We are Nemesis

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    Seferia: *closes her eyes* When I fully go into heat, the pheromones will be stronger. I’ll take care not to stay around you at that time. Full strength pheromones can override your thoughts to the point that your body will act without your own consent and go for the sexual activity. *opens her eyes* That was the second reason why I couldn’t wait much longer in calling for a second to work in my stead when I am unavailable.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *deeply frowns at her words, but slowly nods his head, acknowledging them* What will you do with yourself for the duration of the heat cycle? Stay away from others completely? *pauses* You shall have to teach me what to do in your absense.


    Seferia: *releases a faint chuckle at Seph’s question* I already said that you have all the experience needed to take up the position. It would not be overly different from the position you had as a soldier on your planet. As for myself, yes, I shall find someplace private to be. I won’t loose my mind, so you will still be able to speak to me. But I do not want to cause too much disturbance. *glances over at him* For the record, you might want to consider breeding one day. Not to be overly cold, but your genes would be quite useful for future generations. *turns her attention back to Rizon then sighs and begins casting illusions on him in an attempt to get him to come down and land near them*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs* I’ll do my best to keep an eye on the place in your absence. You will need to teach me the basics before you vanish though. I am sure I could pick up on the rest. *grunts, seeming a little irritated at her comment about breeding* I don’t want any offspring. If they are anything like that idiotic dragon, I am definitely not interested.

    Rizon: *becomes confused at the illusions that appear before him and abruptly lands, not wanting to be in the sky and out of control should something happen. He makes his way back to the caves, keeping his head still and his attention ahead of him so as not to become disorientated, trying to shake off the illusions around him* *”Get out of my head!”* *opens his jaws and spews a lungful of fire at the ground in front of him*


    Seferia: *smirks to herself as she hears Rizon’s complaints* ~You should not be out there drawing attention to our location. You are endangering all of us.~ *removes the illusions then turns her attention back to Sephiroth* I did not mean to state that you need to raise any children. However, as I stated, your genes would be useful to further generations. Unless you plan on living forever by some stroke of luck. *turns her head to look at him* Do you understand what I am saying?

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *growls at her and approaches her location, glaring down at her with pupilless blue eyes* *”We need to draw attention to our location right now!”* *snorts* *”I have important information, but nobody has been willing to listen to me, and so I have been trying to attract the attention myself and prove a point.”* *squeaks and shakes his head* *”There’s something out there!”*

    Sephiroth: You want me to fertilize somebody here with my sperm and leave it at that? *grunts* Some people would call that very inconsiderate.


    Seferia: *holds her hand out to Sephiroth, wishing to end the conversation for now* I am simply saying that if you do not want to be the one to raise the child or children, it can be arranged. We’ll discuss this further later. *looks up at Rizon and frowns at him* I did not see you or here any such calls for attention while I was inside the cave. What exactly do you believe is out there? What do you wish to speak about? *unfortunately, since her concentration is a bit broken, her body starts producing small bits of pheromones again*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *loudly screeches in frustration at her and turns his head away again, pointing off in a westerly direction with his snout* *”I had a vision, that the dragon mother was going to return. Just over there!”* *makes a loud aggitated noise and wobbles on his back feet, not being able to contain his excitement* *”We need to find her, so she can come and help us! She’d know what to do against our enemy!”*

    Sephiroth: *picks up his book and rises to his feet, moving back into the cave as soon as he picks up the scent again* Indeed…


    Seferia: *loudly sighs* You are the second to mention her within the past two days, Rizon. *Slowly shakes her head* I shall gather a team to explore both the location of the human who claims to have seen her and your location, if they are different, as soon as the human recovers. For now, you need to stay put and stop waving flags to attract our enemies. Understand? *glances over at Sephiroth and frowns* ~Had enough of your vitamin D?~

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *raises his head and begins to loudly roar, then lowers his head, placing his snout mere inches from Seferia’s personage to sniff her* *”I’m not attracting enemies. I’m attracting allies. If mother sees me, she’ll know I’m a friend. She’ll come for us. How could she not? She’s my mother – of course she would protect her children.”*

    Sephiroth: *”I have. I am also getting away from the smell.”*


    Seferia: *narrows her eyes at Rizon* Tiamat has been asleep for millions of years, Rizon. You know this. She won’t be seeing anything. Now, get back inside. *shakes her head* If you continue to behave in this manner, I will have no choice but to put you under arrest for the duration of the day, if not the week. ~I see.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *rears his head back, then makes an angry snort and turns away from her, running off to launch himself into the air once again. He produces powerful wing flaps and gusts of air as he takes off again* *”I’ll find her myself! You’re not listening to me either!”*


    Seferia: Damn it… *scowls at Rizon’s rashness then shakes her head* He’s going to get himself killed. *stands up and tries to concentrate on Rizon, wanting to bring him back to the caves via mental tricks and deceptions again. She tries to create illusions to make him think that he is indeed flying away toward his desired destination when he is in fact heading back the way he came*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *angrily beats his wings and flaps ‘away’ from the caves, quickly swinging around to fly back home again. He lands cautiously, then begins to sniff the ground near the caves, chirping like a small hatchling, in the same manner a baby would to get fed by it’s mother* *”Mother? You’re here, right? I’m here to find you. We need your help…”*


    Seferia: *narrows her eyes even further then shifts into her draconic form. Soon after, she jumps down to where Rizon is and slams her left foot into his back while she firmly bites down on the back of his neck, right behind where his skull ends. As she does this, she removes the illusions* ~I told you, you are not to be flying out there on your own.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *screeches in confusion as he is landed on, then submissively places his head on the ground as Seferia bites down on his neck, squeaking pitifully* *”I understand, but you don’t! Our mother is out there, and we need to tell her what’s going on before the Nemesis takes her away… don’t you get it? With her on our side, there’s no way the Nemesis can win!”*


    Seferia: ~I get that you believe that she is out there, yes. However, you cannot go out there to get her. You are going to get yourself killed or worse. I shall send a team of experienced soldiers out there, when we can. For now, you must learn patience. Now, return to your tent.~ *releases his neck, but she doesn’t move off of him quite yet*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *raises his head, immediately hissing, baring his teeth at her* *”Patience!? Patience has had it’s day, Seferia.”* *puffs up his chest as if threatening to blast another torrent of fire* *”This is our mother that we’re talking about here… you can’t just leave me out of looking for her! We need to find her, NOW!”*


    Seferia: ~Yes, actually, I can leave you out of this investigation. You will have no part in it whatsoever as long as you keep up with this attitude.~ *begins to weave a spell to turn him into a human and lock him in that form* ~Now, get to your tent!~

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *stumbles onto the ground once he is reduced back to his human form then flops over onto his belly, then covers his head with his arms, adopting a very cowardly position* *”Forgive me! I just want to move ahead and actually DO something instead of lying around here day after day waiting to be killed…”*


    Seferia: ~You are the second being within two days to mention having an inkling of where Tiamat is. I find this very suspicious in and of itself. I need to investigate the matter fully, and to do that, the first person who spoke of her needs to recover. If you really feel like you must do something, you may speak of the one named Hope. But, I shall assure you that you will not step outside without my consent. Understood?~ *flaps her wings then shifts to her feline form. She glares at Rizon then reaches over to grab his arm so she can carry him into the caves*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *yelps as his arm is grabbed, then stumbles after Seferia, keeping his head lowered and acting rather much like a battered puppy as she continues to haul him along. Apart from the occaisonal whimper, he says nothing more now*


    Seferia: *pulls Rizon into the caves then begins to lead him to his tent. Once there, she shoves him into it. Glaring at Rizon, she grabs the zipper to his door and pulls it so that it shuts. After that, she shakes her head and sends commands to the guards to insure that Rizon does not leave the cave again unless she specifically authorizes it. Once that is all done, she moves off to find Sephiroth*

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *Merely squeaks in protest as Seferia hauls him back to his tent, stumbling into it, falling over his own supplies* *”Forgive me, Seferia… I just want to do something useful for once…”*

    Sephiroth: *has moved across the other side of the camp, and is helping some of the other inhabitants to set up a couple of tents, helping to set up a singular one and one meant for more than one person*


    Seferia: ~I shall continue allowing you to join the team we gather to investigate the location of Tiamat. If you want to help for now, find the one named Hope and see if her story matches your dreams.~ *looks around as she enters the more human bits of the cave. She then shakes her head and shifts into her human form, partially because it helps her blend in more in this area. After a few moments, she approaches Sephiroth’s location* Not bad work.

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