sephiroth’s current position, Sekhmet can be heard, yelling once more at her brother as they argue over her lessons* That doesn’t sound like a good strategy at all! Why the hell do these little pins on a map hold any importance at all? *Snorts* This is a complete waste of time, Ramses!

    Ramses: *deeply sighs* You need to visualize an encounter well before you are there on the field, sister. Settle down. Let’s go through this from the beginning again…

    Zack: *Looks up at Aeris and does his best to grin at her. He then shakes his head at her question* “Nothing important, Aeri.. Sephy was just in a bad mood.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *just continues to pat Zack on the head, smiling at him, not at all understanding what he’s saying, but picks up on his tone of voice* Cheer up, Zacky. *sits down in their new tent, then grabs a banana from their rations basket to peel for him* Want some of this?

    Sephiroth: *sits up and turns his attention toward Sekhmet and Ramses shaking his head at their conversation. He shrugs his shoulders and continues to work, feeling it’s better to work than butt in on their conversation*

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