We are Nemesis

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    Zack: *closes his eyes and seems to grin as Aeris pats the side of his head. His tail instinctively wags for a moment. He then looks up at Aeris as she suggests going after Sephy and nods. Then, he moves up behind her and gently nudges her butt in order to indicate that she should go ahead and start walking*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *nods his head, then walks out of the tent* Stay close to me, OK honey? I don’t want anybody to go ‘aaah, a wolf, kill it!’ *slowly shakes his head* I don’t know if they would or not, but… I don’t see any other wolves around here, so…. *sighs* You would also make a nice fluffy rug. *grins and pats his head* Fluffy. *walks outside of the cave, following Sephy’s life energy to the lake*

    Sephiroth: *is waist-deep in the lake and washing himself off now, not noticing that Aeris and Zack are approaching his location. He rubs his arms and stomach down with soap, then splashes himself off again, shivering slightly with the cold*


    Zack: *nods at Aeris’s words and remains close by her side. He then yelps as she calls him fluffy and tries to say “Hey! Don’t call me that!”. He then snorts and playfully nips her heel, though he doesn’t do anything that would actually cause her harm. As he continues to follow Aeris’s lead, he stumbles from time to time, still not used to walking on all fours.*

    *if Sephiroth were to be paying close attention to his surroundings. He might notice the shadow of a six-winged creature briefly pass by the water. However, this shadow would be fleeting and moving rather quickly, so one would need to be actively paying close attention to catch it*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *is more interested in washing himself off in a hurry right now, so doesn’t notice much of anything, let alone anything close by to him. He quickly rinses the soap off himself, then dips his head under the water to wet his hair down, intending to wash that too*

    Aeris: Be careful there, huh? *nods ahead to Sephy in the lake* I can see his bare butt. *giggles*


    Zack: *seems to chuckle at Aeris’s statement then shakes her head at her. He then sits down next to her, though he is more than certain that Sephiroth will be furious with them as soon as he realizes that he has an audience*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *narrows his eyes as he hears laughing, then he immediately stops and scans the area. If Zack is sensitive to psychic transmissions, he might feel a penetrating wave drift through the area* What the… *turns around to face Aeris and Zack on the bank, then narrows his eyes at them* What the hell do you idiots want?


    Zack: *shakes his head irritably, trying not to succumb to a large headache yet again as Sephiroth’s wave passes through him. He then does his best to shrug and points at Aeris, wanting to indicate that it was her idea. Still, there is a silly grin on his muzzle*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls and moves out of the water, picking up his towel to wrap around his waist, also picking up his clothes. He makes an aggressive noise as he walks past Aeris and Zack, heading back to the caves and back to his tent* Don’t bother me again. *snarls and moves ahead of them, wanting to be left alone*

    Aeris: But… *sighs* Well, there goes that idea, huh? Sephy can get his message all on his own.


    Zack: *shakes his head then tugs on the bottom of Aeris’s dress. He then begins to move after Sephy. It doesn’t take long for him to catch up to the silver-haired man then he looks up at Sephiroth and shakes his head.* “Calm down. We meant no harm, Sephy.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: Huh? *promptly moves to follow Zack’s lead, sighing as she follows him in the same direction Sephiroth is going* He probably doesn’t want us to bother him any more, Zack…

    Sephiroth: *snarls* Get out of my way. I don’t care what you have to say, whether it be in wolf-language or plain english. I know what you were doing. *moves into his tent and zips it up* Leave me alone.


    Zack: *Sighs then shakes his head. He glances over at Aeris, shrugging to her then moves to lie down in front of Sephy’s doorway, fully intending to wait it out until Sephy calms down enough to be reasoned with*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just remains in his tent for a while and towels himself off, soon changing into some suitable clothing again. He unzips his tent and growls as he steps outside again, glaring as he looks around the campsite. He heads towards Sekhmet’s tent, intending to have tents set up for Cloud, Aeris and Zack*


    Zack: *looks up as Sephiroth exits his tent and quickly moves to his feet, intending to follow. He treads behind his former co-worker as quietly as he can manage for the moment. Still, he’s a bit clumsy and not yet sneaky in this form*

    Seferia: *is currently standing in the doorway to Sekhmet’s secluded cavern area. Since the Princess believes she’s better than the normal ruffians in tents, she had insured that her housing was somewhat permanent looking and presentable. So, she does not actually have a tent.

    As Sephiroth nears, the white-haired feline’s ears twitch in his direction before she turns to look at him. She frowns at him* I was about to come to see you, again. *frowns at Sephiroth, seeming to be quite serious at the moment*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls at Seferia, grunting* I don’t care about my privacy being breached. I came here to discuss the matter of getting the new arrivals into their own accomadation. I don’t want any of them to live in my tent, and they need their own domain. Thus, I would humbly like to request three new tents be set up.


    Seferia: *Slowly shakes her head at Sephiroth’s request* I am sorry, but that cannot be done. Especially since you’ve apparently disrespected Sekhmet into quite a rant. *despite her words, the expression in her eyes would indicate that she knows that is not a hard task to achieve at all* She demanded that you be humiliated in a similar fashion.. *frowns at Sephiroth* I managed to talk her into only forcing you to room with those you apparently hate, meaning them. *Shakes her head* You should not idolize those you never really met, Sephiroth.. You know not what Clawina was truly like.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *makes a loud growl of protest to Seferia’s words, gritting his teeth* Is this going to be permanent? *narrows his eyes at the thought* I don’t idolize anyone. I merely said Clawina was a noble queen. And a damn sight better than the princess, that is for sure.


    Seferia: *Slowly shakes her head at Sephiroth* For now, it is quite permanent. I cannot say whether or not I’ll be able to talk her down from her position. *frowns at his words* As for Clawina being a noble queen.. *sighs at him and crosses her arms* You did not know her. If you want to know how noble she was, ask Ramses why she slaughtered his mother and father and framed a number of jackals as the culprits in order to be crowned Queen. *shakes her head* Clawina loved her people, but she was not above very low tactics in order to get down what needed to be done.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts in frustration, biting his lower lip at her words. He merely nods his head and turns away to head back to his tent* Thank you, Lady Seferia. *walks away, moving across the camp to the tent. Once inside, he begins to clear up space and collect his various things, stuffing them into an old deer-skin sack*


    Seferia: *Sighs at Sephiroth’s expressoin and shakes her head* ~I am only a loyal soldier to the house of Catanya, Sephiroth. I do not make the rules nor decisions. Still, I can give you one thing of help. Sekhmet mentioned that you were after this and refused her offers once you stated what you wanted.~ *begins to stream into Sephiroth’s mind the knowledge of various languages, including that which is most common amongst wolves and canines*

    Zack: *backs up as Sephiroth heads back in his direction then sighs and begins to follow him once more. Eventually, he moves up beside Sephiroth, wanting to give what support he can*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sets the skin bag down onto the ground once it contains his few small posessions, then he begins to fold up his clothing, stuffing them into the bag also. When Seferia begins to feed knowledge into his mind, he becomes a little numb due to the massive influx of information, recovering easily once it is over* “Thank you again, Lady Seferia.”* *packs the stuff down, then ties it up and hauls it onto his back, moving out of the tent again*


    Seferia: ~I’ve told you a thousand and twenty eight times already, do not call me “Lady”. I do not deserve such a title of respect. Seferia will do fine.~

    Zack: *looks about the room and then up at Sephiroth. He then frowns and shakes his head* “Do you even know where you are going, Sephy…?” *sighs and trots after his “old friend”, slowly becoming more confident in keeping his footing in this form*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I know where I am going. Don’t follow me. *frowns* I’ve been ordered to give up my living space to you, Cloud, and Aeris. It’s already difficult to live in a 5′ x 7′ tent, so good luck fitting four people in there. I forfeit my position. *scowls and moves outside the cave, his skin bag slung over his back*


    Zack: *blinks* “You can understand me now?” *shakes his head then quickly moves in front of him, trying to block his way* “Don’t be like this, Sephiroth. I heard what that strange cat-dragon thing said. Maybe she didn’t mean your tent exactly. Do you really want to let down everyone who needs you yet again?” *Frowns up at him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts and stops, narrowing his eyes down at Zack, growling back to him, his prounciation atrocious at best* “Don’t be like wha? Seferia and the Sekhmet want my tent for you and Aeris and the Cloud idiot. I can’t fit when all you in there too. I go outdoors and camp. Standing guard. I am happy to sleep camp under stars and in weather. Now out get of my way.”


    Zack: *stares up at Sephy, barely understanding him and partially amazed that he even understands a word of it anyway. He then shakes his head and moves to bit down on Sephy’s heel, trying to stop him from walking outside. If he does manage to grip onto Sephy’s heel, he’d try to drag Sephy back toward where he last saw Seferia*

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