The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God

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    Jenna: *she shrugs* I don’t know how to talk to this planet. Do I look like Aeris to you? I just figured being here and trying to talk to it was good enough. *she crosses her arms*


    Jenna: *she shrugs* I don’t know how to talk to this planet. Do I look like Aeris to you? I just figured being here and trying to talk to it was good enough. *she crosses her arms*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Just talking to it? You might as well be talking to a wall. It’s ignorant and doesn’t listen to us mortals unless one of us has done something gravely wrong. *snorts* I don’t know how you plan to get it’s attention. I had a good way, but you didn’t approve. *shakes his head, feeling dizzy from the energy overload*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Just talking to it? You might as well be talking to a wall. It’s ignorant and doesn’t listen to us mortals unless one of us has done something gravely wrong. *snorts* I don’t know how you plan to get it’s attention. I had a good way, but you didn’t approve. *shakes his head, feeling dizzy from the energy overload*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Just talking to it? You might as well be talking to a wall. It’s ignorant and doesn’t listen to us mortals unless one of us has done something gravely wrong. *snorts* I don’t know how you plan to get it’s attention. I had a good way, but you didn’t approve. *shakes his head, feeling dizzy from the energy overload*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Just talking to it? You might as well be talking to a wall. It’s ignorant and doesn’t listen to us mortals unless one of us has done something gravely wrong. *snorts* I don’t know how you plan to get it’s attention. I had a good way, but you didn’t approve. *shakes his head, feeling dizzy from the energy overload*


    Jenna: *deeply sighs* I don’t want you to be reabsorbed into that lifestream again, Seph. It was hard enough for me to convince it to let you go last time.. *She notices his dizziness via the bond. So she moves to stand next to him* There has to be a way.. The pink bitch does it all of the time.


    Jenna: *deeply sighs* I don’t want you to be reabsorbed into that lifestream again, Seph. It was hard enough for me to convince it to let you go last time.. *She notices his dizziness via the bond. So she moves to stand next to him* There has to be a way.. The pink bitch does it all of the time.


    Jenna: *deeply sighs* I don’t want you to be reabsorbed into that lifestream again, Seph. It was hard enough for me to convince it to let you go last time.. *She notices his dizziness via the bond. So she moves to stand next to him* There has to be a way.. The pink bitch does it all of the time.


    Jenna: *deeply sighs* I don’t want you to be reabsorbed into that lifestream again, Seph. It was hard enough for me to convince it to let you go last time.. *She notices his dizziness via the bond. So she moves to stand next to him* There has to be a way.. The pink bitch does it all of the time.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Why not get in touch with her, then? *shakes his head and scowls, attempting to contact the planet himself* Let me speak with the one in charge before I dive in there to absorb all of you and then blow the planet up! *clenches his fists, aiming them at the Lifestream*

    *there is a weak rumble in reply and then there is a soft giggle* “You wouldn’t do that.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Why not get in touch with her, then? *shakes his head and scowls, attempting to contact the planet himself* Let me speak with the one in charge before I dive in there to absorb all of you and then blow the planet up! *clenches his fists, aiming them at the Lifestream*

    *there is a weak rumble in reply and then there is a soft giggle* “You wouldn’t do that.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Why not get in touch with her, then? *shakes his head and scowls, attempting to contact the planet himself* Let me speak with the one in charge before I dive in there to absorb all of you and then blow the planet up! *clenches his fists, aiming them at the Lifestream*

    *there is a weak rumble in reply and then there is a soft giggle* “You wouldn’t do that.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Why not get in touch with her, then? *shakes his head and scowls, attempting to contact the planet himself* Let me speak with the one in charge before I dive in there to absorb all of you and then blow the planet up! *clenches his fists, aiming them at the Lifestream*

    *there is a weak rumble in reply and then there is a soft giggle* “You wouldn’t do that.”


    Jenna: *groans at Sephiroth* Yes, wonderful way for us to show that you deserve to be free… *she then looks down at the lifestream in surprise as she hears the voice coming up from there* Oh, so you idiots are listening to us? We still want to talk to the planet.


    Jenna: *groans at Sephiroth* Yes, wonderful way for us to show that you deserve to be free… *she then looks down at the lifestream in surprise as she hears the voice coming up from there* Oh, so you idiots are listening to us? We still want to talk to the planet.


    Jenna: *groans at Sephiroth* Yes, wonderful way for us to show that you deserve to be free… *she then looks down at the lifestream in surprise as she hears the voice coming up from there* Oh, so you idiots are listening to us? We still want to talk to the planet.


    Jenna: *groans at Sephiroth* Yes, wonderful way for us to show that you deserve to be free… *she then looks down at the lifestream in surprise as she hears the voice coming up from there* Oh, so you idiots are listening to us? We still want to talk to the planet.

    Kat Aclysm

    *the voice gently giggles* “The planet doesn’t often talk to you. The non-gifted ones, we call them…” *the voice giggles again* “But if you want to speak to the earthmother, then you need to get her attention. Clear your mind and listen to her cries. Get on the same wavelength as her. That is how any other gifted mortal speaks with the planet.”

    Sephiroth: *snorts* I’ve never heard that one before. What rubbish…

    Kat Aclysm

    *the voice gently giggles* “The planet doesn’t often talk to you. The non-gifted ones, we call them…” *the voice giggles again* “But if you want to speak to the earthmother, then you need to get her attention. Clear your mind and listen to her cries. Get on the same wavelength as her. That is how any other gifted mortal speaks with the planet.”

    Sephiroth: *snorts* I’ve never heard that one before. What rubbish…

    Kat Aclysm

    *the voice gently giggles* “The planet doesn’t often talk to you. The non-gifted ones, we call them…” *the voice giggles again* “But if you want to speak to the earthmother, then you need to get her attention. Clear your mind and listen to her cries. Get on the same wavelength as her. That is how any other gifted mortal speaks with the planet.”

    Sephiroth: *snorts* I’ve never heard that one before. What rubbish…

    Kat Aclysm

    *the voice gently giggles* “The planet doesn’t often talk to you. The non-gifted ones, we call them…” *the voice giggles again* “But if you want to speak to the earthmother, then you need to get her attention. Clear your mind and listen to her cries. Get on the same wavelength as her. That is how any other gifted mortal speaks with the planet.”

    Sephiroth: *snorts* I’ve never heard that one before. What rubbish…


    Jenna: *crosses her arms* I certainly didn’t need to go to those lengths to speak to it before. *Shaking her head, she decides to pull out her wings. She then begins to feel out the energies around her, trying to guess which one would work to helping her achieve her goal*


    Jenna: *crosses her arms* I certainly didn’t need to go to those lengths to speak to it before. *Shaking her head, she decides to pull out her wings. She then begins to feel out the energies around her, trying to guess which one would work to helping her achieve her goal*


    Jenna: *crosses her arms* I certainly didn’t need to go to those lengths to speak to it before. *Shaking her head, she decides to pull out her wings. She then begins to feel out the energies around her, trying to guess which one would work to helping her achieve her goal*

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