The past of your main muse: Our little boy is growing up

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  • #13754
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *swats his foot up once again to kick Zack’s bed, then growls. He sits up and heads for the doorway* I am going enquire about finding a library in this place. I am not going to sit there and listen to you disrespect me over and over again.


    Zack: *sighs at Seph’s reaction and moves to jump back down onto the floor. He makes a soft oofing sound as he lands then he rushes over to Sephy’s side* Aw, calm down. *pats Seph’s back* I’m only calling you Sephy because I like you, as a friend. You look like you could use a friend, afterall. *reaches up to playfully mess up Seph’s hair*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: What? *growls as his hair is messed up, and he ducks his head to try and escape it. After a moment more of putting up with it, he moves forward and lunges at Zack’s torso, wrapping his arms around his waist, attempting to tackle him to the floor*


    Zack: *yelps as he’s tackled and tries to wrestle Sephy off of him* Hey, come on. It was only for fun. *grins, finding Seph’s anger to be rather humurous and tries to shove Seph back* Lighten up, Sephy. You don’t need to be so serious.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *continues his attempt to pin Zack down onto the floor, being quite rough and aggressive* Stop calling me ‘Sephy’, first!

    Hal: *snickers at the roughousing going on* Sephy’s kicking your ass, Zack. I wouldn’t stand for that if I was you.


    Zack: Hrmph. *playfully sticks his toungue out at Sephers* No, I think it suits you, Sephy. It’s a lot nicer sounding than plain old Sephiroth. *chuckles and tires to push Sephiroth over, grunting at how strong the other boy is. Eventually, he decides to pull a dirty tactic, so he leans up and moves to plant a kiss on Seph’s lips*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls and continues trying to shove Zack down, at least until he is kissed. His eyes widen in shock and disgust, and he promptly shoves Zack in the chest as he retreats, standing up again, feverently wiping at his mouth* Disgusting! What the hell do you think you’re doing?! *promptly moves into the bathroom to wash off his mouth*

    Hal: *hugs his sides and flops down on his bed in a laughing fit*


    Zack: *pushes himself up onto his knees and softly chuckles at Sephiroth’s response* What’s wrong, Sephy? I hope I’m not that bad of a kisser. *glances over at Hal and grins* What’s up with you? Did you want to have a taste as well? *pushes himself upright then moves toward the bathroom*

    Kat Aclysm

    Hal: *looks up at him, stil loudly snickering* Heh, no thanks, man. I don’t swing that way, sorry to dissapoint you. *grins* Great job though dude, you got him really really pissed.

    Sephiroth: *loudly snarls as he listens to Hal and Zack conversing in the next room. He ignores them for the most part though, and washes off his face and lips under the cold tap. He then takes water in his mouth to gargle and spit it out, repeating this a few times*


    Zack: *Waves his hand in a dismissive manner at Hal* Yea, I suppose I did. I better go in there and make it up to him. *opens the bathroom door and moves to stand behind Sephy. He reaches over then gently sets his hand on Seph’s shoulder* Hey, no hard feelings. You’re really strong, do you know that? I bet you could have crushed every bone in my body. *shakes his head and grins at Seph* Hey, here’s a promise. I won’t ever call you Sephy outside this room, ok?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *spits the water out of his mouth and into the sink, loudly snorting. He moves away from Zack and snatches up a towel to dry his face and hands off with, growling* How about never calling me that, period. And don’t ever kiss me again! I am not interested in that kind of attention.


    Zack: *Sighs and stretches his right arm up before reaching back to place his hand on the back of his head* My, my, like I said, you need to lighten up. *grins then moves closer to Sephiroth* It’s not my fault you have so much muscle for such a small frame. *reaches over to poke Seph’s arms* You must have really worked out before coming here. *moves his hands down to poke Seph’s sides then begins to tickle him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I didn’t work out before coming here, but I plan to do some work in my spare time here. *scowls as Zack tickles him and loudly snarls, grabbing onto his hands, squeezing them tight enough to give Zack pain* What part of “leave me alone” am I not making clear? Do you have a problem hearing?


    Zack: *yelps in pain as Sephiroth squeezes his hands and shakes his head at Sephiroth* I don’t think you mean that. You looked rather lonely when I saw you out there, so I really think you can use a friend. Anyway, who do you plan to have watch your back out there? *gives Sephiroth a small grin* You know half of the other boys out there were making fun of you and probably plannin on beating you up. Now… Can you let go of my hands?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snorts in anger* Belittling me and calling me stupid names is no sign of friendship. You clearly had every intent to mock me, especially when you kissed my face and tickled me just now. *lets go of his hands* So do not give me that false crap. I don’t care for friends, but I certainly do not wish to disrespected. I did not even do anything to warrant your pathetic childish mockery. *narrows his eyes at the boy* Everything you have done so far has given me a strong impression that you wish to do no more than make fun of me. *snorts as he moves back out of the bathroom area and sits back down on his bunk* If anybody wishes to challenge and fight me, I do not care. Bring it on, I say. I could take on anybody.


    Zack: *loudly sighs at Sephiroth’s reaction and shakes his head* Fine, fine. I won’t play around with you and try to actually give you some fun in your life. *moves out of the bathroom and sticks his toungue out at Sephiroth* Though I am serious, you need to lighten up and get some fun going on somewhere. *moves to climb up onto his bunk again* Anyway, I haven’t mocked you not once. I actually think you’re quite cool, Sephy.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns, seeming quite confused with Zack’s attitude. He moves back to his bunk and lies back down, silently glancing upwards, trying to make sense of what Zack has said, his attitudes toward him, as well as his actions* Very well. But kindly cease with calling me that infernal nickname.


    Zack: Aww, but I really like it. It has a nice ring to it. *leans over the side of his bed to look down at Sephiroth* It sounds a lot better than some other nicknames that people give around. I mean, people at my town used to call me spikes. *shrugs* Where’s the fun in that name? *glances over at Hal* What do you think?

    Kat Aclysm

    Hal: I can see why they called you that, but hell yeah it’s boring. *grins* There’s no way you can make a nickname out of my name.

    Sephiroth: Spikes? *snorts* That is quite boring and obvious. That is a dull name to give somebody. *slowly shakes his head* What is the point of such names? What is wrong with just addressing your peers by their name, and your superiors by their rank and name?


    Zack: Well.. *moves back onto his bunk and looks at the ceiling for a few moments, thinking* It’s complicated. Some people choose nicknames because they don’t like the names that were just thrown at them. Since we don’t have any say about what we’re named, a lot of people prefer nicknames. *pauses* Other than that, it’s just a sign of affection, you know.. When you find someone you like and want to show them that you accept them into your group of friends, you find something fun and interesting to call them to give them something special. That way, they know that you’re important enough in their lives to be worthy of a special name. Do you understand? *gives Hal a side-ways glance* And what makes you think you can’t get a nickname, Red? *broadly grins*

    Kat Aclysm

    Hal: Red? *blinks* That’s almost as bad as you being named ‘spikes’. *slowly shakes his head, but grins in amusement. He glances towards the door and curiously tilts his head* I guess the other guy who’s meant to be in here isn’t coming. That’s a shame.

    Sephiroth: *listens to Zack with interest, but doesn’t show any of course. He grunts after the explanation is over and puts his hands behind his head* I’m never calling you anything apart from your name. I think the concept is ridiculous.


    Zack: Suit yourself, Sephiroth. Though I promise you that one day I’ll teach you how to have fun. *turns his attention to Hal* Huh? *looks up at the empty bed and shrugs* Yea, I guess he slept in. Not much we can do about that. Some guys are just plain lazy. *sits up* Hey, maybe we can sneak in a TV and place it on our empty bed up there. That would be cool. What do you think, Sephy? Do you think that would be a fun thing to have in our room?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Do what you wish to, but I am not going to be part of it. I do not want to be scolded or reprimanded for something like that. I am more than sure nothing like that is allowed in these rooms. *frowns slightly, narrowing his eyes* If you hide it in one of the closets however, it would at least be conspicuous.

    Hal: *smirks* You’re corrupting him already, Zack.


    Zack: *sits up and looks at the closet. He acts like he’s deep in thought then grins* Hmm… Yes, I think you have a point there, Sephy! *snickers and lowers his hand to give Sephy and thumbs up* A pity we’ll probably never be able to sneak it inside the complex to start with. Heh, all the guards around here would probably go insane and steal it for their own rooms. *tilts his head to look down at Hal* Nah, I’m not corrupting him. I am a pristine example of innocence! *poses in order to emphasize his point. He places his hands together in a praying manner and widens his eyes to make him look innocent*

    Kat Aclysm

    Hal: *loudly chuckles at Zack’s attitude and acting* Sure you are. You’re a real poster boy for the church.

    Sephiroth: *snorts* Do you want me to choke you? Stop calling me that stupid nickname. *pauses, glancing towards the doorway* The guards wouldn’t steal it if you knew how to conceal it properly. *gets to his feet and moves to stand near the wall, rapping his knuckles on it* If you were to cut a hole into this wall big enough to house a TV, and cover it up with a poster or something similar when it is not in use, nobody would ever notice it. *He then heads outside, trying to visualize the thickness of the wall in his mind*

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