We are Nemesis

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  • #17124
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shrugs slightly* It’s just a tent. Nothing special to set up, really. That one is for Zack and the female he is courting. The other is a single one for the blonde spikeheaded idiot. If they are going to stay with us now, they will need their own spaces.

    Rizon: *says nothing at first, but is submissive and shamed as he sends a delayed reply to Seferia* *”T-thank you…”*


    Seferia: *nods at Sephiroth* Yes, I know that it is only a tent. However, you are still doing good work by doing it even when I told you that you could have the week for yourself to do as you please. You do not need to be constructing tents, yet here you are, constructing tents. *looks at him* I have no doubts that you would not have done this when I first met you. And those recovering such as you require reinforcement and praise.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Recovering? You make it sound as if I was unwell previously, or severely injured. I am fine. *finishes putting up the tent rods, then throws the weatherproof cover over it so he begin nailing it down in place* What did you end up doing with the wayward dragon youth?

    Rizon: *peers his head out of his tent once he figures it’s safe enough to move again, then he bounds across the camp in search of Hope*


    Seferia: *narrows her eyes slightly and gives Sephiroth a somewhat tired look* Mentally ill is being ill, Sephiroth. Any medical practitioner would attest to one’s mental well-being being just as important as their physical health. *glances up at the cover and frowns* I do not understand why you bother with that. We are not in a location where there is any weather to be protected from. The worst that is present here is bat guano, and we tend to serve the bats for dinner once they attempt creating “nests” here. *shakes her head* As for the dragon, I put him under house arrest.

    Hope: *is currently still in the infirmary. She is awake and staring at Cloud’s group. Still, she doesn’t really bother speaking and just lies there on her bed*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shakes his head* All the tents have covers here. Otherwise it would be a support frame with nothing on it. I don’t know why you are suggesting I do something like that. *grunts* The dragon is not allowed to leave his tent at all now? That will become a hassle.

    Rizon: *chirps as he moves inside the infirmary, moving over to Hope’s bed* Hey, miss. Are you OK?


    Seferia: Hm, perhaps, but it would be just as effective for us to only build separating walls out of scraps that we have around anyway. I have seen humans build shacks out of little more than aluminum plating, and we do not necessarily require roofs in this location. It would definitely be more efficient than constantly hunting down these expensive tents. *faintly shrugs* As for the dragon, he can leave his tent, but not this camp.

    Hope: Mmm.. *turns her head over to Rizon and stares at him for a few moments. She then shakes her head and tries to sit-up somewhat* I’m thirsty.. Who are you?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: These tents don’t seem that expensive… *pokes at the one he is putting together, then continues with it until he is finished* I also don’t think people would appreciate living in the cover of discarded rubbish.

    Rizon: Oh, sorry… *moves away to get her a glass of water, offering it to her* Here. Now… I need to talk to you. You saw the mother dragon, right?


    Seferia: *shakes her head* Humans are such fickle creatures. My queen and our group were able to camp out at any given location with bare necessities prior to joining with them. These tents are useful, but they do seem to be a burden to me. *crosses her arms*

    Hope: *grins and reaches out to take the glass. She then slowly sips on it, not seeming to rush in answering Rizon. After a few moments of drinking, she looks up at him* Mother dragon? *shrugs* Who are you?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I believe they exist solely for privacy purposes. Apart from that, I don’t see what other use there could be for such things. *slowly shrugs his shoulders and moves away from the tent, intending to return to his shared one with Seferia*

    Rizon: I’m Rizon. I live here. I’m a dragon. *frowns* Seferia said you’d seen the mother dragon, and I want to know where you saw her. I saw a vision of her in my sleep that was so vivid and real, I am convinced that she sent it to me. *nods at her* Where did you see her?


    Seferia: *stays put for a moment and examines the humans in the area. Eventually, she nods to herself and turns to leave. However, instead of heading to her tent like Sephiroth does, she moves to the food rations area and picks up rations for both herself and Sephiroth, taking care to insure that both are of higher quality. Finally, she moves back to the tent. Upon entering her tent, she’d walk over to Sephiroth’s “corner” and set down his rations on his mat*

    Hope: Dragon…? Oh yes, I saw a dragon.. I think. *groans and rubs the side of her head* I don’t remember much.. I’m sorry. I’m still so tired.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *is already seated on his bed and dealing with preserved meat, wanting to make sure the jar is properly airtight and sealed when Seferia enters the tent again and gives him his daily rations. He takes them with a small curt nod, seeming pleased* Thank you very much, Seferia. I am not hungry for now, but I will take care of this.

    Rizon: What did you see? Anything st all would be a help.


    Seferia: You do not need to thank me, Sephiroth. It was simply a matter of ease for me to gather your food at the same time I was gathering my own. *walks to her bed and shifts into her feline form again. Then, she opens up her container of rations and begins to munch on them*

    Hope: *tiredly groans and shakes her head* I don’t know.. I think I saw a dragon.. I told Sephiroth. *sips more on her water then leans back on her bed once more* It was large, I think.. I remember there being a lot of colors, but it didn’t look all that colorful either.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *watches Seferia* I hope that doesn’t taste bad. I don’t typically eat meat raw. And especially not after it’s been preserved for a number of days, perhaps weeks.

    Rizon: *seems excited* Do you remember where you saw it? I had a vision of a large dragon near a lake, but I don’t know how far away that is or even where the lake is. *grins* But the point is, I saw her. I really saw mother… *his grin fades* But Seferia won’t let me go looking for her. She wants to take all the glory for herself…


    Seferia: The rations I just gave you are from fresh supplies. They are more than acceptable. *tears off a bit of her pork meat and pops it into her mouth* ~As for raw meat, I do not blame you. My species is made for it, yours is not.~ *looks down at him* ~Are you most certain that you do not want the bed?~

    Hope: *Groans and slowly shakes her head* I’m sorry.. My head’s swimming and all hazy. I don’t know. *tries to give him a weak grin* If I remember, I’ll tell you, I promise.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I am more than content with what I have. *glances down at his bedcovers* What I had before was also adequate. A raised bed, or anything better than what I have now would only add to my clutter, and would be harder to move out once the princess has decided to give me my own tent back.

    Rizon: *grins back at her* You’d better. We really need that dragon’s help right now.


    Seferia: *glances over at him then sets her food down. She silently moves up behind him before she sits down on the edge of his mat. After making herself comfortable, she reaches over to set her hand on his shoulder* Sephiroth, there is a chance that she won’t back down at all and will not give you your own tent at all. Anyway, you are not a burden to me, so you are welcome here for as long as you are not permitted to have your own tent.

    Hope: *slowly nods at Rizon’s words and closes her eyes* I will, I promise you. I just.. need more rest.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns at Seferia, his expression softening slightly as she sets her hand down on his shoulder* It’s not that I don’t want to be a burden. It’s that I desire my own space. I am a loner, a nomad. Being in the same space with somebody else makes me somewhat uncomfortable. It’s nothing against yourself. I just… prefer to be alone. It’s the way I am. And probably the way I will always be.

    Rizon: *bobs his head* You know where my tent is? Towards the back, in the corner. You’ll find it easily, I hang my own scales on the tent flap doors for decoration.


    Seferia: Sephiroth… *slowly shakes her head* You need to break out of your habits from the past. I have told you this before. It took me a lot of work to get you this sane again. If you fall back on your old habits, you can also fall back on the illness that had overtaken you when I met you. *closes her eyes* Those cells that make up quite a large portion of your genetics have strong instincts for destruction. I felt them. You can’t let yourself become weak and succumb to the influences of those cells again.

    Hope: *slowly nods at him* I’ll take care to remember that, sir.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls slightly, not seeming to like discussing the topic* Being alone and wanting to destroy a planet are two completely different things. I already told you before, I’m not interested in destroying your planet. There’s nothing wrong with desiring to be alone at times. Infact, a person needs their time alone sometimes. You shouldn’t stop me from wanting that.

    Rizon: *nods again and bounds out of the tent, seeming more content now*


    Seferia: No, there is indeed nothing wrong with the desire to be alone, sometimes. However, that is not your case. You want to be alone all the time. You do not even attempt to reach out to others. *shakes her head* That is what I have problems with. *narrows her eyes in thought then moves her right hand out to gently brush a stray hair back into position*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts, keeping his head still as his hair is touched* I don’t WANT to reach out to others, Seferia. It’s just not something I do. I am no leader, I am not sociable. Hell, I am not even a nice person. You know all of these things. Yet, you persist with telling me I should be rehabilitated. *grunts* This is just how I am.


    Seferia: *slowly shakes her head at him* You do not need to become close to all. However, remaining completely alone will do nothing for you, Sephiroth. If you must, pick only one and try to be close to that one. As for being a leader, I know that is what you are. You cannot deny that is what you were born to be. *stands up* I shall not bother you with any more lectures for tonight. However, if you wish to speak, you may. *walks back over to her plate and resumes eating*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Be close to one person? What is that going to acheive, exactly? *watches her rise to her feet, but remains where he is for now, wanting to leave her be* I was fine being alone. I was fine having my own tent. And I would be fine being alone again. *relaxes back on his bed, sighing* I don’t know how to make you comprehend that I prefer things that way.


    Seferia: *calmly speaks* Do you now? *faintly grins to herself and finishes off her plate. She then stands up and exits the tent in order to dispose of the refuge, leaving Sephiroth alone for the time being*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunting, sounding very sure of himself* Yes, I prefer to be alone. *watches Seferia leave, then picks up his book, seeming to be mildly irritated by the conversation that has just taken place. He idly picks at the bread Seferia brought to him, munching on it, otherwise still for now*

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