We are Nemesis

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  • #17024
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *tenses up as Zack bites the achilles tendon of his heel, remaining completely still while the teeth are there, knowing full well what could happen if the wolf were to sink his teeth in further* Let go of my heel, Zack… *growls as he is dragged, quickly stumbling with his free leg in an effort to keep his balance. He drops the skin bag after another moment, causing the bottom items to clatter as they hit the cave floor, one of the items making a loud smashing noise*


    Zack: *Frowns as he realizes how much trouble he’s causing Sephiroth, especially as he hears the smash. So, he quickly loosens his grip on the man’s heel and moves over to the bag. He then lowers his head and scoops the handles up in his teeth before defiantly looking up at Sephiroth, trying to indicate that he still doesn’t intend on letting his friend sleep outside*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts, glaring down at Zack* I can’t sleep in my tent now. I can’t give you your own tent, so I can give you mine. What would you have me do? *growls and looks around the area* Damn that stupid feline… there are probably free tents and free space in this camp. Why on earth is she throwing all of you in with me?


    Zack: *shakes his head at Sephy and begins moving away from him with the bag of items, still wanting to find Seferia or Sekhmet while not giving Sephy the chance to just sleep outside like he plans*

    *If Sephiroth’s gaze were to pass by where his tent was, he’d find that that one is being disassembled and removed from its current spot*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *continues to glare down at Zack, snorting* You already broke my ceramics, and probably my stoneware cup and plates. What more do you want to wreck in there? *scowls as he follows him* I already have nothing. What more do you want to take away from me?


    Zack: *Groans and shakes his head at Sephiroth. Still, he continues heading toward where he last saw Seferia. However, the dragon had already left Sekhmet’s tent. So, he stops at the doorway and frowns, trying to figure out where to go now*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls in frustration at Zack, throwing his hands into the air* Fine, keep it. I don’t know what you’d want with a bag of worthless items anyway. You can’t even use the cutlery, you don’t have opposable thumbs any more. *snorts and heads for the cave exit*


    Seferia: *is close enough to hear Seph’s outbursts with the hearing from her kitty ears. She then sighs and shakes her head* ~Sephiroth, what are you doing? Are you still troubled from the news that you are being moved and repositioned into a tent with three others?~

    Zack: *gives Sephy an annoyed growl. He then drops the bag and shakes his head* “Sephy, come on, man. Settle down and just talk to the thing that is making you do things you don’t like!”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I mean no disrespect, Seferia, but I have a 5′ x 7′ living space, removing 2 square feet if you want to exclude my personal bathroom closed off area. But four people cannot possibly fit into a tent like that. There was barely enough room for me, my food, and my posessions. Which I don’t own any more. Thus, I am going to place myself on permanent sentry duty outside. I shall sleep outside in the weather, and those three can fight over my tent.”*


    Seferia: ~Sephiroth, do you really think me enough of a fool and cold creature to room four beings in solely five by seven human feet? You were going to be moved to a larger tent that is closer to the command center which would make things both easier on me and easier for you to room the multiple people so the Princess would be appeased. You are not to step outside. I cannot allow for you to put yourself into danger for such idiotic reasons.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I’m not saying that. However, I am making my own choice under the circumstances. If Sekhmet seeks to punish me, fine, I shall sleep in the weather.”* *frowns* *”I object to being housed with others. I am not a sociable creature, this is common knowledge. I also prefer to be left alone. The manner in which I sleep is not suitable for grouping conditions either.”*


    Seferia: ~In that case, I must most definitely insist that you live with others. I cannot allow for you to continue being anti-social with what path you must lead in order to help us. If it helps you, consider it yet another stage of your rehabilitation.~ *deeply sighs after a few moments of thought* ~However, if you dislike the the prospect of living with those three so much, I might be able to give you an alternative arrangement.~ *narrows her eyes* ~No matter what you choose, if I do sense you heading outside, I will do everything in my power to control you into stopping such foolishness, Sephiroth.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I still need to head outside to wash myself. There is not much anybody can do to change that. Unless you would rather I didn’t bathe at all.”* *seems curious with his next telepathic signal* *”What is the alternative living arrangement, Seferia? I cannot think of anything. Orders are orders.”*


    Seferia: ~Orders are indeed orders, but one can always bend the rules… I cannot get you a separate tent. However, if you dislike that group so much, I will permit for you to room with me. That is the only other choice that I can give you. I cannot say that I can keep Sekhmet quiet if I gave you any other arrangement. Nor can I think of any that would particularly take you in.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”You want me to co-habit with you in your tent?”* *seems shocked by the news and quickly shakes his head* *”When can I have my own tent back? All the leaders of this camp have one.”* *scowls* *”I really don’t mind keeping on permanent sentry duty, either.”*


    Seferia: ~No, Sephiroth. I cannot permit for you to have sentry duty.~ *shakes her head* ~You have your two choices. Either room with me, where I hardly use the tent as is, or room with the three others from your planet as Sekhmet wants. And, I told you before, I cannot say when I’ll be able to get her to back down. She was rather irritated by the words you spoke to her.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”In my defense, she’s rather irritated by any words spoken to her.”* *frowns* *”If I am going to move into your tent, I would like to request a new plate and a cup. The wolf broke my other ones.”* *glares down at Zack, then moves to catch up to him, wanting to snatch his sack back* Come back here, would you?


    Seferia: ~That can be easily arranged, Sephiroth. And to be honest, yes, I know that she has a quick temper. She picked it up from her mother though. That is why I told you not to speak of those you do not know. It is also is not best to purposely insult a being who inherited one of the ultimate weapons against those with a certain gene…~

    Zack: *pulls his head away from Seph, not wanting to let go of the bag quite yet. He tries to speak, though with the straps in his mouth, it is quite garbled* ~Nrrot irf yrrr oirng tto grrr ourght there.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *crouches down in front of Zack, frowning* Look, old friend. I am not going anywhere now. Just to another tent. You can have my old tent site. Enjoy it, I spent many an hour flattening the ground so it would be comfortable to sleep on. *pauses* Can I have my sack back now?


    ZacK: *looks up at Seph, attentively listening to him then slowly nods and lowers his head. He then gently sets the bag down* “Sorry for breaking your stuff, Sephy. I didn’t mean to have that happen. But you were being an idiot.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *picks up his skin bag again, opening it up to examine the damage* I dont think you broke much. *removes a broken cup handle from the bag and sighs. He closes the bag up again, then rises to his feet* I hope you enjoy your new accomadation. *heads away, walking towards Seferia’s tent*


    Zack: *frowns then slowly nods* “Alright, Sephy…” *trots off to find Aeris then check up on Cloud*

    Seferia: *puts up the reports that she had been reading as she senses Seph’s movements toward her tent. She then stands up and makes her way to the tent herself. She’d arrive just a minute or two after Sephiroth*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *places his things on the ground inside the doorway of the tent, then moves to one side and begins to roll out his futon and blanket onto the ground* Oh, hello. *glances up at Seferia as she comes inside the tent* I shall kill some of the habits I kept when I was alone.

    Cloud: *is still in the infirmary right now, while carers examine his eyesight and awareness. He seems a little annoyed, but puts up with it*

    Aeris: *is nearby Cloud, humming to herself, amused*


    Seferia: You may keep as many habits as you wish, Sephiroth. *crosses her arms and shakes her head* I have stood present as my queen bathed among other things. Not to mention, our cultures are far from the same. *looks down at him then moves into the tent and uses a spell to create a sphere of light near the top of the “ceiling”* If you wish, you may have the bed. I can do without it. *nods toward the bed in the corner of the room that is around 16′ by 18’*

    Zack: *yelps as a few people panic at his presence, also dodging in order to keep safe. After about fifteen minutes, he moves into the tent where he had left Cloud and silently trots inside*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shakes his head* My matrress is just fine. *places his bag next to his bed, then begins to unpack, placing his few small things around the space he seems to have claimed. One he shakes the bits of smashed crockery off his clothes, he shakes the bag and carries it outside to dispose of the broken pieces in the bottom of his bag* *”Why do you need such a large living space?”*

    Aeris: *glances over at Zack as he enters the medical tent* Oh, hello! *moves out of her chair and crouches down next to him to pat him on the head* We’ll all be OK to go soon. Though now you’re a wolf, they might want to give you a rabies shot. *sighs*

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