We are Nemesis

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  • #17074
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *moves out of Seferia’s personal bathroom area once finished in there, seeming curious as he watches her enter the tent* Back so soon, hm? I didn’t think you were gone long at all. *picks up his clothing, getting changed for the day. He frowns slightly as he sniffs the air, but doesn’t comment on it right now, not knowing what it is*

    Rizon: *nods* Thanks. *bounds across the area to the command center, chirping* I need to talk with somebody!


    Seferia: *calmly states, not really having much to speak of on the matter* I was hungry and decided that I needed food. Also, I needed a rest for a short bit from the reports. They were becoming repetitive. *soon finishes off the slab of lamb, completely unaware of Seph’s expression or sniffing since her back is currently facing him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I see… *once properly dressed, he picks up his book and his ration of bread, deeply frowning, seeming like something is troubling him now* Enjoy your rest. Good day to you. *nods his head respectfully, then walks out of the tent with his book and bread and a small knife, intending to leave the caves in search of fresh air to clear his head*


    Seferia; *blinks as she hears Seph’s words and feels that he’s troubled. She then turns about and deeply frowns* ~Sephiroth, is something bothering you? Where exactly are you going?~ *sighs and steps out of her tent, intending to speak to him and find out what is wrong one way or another*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I want to sit out in the sunlight for a while. I do this at least for half an hour a day regardless, to promote the production of vitamin D in the skin.”* *pauses* *”I also want to eat my breakfast. There is nothing going on, so I would like to read, and contemplate things.”*

    Rizon: *squeaks in frustration and storms away from the command center tent again* This is rotten… *growls at them* Just because I’ve no rank, it doesn’t mean I’m unimportant and not worth listening to, damn you all!


    Seferia: *would pass not too far away from Rizon, but doesn’t necessarily give him much notice. Instead, she moves to follow Sephiroth, still bothered by what she sensed from his mental state. Even if she did notice Rizon, she wouldn’t stop since he is not her priority at the moment* ~I suppose that is understandable. Still, it felt like something was bothering you.~ *she’d catch up to Sephiroth a few moments after he settles down outside*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *moves to sit under a tree outside of the cave system, then cuts a chunk off his bread to munch on it. He opens up the book to the page he left it on, grunting slightly as he senses Seferia approaching him. He quietly sighs and closes the book again, rising to his feet* You didn’t have to follow me out here. *shrugs* I am fine.

    Rizon: *angrily chitters to himself as he heads to exit the cave system. Once he is outside, he shifts forms, morphing into his natural irridescent draconic form, then leaps into the air, flying off for the time being*


    Seferia: *Shakes her head at Seph and looks into his eyes* Sit back down. I am not here to remove you. I just wanted to talk with you. *looks up at the sky* And taking a break out here didn’t sound like that bad of an idea. *moves closer to him, turning her gaze back to him* You know full well that there is no good reason for you to not be able to speak openly to me after what I had to do when you were not well.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *makes a soft irritated grunt, then sits back down again to pick at his loaf of bread, eating the small pieces he plucks off* I already told you before, I don’t want to become your second-in-command. I was hapier with a low-key job. The other members of the base will seek to annoy me at every given oppportunity. I just know it. *scowls*


    Seferia: *tilts her head* Some how, I don’t think that is what exactly what was bothering you so much in my tent.. *sits down next to him then studies him* I need a second in command who is responsible and trustworthy. As I said before, there are few that I’ve been so deeply involved with their thoughts as I have with you, and I can assure you that you are both. Whether you want to admit it or not. *closes her eyes* And I needed the second to be appointed soon.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns at her, lowering his head. After a few moments of sitting there, he begins to shift about uncomfortably as the strange smell begins to affect him, and shuffles away from her again* Why do you need the second in command to be appointed soon? It doesn’t sound like you’ve got much choice in this matter if that is the case.


    Seferia: First, I’ve had several pressures for quite some time demanding to know who would take up the spot that I once held. You do not wish to know how many times I’ve sat through petitions from selfish idiots who believed they deserved the job. *turns her head as she notices his motions* What is wrong?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *turns his head away from her, deeply scowling* I’m not sure it is appropriate to tell you what is wrong with me at this current point in time. *turns his back to her* I need to think about your job offer for now, though. I am not sure if I can accept.


    Seferia: *narrows her eyes at Sephiroth* Did I not just say that you can speak openly with me on all matters? That statement has not changed. *shakes her head and looks up at the sky* Also, I cannot take back my announcement at this point, Sephiroth. You are the second in command. You do not want it, which proves that you are not power-hungry. You have experience that will help. And you are level-headed for the most part. If you do not like others bothering you, just assign someone to take complaints from the others in your stead then deal with the issues at your own timing.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs and slowly shakes his head* Alright… I suppose if you have forced me into the position, I can’t do much about it. *leans back against the tree* Thank you for your vote of confidence in my abilities. *picks up his book again and tries to distract himself with reading, also humming*


    Seferia: You are welcome. *closes her eyes* Trust me, you would not have been content to take orders forever. This is best for both of us. *her ears twitch as she hears his humming, but otherwise, she just calmly sits there, relaxing for now*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *soon calms again now that he is not close to Seferia or smelling her pheremones right now, and idly reads his book, reaching back to pick up his bread, wanting to finish it now* That is correct. I don’t like to take orders. I mean no disrespect, but I am not exactly a grunt who should be commanded around. I’ve been in many battles, and commanded soldiers in war. I think I know what I am doing.


    Seferia: I believe that is just what I stated, Sephiroth. *glances over at him, opening her eyes* And still, you’ve yet to tell me what was truly bothering you today. The way you were moving about and acting was not what one does when worried over a new position, willing or not.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls, tensing up at her question. He promptly shakes his head in reply, grunting* I don’t want to discuss it, Lady Seferia. It is a private matter. I appreciate you concern, but this is something I need to deal with on my own. *turns the page in the book, soon finishing off his bread*


    Seferia: *shakes her head at him* Very well then. Still, I would appreciate it if you did open up to me. *turns her attention back to the sky. She then lets out a small sigh, mildly missing the days when she used to soar high above the clouds before she was injured*

    Kat Aclysm

    *if Seferia is paying attention to things moving in the sky right now, she might notice small glints of ruby and sapphire colours as Rizon barrel rolls and sommersaults through the sky at high altitude. Right now the male is looking for something up there, also flying around to show off and stretch his wings, getting rid of pent up energy*

    Sephiroth: *quietly sighs, silent for several more moments before speaking in a quiet voice* There was a strange odour in the tent this morning. It was lingering, so I paid it no mind. When you returned, the intensity of it increased tenfold – it must be coming from you. It… *tenses up, growling* I had to get out into the open air, to get away from it. No matter how much I try to ignore, it, I cannot. The odour keeps arousing me, sexually.


    Seferia; *narrows her eyes and frowns as she spots the glints of dragon scales. She then slowly shakes her head, but is quickly pulled away from her thoughts of her discovery by Sephiroth’s words. She turns her head to look at him then her pupils contract somewhat. She then shakes her head and looks away* My apologies. I am about to go into heat for the first time and didn’t realize they were being released. *closes her eyes and concentrates on herself, soon halting the release of the pheromones for a bit* That should help your discomfort.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rizon: *chases some birds in the sky, snapping them up easily, crunching them in his teeth before swallowing in one mouthful. He then dives downwards, throwing himself out of the sky with extreme speed and force, flaring out his wings to soar back up into the sky as he is within a few feet of the ground again*

    Sephiroth: *sighs* Don’t do anything on the account of my own comments. It doesn’t matter really. It is easy enough to ignore, and I am not meant for breeding. *is about to say more, but scowls as he watches Rizon’s display* What the hell is that idiot doing? Doesn’t he know that what he is doing is like practically waving a red flag at a bull? *glares at the dragon*


    Seferia: *Shakes her head at Sephiroth’s words* I did not intend to be releasing them at all. Not to mention, they were making you uncomfortable. Thus, it is only polite for me to force my body to stop producing them while I can still control it. *frowns as she glances up at the sky again* And yes, I know. *shakes her head* Bringing him down now would only bring more attention to our location, if any was gained at all… *frowns* Youths.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shakes his head, annoyed* Stupid dragon… I don’t know what to do about him. Leave him there, I suppose… *frowns at her* It didn’t make me uncomfortable, it just affected me physically. If I ignore the smell, it will be fine.

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