The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God

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    Jenna: *releases a faint groan as Seph’s weight settles down on the bed. She then nuzzles her nose against her pillow and curls up, clearly not ready to wake up any time soon*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *eyes Jenna momentarily before lying down on his side of the bed, curling up into his favourite position, finding comfort in it as well as familiarity. He falls asleep not too long afterwards*


    Jenna: *over the course of the night, she slowly slides closer to Seph. By the time that the silver-haired male is ready to wake up, Jenna would have completely snuggled up against him. So, he’s likely to wake up with the top of her head nestled against the base of his chin*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sleeps through the night, relatively peacefully. However, when he wakes up in the morning, he seems a little alarmed at finding Jenna so close to him. He pushes her away a bit, cringing* You’re… you’re right on me…


    Jenna: *Groans and tries to keep her grip on Seph, not wanting to loose her source of warmth* Mmm.. Don’t leave me…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls* Don’t leave you? But… I don’t get it. I’m here. How much closer do you want me to be? *frowns* You are crushing my arm. Get off me… *wriggles out from her side, dusting himself off once he’s off the bed* You’re weird.


    Jenna: *curls up and releases a soft whimper as Sephiroth leaves her side. Still, she doesn’t stir from her rest*

    Seres: *stumbles out of her room, yawning and rubbing her eyes. She then heads toward the bathroom*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *stares at Jenna like she’s insane and pulls off his coat, shaking his head* Weird… *glances over at Seres, raising an eyebrow at her* Hello, girl. What are you doing right now?


    Seres: *looks up at Sephiroth as he speaks to her. She then points to the bathroom* Need ta go pee. *She then looks at him before looking at Jenna* Fatha luf motha again? No like it tha you two no luf..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *raises an eyebrow at her* Oh, I see. Go in there, then… *shrugs, then glances back at Jenna* I don’t really know her very well.. but she keeps wanting to get near me. It’s weird… and kind of strange. I’m not sure if I like it…


    Seres: *frowns* I like it betta when fatha an’ motha luf each otha. Was best then. *shrugging, she moves into the bathroom. She then shuts the door behind her*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs at her, then glances back at Jenna* I’m sorry, but… *moves to sit back down on the bed, then reaches over to pat her on the arm* I don’t remember how it was. *furrows his brows, racking his brains as he tries to think of memories with Jenna* I’m sure it was good…


    Jenna: Mmm.. *she nuzzles her nose against her pillow. She then mutters in a sleep-filled tone* I love you.. So very much.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs, then continues to pat her arm, peering over her, nervously staring at her face. He swallows hard and leans in to attempt to kiss her on the lips, tense*


    Jenna: *Releases a faint groan as Sephiroth kisses her. She then slowly opens up her eyes to look at him* Mmm… *she reaches her hand up to gently rub the side of his face* Good morning, Seph..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *pulls his head back from her a bit, a little surprised. He shakes his head and groans* Hi… there. *wipes his mouth off* How are you this morning? I am fine, and doing well. I just… *shakes his head* What was I like before?


    Jenna: *frowns at him, noticing how he’s wiping his mouth. She then lowers her eyes and sighs* I am willing to help you remember fully, Seph.. But you keep on yelling at me and resisting when I do try. *she looks into his eyes* Do you really want to know again?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I do… I figure it will come back to me over time. Won’t it? You remember, don’t you? Can I just probe your mind, or will it come back to me? I’ve never had this happen before. At least, from what I can remember…


    Jenna: I don’t know, Seph. But I don’t trust it to just come back. That’s why I keep on trying to help you by casting those spells. However, with the amount that you fight against my efforts, nothing is being achieved. If you were to just trust in me and relax, we might actually be able to sort through it all and return you to my mate and love..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *Sighs and moves to sit back down on the bed, crosslegged* I want to remember. It seems to be an important thing. But… I don’t know where to begin. I vaguely remember some things… other things are patchy and a mystery. But fine, *lowers his head, glancing up at her hopelessly* Do what you must.


    Jenna: *she slowly pushes herself upright. She then nods at him* Very well, but before we start.. Are you certain that you are going to trust in me? Resisting my actions isn’t going to help at all, so I need you to be committed to believing that I can help you. *she reaches over to brush her fingers through his bangs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *cringes slightly* I don’t trust you, but I’m going to have to, aren’t I…. *sighs and closes his eyes, nodding his head once* Do what you need to. I’m not going to resist you. Instead I’m jsut going to have to resist the urge to resist. *smirks slightly*


    Jenna: *nods and leans in to kiss his forehead* Good. Please, just be patient. It might take a few times for us to fix this, but I’m certain that we’ll fix it.. I’m certain. *she then rests her hands on his shoulders in order to help her easily manipulate his energies. Soon enough, she begins casting a number of spells meant to cleanse the spirit of negative influences, cure confusion, and focus the mind. She’d refuse to stop until Seph gives her some indication that he is back to normal*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *flinches occaisonally, clearly not liking it at all. Soon the scowl in his brow furrows further and further until he becomes irritated enough to try and stop her* That will just about do it I think… *shakes his head, sitting therre for another few moments as he does his best to tolerate her*


    Jenna: *finishes up the the spell that she had been casting. She then looks into Seph’s eyes and frowns, not certain if he’s stopping her because he doesn’t like the sensation or because he’s fully recovered* How do I know that you are fully back to being yourself, Seph?

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