We are Nemesis

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    Seferia: *once she is done disposing of her trash, she looks around and thinks. Soon after, she heads off to the parts of the caves that is often used for training and sparring. She soon moves into a more secluded “arena” and pulls out the twin katana that were made for her by Clawina years ago. Soon after, she’d start attempting to practice her old techniques. However, due to her bad leg, she’d often stop and restart moves. Slowly, she’d become more frustrated with the limitations of her damaged body*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just remains in the tent, cleaning and tidying his own space for the time being as he has no duties to do. He shakes out his bedcovers, then settles ontop of them again so he can get comfortable and continue with his reading. He would remain that way until called out, or until something/somebody distracts him. As the hours pass, he reads a good chunk of the book*


    Seferia: *remains in the training arena, still wanting to complete at least one kata for the night. So, Sephiroth would be left alone for a good majority of the evening as she continues struggling with her injuries*

    Sekhmet: *hears from her guards that Rizon was looking for her earlier, so she heads out to find the young dragon. She’d eventually walk up to his tent then called out* What is it that you wanted, dragon? *crosses her arms, hoping this won’t be a waste of her time*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *peers his head out of his tent, lowering his head slightly as he sees Sekhmet* It’s already too late, princess… *looks really unhappy* I tried. I looked in the sky, but Seferia got mad and brought me down again. I… I’m banned from going outside now. *frowns* I spoke to Hope, and it’s all on her, now…


    Sekhmet: *narrows her eyes as she hears the dragon speak then snorts* You are making no sense at all, dragon. What the hell are you talking about? *flicks her right ear as well as her tail* And why did you want to speak to me about something that also has to do with Hope? You don’t even know her.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *frowns* I saw a vision of Tiamat, and I wasn’t even asleep… I went to the elders here about it, but they didn’t even want to know me… *lowers his head* So I went outside to attract attention and look for her myself. Seferia brought me down, and banned me from going outside again. She also told me to speak to Hope about what she saw – she saw Tiamat too, apparently. *frowns* I’m not allowed outside any more, so it’s all over for me…


    Sekhmet: *taps her foot against the ground for a few moments. Then, she strolls up to Rizon so that she can whack the back of his head* How can you be such an idiot? Drawing attention to yourself? Mrr… Didn’t think you were suicidal, dragon. I suppose that is the fault of your human upbringers. *snorts in annoyance*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *makes a loud yelp as the back of his head is whacked, then makes a feeble growling noise, expressing his dislike to the motion. He withdraws his head back into his tent and aggressively chirps, frustrated* All we ever do is sit around consuming scraps of food that the hunters caught! It’s so not fair… *growls* I want to do something, damn it all!


    Sekhmet: *reaches over to grip onto the nape of Rizon’s shirt then lifts him up a short bit before pressing her nose against his* Are you listening to me, you dolt! You could have gotten killed with your little stunt. *growls, her fur obviously raising with her agitated state* I’ve lot more than enough that is important to me… Don’t go doing stunts like that again, dragon! *Shoves him back and turns around to head back to her tent*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: **glares back at Sekhmet, defiant and still frustrated with the situation* ‘Could have’ this, ‘could have’ that… the point is, I DIDN’T get killed! Do you know what that means? It means we could exp—*makes a loud ‘ouff!’ing noise as he is shoved back, stumbling down onto his butt, leaving Sekhmet to walk off* You’re making a big mistake, all of you!!


    Sekhmet: *Growls and continues to stalk away* Arrogant little dragon. He deserves to be flam bayed for his dumb stunt. *snorts to herself in annoyance and storms back to her tent*

    Seferia: *hisses in pain as her bad leg collapses on her after she attempts a spinning maneuver. She then pants and groans in annoyance. Slowly, she moves to stand up and then makes her way back to her tent. By the time that she returns to her tent, she’d be limping even more prominently than she does on normal occasions*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *simply cringes in his tent now, upset and unhappy that Sekhmet rejected his ideas as well*

    Sephiroth: *curiously glances up at Seferia as he watches her limp into the tent* What happened to you? *rises to his feet, moving over towards her, seeming concerned* That isn’t normal. Even for you. *frowns and slowly shakes his head* Is something out there that I should be aware of?


    Seferia: *moves her head to look at Sephiroth then simply shakes her head* No, there is nothing that you need to worry about. I just over-did something that I probably shouldn’t have been trying for anyway. You do not need to worry about me. *limps over to her chair and sits down*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls, not liking her answer. He makes the rest of the way across the room over to Seferia and moves to stand in front of her, glaring slightly at her words* Right… so I won’t. Instead, I’ll just stand next to you and do this. *pulls back a sleeve, then uses equipped Materia on his arm circlets to cast Cure3 on Seferia’s legs*


    Seferia: *Sighs and looks up at him* Sephiroth, it is solely sore and over-worked, not injured. I wanted to practice some of my sword-work that my queen had taught me when I served her. *slowly shakes her head at him* I am not injured, I assure you of that. Still, thank you for the offer. *lowers her head and looks at her injured leg* Even that stone of yours can’t undo the damage that was done to me.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts at her, then crouches down in front of her legs, scanning them for fatigue and soreness* I know it can’t. I was just trying to help. I guess it is of no use to you. *begins to work his hands over her knees, massaging them slowly*


    Seferia: *her pupils momentarily narrow in surprise then she relaxes into a content grin* Thank you. That definitely helps. *closes her eyes* Though, I believe you said that you didn’t want to get close to anyone, Sephiroth.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *ignores Seferia’s expressions for the time being and pays close attention to the doorway as he massages her leg, not wanting to be caught in the act* You are correct. I don’t want to get close to anyone, and I am not. I am merely allieviating your pain. Relax and enjoy it for the time being. If you let it get worse, you soon won’t be able to walk.


    Seferia: *her grin fades into a frown as she listens to his words then she slowly shakes her head. Soon enough, she notices the way he is watching the door and quickly uses her psychic abilities to seal it up* Lies to even yourself are unbecoming, Sephiroth. *closes her eyes* I’m not about to loose all functionality in that leg.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I’m not lying. I’m merely sitting here and massaging your leg. *growls slightly, becoming a bit defensive* If you want to read further into it, I will have to stop, won’t I? *scowls* You might not lost all functionality in the leg, but it would hurt less if worked on.


    Seferia: *shakes her head at his words then leans over to gently pat the side of his head* As I said, one can even lie to himself and it still would be a lie. *nods at his next set of words* And trust me, I appreciate the offer. It is very generous of you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls as his head is patted, wondering if Seferia is trying to make fun of him or not* That’s alright. *just continues to massage her legs until he figures that they would be fine now. He rises to his feet again and returns to his corner, picking up his book again*


    Seferia: *examines his posture then releases a soft sigh. Shaking her head, she stands up then moves over to him* A kind favor should never go unpaid.. *she gently sets her hands on his back then begins to massage his back, wanting him to feel better as well*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *widens his eyes slightly as Seferia touches him, then slowly relaxes under her massaging, seeming to enjoy it* It wasn’t really a favour… *lowers his head, groaning slightly* You should probably stop that soon. I don’t want some idiot to walk in on us and get the wrong idea.


    Seferia: *looks up at the ceiling then shakes her head at him* Sephiroth, both of us are strong psychics. Perhaps you are not always aware of your surroundings, but a dragon is never unaware. Even while I sleep, I know exactly what is around me and where. I can clearly sense movements from a fifty foot radius. If I sense someone heading our way, I’ll insure they forget why they wanted to come and thus insure that they don’t bother us. *continues to massage his back. Meanwhile, her body releases a bit more of pheromones*

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