We are Nemesis

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  • #16974
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *seems amused as he catches glimpses of Zack’s attempts to speak, slowly shaking his head* It’s no good saying things like that to me. I can barely understand the felines, let alone your muffled growling. *pulls up a stool and moves to sit down next to Zack again* I want to fix you, but I don’t know how…


    Zack: *nods his head to indicate that he understands then glances up at Aeris. He then presses his snout against her cheek and gently licks her before looking back at Sephy. His tail wags a bit as he thinks then he just lowers his head and rests it in Aeris’s lap, choosing to give up on communicating for now*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls in determination* Relax, I want to try again. Don’t worry too much. I just hope I don’t ruin something. *closes his eyes and again tries to probe into Zack’s mind, wanting to sift through it and try to sense out his abilities, wanting to know what he is capable of*


    Zack: *twitches again and tries to tell Sephy to “Give it a rest for a bit”, as the man enters his thoughts again. For now, his thoughts are largely on how “high” he’s feeling each time that Sephiroth does this and how much he needs a rest from Seph’s attempts. He’s also concerned as to where he, Cloud, and Aeris will sleep tonight since he heard Seferia’s words about them needing to find another place than the one tent they were in before*

    *Meanwhile, outside the tent, there are a number of annoyed yells and whatnot as someone barges her way to Sephy’s tent. Not long after the first yell of annoyance is heard, Sekhment flings open Sephy’s tent flap and glares at him*

    Sekhmet: Hrmph, enjoying your new command position, dog? How did you talk Seferia into it? *growls and swishes her tail, completely ignoring Aeris*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *stares wide eyed at Sekhmet, amazed at her appearance and the fact that she is talking* A talking cat? And… look at you, I mean… how did you learn how to do that, kitty? That’s amazing!

    Sephiroth: *growls as he is distracted by Sekhmet, withdrawing from Zack’s mind again. He scowls at the feline’s anger and words, loudly snorting in response* I didn’t talk Lady Seferia into it, you idiot. I didn’t even WANT the position. She just announced that I had it. *growls* Go take it up with her, not me. I didn’t do anything to deserve it, and I don’t want it either. Go away.


    Sekhmet: *twitches her ears then bares her teeth and viciously glares in Aeris’s direction* You dare speak to me in that manner, human? I am of a lineage of divinely appointed royalty! *growls and moves over to Aeris, soon pulling out her mother’s old sword and pointing it at Aeris’s neck* I should skin you alive for your insult.

    Zack: *Groans and is still out of it for several moments after Seph withdraws from his head yet again. He then widens his eyes as he sees the sword pointed at Aeris. He then scrambles to his feet and begins to defensively growl up at Sekhmet, not wanting his girlfriend to be injured*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *freezes up as the sword is pointed at her neck, then raises her hands, adopting a surrendering posture* I wasn’t trying to insult you, kitty! *whimpers* How do you talk? Are you a special species of animal like Red?

    Sephiroth: *grunts and slowly shakes his head, sighing at Zack* I apologize. I won’t hassle you again. *scowls at Sekhmet* Put that away. She means you no harm.


    Sekhmet: *bares her teeth at Aeris, still quite annoyed. However, she snorts then pulls the sword away and places it up in the sheath at her left hip. She then flicks her tail in annoyance* My race has existed from the point in which you humans learned how to form language on the banks of the Nile. Just because you humans wrote us off as legends and myths does not mean we didn’t exist. *scowls at Sephiroth* And do not presume to give me orders due to your new position. You are not my master.

    Zack: *continues to remain on the defensive, not wanting Aeris to be hurt. He shuffles a bit closer to his girlfriend and slowly stops growling as much*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glares at Sekhmet* You are in my tent and you are in my territory. And while you are here in my living space, I would appreciate your co-operation. I would also hope that you would respect my wishes. *scowls* Because I would certainly do the same whilst in your tent. *grunts down at Zack* Be calm. You’re not going to acheive anything while either of you are like this.


    Sekhmet: *narrows her eyes at Sephiroth’s words then scoffs at him* How haughty of you. Such is to be expected from a wretch such as yourself. We allow for you to have this tent. *gives him a predatory grin* If I so pleased, I could have it so you’d be sleeping on the bare floor with absolutely nothing, not even clothing. *glances at Zack and crosses her arms* Why is there a wolf in here?

    Zack: *glances over at Sephy then snarls at Sekhmet one last time before settling down next to Aeris*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts sharply at Sekhmet* This is not your kingdom, feline. It belongs to a noble queen whom is now deceased. You will never be her either. *loudly snorts in disgust* You are still a princess. You have not been inaugurated as the new queen yet, and thus you do not own this territory. *growls, baring his teeth* You can’t take anything away from me at this time. As for the wolf… *shrugs* Get out of my tent and let me deal with it.


    Zack: *looks back and forth between Sephiroth and Sekhmet then shakes his head. He then mutters to himself, not caring that no one can understand him* “Sounds like both of them have quite the temper to me.” *glances over at Aeris, wanting to insure that she’s still alright*

    Sekhmet: *Growls at Sephiroth* It will not be long until I come of age to participate in the ritual that will give me my blood right. *flexes her claws for a moment then hisses at Seph* And I already stated that you do not command me. *twitches her ears and glares at Zack* I do not have that much of a temper, dog.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls* Then Hades help us all when you become queen. *raises an eyebrow as Sekhmet responds to Zack’s growls and noises* You can understand him? *slowly shakes his head* What did he say?


    Sekhmet: *glances at Seph then sets her right hand on her hip and sticks her nose a bit up in a very elitist manner* Of course I understand him. My training requires that I understand all languages. Unlike the uneducated rats like you. *smirks as she lowers her head to look down at Sephiroth* And he only said that both of us are temperamental. *yawns* Nothing of interest.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Really? *narrows his eyes at Zack* Geez, thanks a lot, friend. *grunts sharply, then tries to pry into Sekhmet’s mind, wanting to find out as much as he can about her knowledge of languages* He’s not really a wolf. He hassled me to play with his mind, and this is what happened.


    Sekhmet: *hisses as she picks up on Sephy’s tap into her mind. Unlike Zack, she does not become weak of will or loose control of her body as Seph is in her head. Instead, she begins moving in toward him, intending on slashing his face until he gets out of her head* If you think you’re going to achieve something similar with me right now, you are sorely mistaken.

    Zack: *blinks and looks up at Sekhmet. He then shakes his head and trots over to stand in between her and Sephiroth* “If you can understand me, leave him alone. He doesn’t need your remarks.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls and steps back out of the tent, his concentration broken again* Fine, I won’t do it again. *grunts in frustration and shakes his head* Forgive me for wanting to understand an old ally’s speech. *folds his arms* What are you doing here, anyway?


    Sekhmet: *crosses her arms* I am doing as I please. *scowls in irritation* If all you want to know is how to understand what that canine is saying, fine. But do you not dare try to ruin my mental processes. I am not as weak willed as the humans that you might be used to manipulating, General. *turns her back on him and looks down at Aeris, not overly interested in her, but not wanting to acknowledge Sephiroth if he does enter her mind again*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *gives Sekhmet a weak grin and waves to her* Man, I wish you could have met Red. You and him would have really gotten along, you know. *rises to her feet, wanting to get a better look at the feline* Do you purr like the kitties that were on my planet? *reaches out towards her, wanting to pet her*

    Sephiroth: *snorts* I dont want to ruin your mental processes. I just want to read them. That’s all.


    Sekhmet: *sharply speaks out to Sephiroth* Then go and do it before I rescind my offer. *Swishes her tail then narrows her eyes at Aeris* I do not know a thing about this Red creature, but I am certain that I would not be overly impressed by it. *snorts* I am not as gullible nor impressionable as you humans are. My species has a long history of being the guardians of the Cradle of Life and afterlife and so on. There is little that you humans find unusual that we have not documented. *scowls* And yes, I can purr if I so felt like it.

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: The cradle of life…? Huh? *blinks* Oh kitty-cat, I don’t think you understand at all. I’m not a human, you see… I’m a Cetra. *grins* And on the planet where Zack, Sephy and I come from, the Cetra were the first sentient life beings on the planet, not humans or kitty cats like you. We cultivated food and cared for the planet, and it made humans for us.

    Sephiroth: *grunts and turns his head away, not seeming to be interested any more*


    Sekhmet: You look like a human, smell like a human, talk like a human, move like a human, and apparently think like a human. So, I do not care if you are a sub-species of human, you are still human. And for your information, dolt, the cradle of life is the orgin point. Or at least, that’s what the legends say. I do not care if life started there or not. *glares back at Sephiroth* Did you want to get your information or not, dog?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *picks up some clothing and his bat of soap* No, I think I will leave it be for now. Look after them if you feel so inclined to do so. Otherwise, good day to you. *moves out of the tent and heads to exit the cave area, wanting to wash himself off in the nearby river*

    Aeris: *sighs* I’m not a human. Can a human heal with thought alone? *frowns* You don’t sound like a very friendly kitty-cat, you know.


    Sekhmet: *grins at Aeris* My, you might actually be correct there. I don’t think I am a very “friendly kitty-cat”. *Snorts then turns around* Tell that idiot when he comes back that if he wants to learn how to speak to wolves, to come to my domain. *swishes her tail then stalks out of the room*

    Zack: *Shakes his head at the turn of events then moves up behind Aeris and gently head-butts the back of her leg*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *stares at Sekhmet, dumbly nodding* Uh…. sure thing… *crouches down next to Zack, sighing as she pats the side of his face* I’m sorry this turned out so badly, Zacky. Hey, maybe we should go after Sephy and talk to him, huh? The least we can do is have somebody friendly understand you.

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