The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God

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    Jenna: Traded your soul for them? *tilts her head* I dont’ fully understand what you mean by that. *she shrugs* I did what I could. I don’t exactly have much to bargain with, Seph..


    Jenna: Traded your soul for them? *tilts her head* I dont’ fully understand what you mean by that. *she shrugs* I did what I could. I don’t exactly have much to bargain with, Seph..


    Jenna: Traded your soul for them? *tilts her head* I dont’ fully understand what you mean by that. *she shrugs* I did what I could. I don’t exactly have much to bargain with, Seph..


    Jenna: Traded your soul for them? *tilts her head* I dont’ fully understand what you mean by that. *she shrugs* I did what I could. I don’t exactly have much to bargain with, Seph..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You had everything to bargain with, Jen. You wanted my soul back and you had something to offer for it. That sounds like a bargaining piece to me… *sighs* I don’t want the planet to force it’s power over me every chance it gets!

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You had everything to bargain with, Jen. You wanted my soul back and you had something to offer for it. That sounds like a bargaining piece to me… *sighs* I don’t want the planet to force it’s power over me every chance it gets!

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You had everything to bargain with, Jen. You wanted my soul back and you had something to offer for it. That sounds like a bargaining piece to me… *sighs* I don’t want the planet to force it’s power over me every chance it gets!

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You had everything to bargain with, Jen. You wanted my soul back and you had something to offer for it. That sounds like a bargaining piece to me… *sighs* I don’t want the planet to force it’s power over me every chance it gets!


    Jenna: *Deeply sighs* I did ask for your freedom.. *shaking her head, she moves off the bed* There’s always one way for us to see if we can change the terms.. Come on, Seph. *she moves toward the hot springs*


    Jenna: *Deeply sighs* I did ask for your freedom.. *shaking her head, she moves off the bed* There’s always one way for us to see if we can change the terms.. Come on, Seph. *she moves toward the hot springs*


    Jenna: *Deeply sighs* I did ask for your freedom.. *shaking her head, she moves off the bed* There’s always one way for us to see if we can change the terms.. Come on, Seph. *she moves toward the hot springs*


    Jenna: *Deeply sighs* I did ask for your freedom.. *shaking her head, she moves off the bed* There’s always one way for us to see if we can change the terms.. Come on, Seph. *she moves toward the hot springs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You want to try bargaining with it again? Right now? *sighs and follows her to the springs* Why are we going this way? *looks around the area, confused* I don’t need a bath. I’m quite clean right now. Being killed and dumped in the Lifestream will do that to somebody.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You want to try bargaining with it again? Right now? *sighs and follows her to the springs* Why are we going this way? *looks around the area, confused* I don’t need a bath. I’m quite clean right now. Being killed and dumped in the Lifestream will do that to somebody.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You want to try bargaining with it again? Right now? *sighs and follows her to the springs* Why are we going this way? *looks around the area, confused* I don’t need a bath. I’m quite clean right now. Being killed and dumped in the Lifestream will do that to somebody.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You want to try bargaining with it again? Right now? *sighs and follows her to the springs* Why are we going this way? *looks around the area, confused* I don’t need a bath. I’m quite clean right now. Being killed and dumped in the Lifestream will do that to somebody.


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes* Seph.. you were killed and dumped into the life stream over a week ago. *she shakes her head at him* Time has passed. *she then opens up the maintance hatch* And don’t you remember the underground passageways? The lifestream is down there now. Remember?


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes* Seph.. you were killed and dumped into the life stream over a week ago. *she shakes her head at him* Time has passed. *she then opens up the maintance hatch* And don’t you remember the underground passageways? The lifestream is down there now. Remember?


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes* Seph.. you were killed and dumped into the life stream over a week ago. *she shakes her head at him* Time has passed. *she then opens up the maintance hatch* And don’t you remember the underground passageways? The lifestream is down there now. Remember?


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes* Seph.. you were killed and dumped into the life stream over a week ago. *she shakes her head at him* Time has passed. *she then opens up the maintance hatch* And don’t you remember the underground passageways? The lifestream is down there now. Remember?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: It is? Er… it is. *sighs and shakes his head as he follows her, peering down the ledge* It smells down here. I am glad the smell doesn’t seep upstairs. *shivers slightly with the further down they go, clearly not liking what he’s walking into* I hate this place… it brings bad memories to mind…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: It is? Er… it is. *sighs and shakes his head as he follows her, peering down the ledge* It smells down here. I am glad the smell doesn’t seep upstairs. *shivers slightly with the further down they go, clearly not liking what he’s walking into* I hate this place… it brings bad memories to mind…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: It is? Er… it is. *sighs and shakes his head as he follows her, peering down the ledge* It smells down here. I am glad the smell doesn’t seep upstairs. *shivers slightly with the further down they go, clearly not liking what he’s walking into* I hate this place… it brings bad memories to mind…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: It is? Er… it is. *sighs and shakes his head as he follows her, peering down the ledge* It smells down here. I am glad the smell doesn’t seep upstairs. *shivers slightly with the further down they go, clearly not liking what he’s walking into* I hate this place… it brings bad memories to mind…


    Jenna: *decides to just ignore Sephiroth’s complaints. Instead, she looks for the ledge that is closest to the lifestream. She then pears down at it* Ok… I have no idea what to do now. *calls out to the green fluid* I need to speak to the planet.

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