The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God

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    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Over the course of the next week, his memory becomes more aligned and more knowledge returns to him. He is able to conduct more tasks that are familiar to him, and when Dimitri demand play time, he carries him off into the training room to try and entertain him with light pokings, tickles, and gentle play fighting if such interests him*


    Dimitri: *is currently trying to play with Sephiroth once more. He is climbing over the bed and occasionally pouncing on his father when he gets the opportunity*

    Jenna: *silently reads one of her books as Dimitri plays with Sephiroth. She only looks up every now and again. However, she seems quite pleased with the progress that Seph has made*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *lightly blats his fingers at Dimitri’s wing tips, trying to wind him up. He smirks as Dimitri pounces on him, then suddenly flops across the bed dramatically, pretending that he has died*


    Dimitri: *Giggles as Sephiroth flops over. He then flaps his wings and tries to reach down to tickle his father’s stomach* Me win!

    Jenna: *softly chuckles as she watches the two play. She then reaches over to gently pat the top of Seph’s head* Training the boy already?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *looks up at Jenna, still somewhat uncertain of her. He nods his head and resumes pretending to be dead* Yes, you win. *grins* *”Training him for what? In looking rather obvious, and sloppy pouncing play, he already exceeds expectation.”*


    Jenna: *Softly chuckles. She then leans in to kiss Sephiroth* Well, you’ve done a great job then, hm? *she moves her hand to scratch behind his ear in a playful manner*

    Dimitri: *tilts his head as he watches Jenna. He then flaps his wings once more* Motha play too!

    Xelong: *wakes up from one of his many naps. He slowly gets up, then he stretches before shaking himself off. Soon enough, he heads toward Zach’s bed and climbs up onto it* ~Hungry.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *looks down at the dragon from his study notes and nods, closing up his book. He crouches down to scoop the dragon up in his arms, purring at him* *”Hungry are you, girl? What kind of food would you like to eat?”* *begins thinking of the beef steak he has been putting in the blender, then sends the mental images to the dragon* *”How about that? Would you find that nummy?”*

    Sephiroth: So do you want to play this pretend pouncing game with your winged child son?


    Xelong: *Swishes his tail and bares his teeth* ~Girl.. No, no girl.~ *he shakes his head* ~Xelong no girl… What girl?~

    Jenna: Hm.. Why should I join in when he seems to be quite content with you as the target. *she grins at him then frowns* You’re still not fully yourself, are you?

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *”You know, like a girl. A lady. Like, mom is a girl. Desiree is a girl. A female. I’m a male. A male like Sephiroth, your father. Do you understand?”* *blinks* *”Xelong? What?”*

    Sephiroth: Who honestly can tell at the moment? *smirks slightly* Some things are still fuzzy, and I’m still worried that you are going to jumble my mind again I admit, but things are clearer than they’ve been.


    Xelong: *he sniffs Zach then tilts his head* ~You male.. Male no hatch egg? Xelong no meant to hatch egg.~ *he then looks up at Zach* ~What?~

    Jenna: *Sighs at Seph’s words* I promise, I shall strive not to jumble up your mind, lock your soul inside a materia, or anything else of the sort… *she glances to the side* Do you remember what I said to the planet when they were trying to hold you captive there?

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *”Yeah, I’m a male. I think normally the female dragon sits around and watches over her egg brood until it hatches, but mom gave your egg to me to watch over so I hatched you in this case. But… you? You’re a male?”* *seems surprised by this information* *”What’s Xelong? You didn’t pick that up from me…”*

    Sephiroth: Planet? Planets don’t speak, silly.


    Xelong: ~Xelong is Xelong.~ *he wags his tail* ~Xelong no is any one else but Xelong.~ *He then bobs his head* ~Xelong no meant to lay eggs. Xelong like Zach.~

    Jenna: *deeply sighs at Seph’s words* Damn.. this is really getting.. *shaking her head, she decides to yet again try to cast a spell on Seph to clean up his mind of any confusion left over from the prior spell. She then casts a spell that’s meant to improve memory*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *”So you’re a male?”* *seems surprised by this information and quickly picks up the dragon, moving out towards Jenna* Hey mom! The dragon says he’s a boy. And that his name is Xelong. Is this unusual? *frowns* I didn’t name her that. I was still thinking of a name.

    Sephiroth: *shakes his head in irritation, not liking the sensation that buzzes through his head when Jenna casts the spell* Stop doing that… my head is fine. I told you I just need time.


    Jenna: Seph, you’ve had time. Pleanty of time… *she shakes her head* I want you back. *She then looks over at Zach and sighs* No, that’s not unusual for dragons at all. Most of them are born with an instinctual self-awareness. They know their names from the moment they are aware.

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: I can’t believe she’s a ‘he’… *holds the dragon up, closely inspecting it, wondering how to tell* I’m glad he knows, because I sure as hell don’t. About the only indication I can tell that it’s male is that it’s really, really red.

    Sephiroth: I am me. *scowls* Isn’t that good enough for you?


    Jenna: Don’t you want to not be confused any longer, Seph? You don’t even remember that this planet is self-aware. *She shakes her head* You might as well not be yourself with your lack of knowledge. And Zach, if you really want to know, stick your hand into his opening down there, *she points to his rump* You’ll find your proof.

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: No way… we already said in the beginning that we weren’t doing that. I don’t want to violate my dragon. *sets him down again and cuddles him protectively* Oh well… *sighs, getting out of Jenna and Sephiroth’s way. He carries Xelong upstairs and sets him down on the floor so he can wander around while he prepares food*

    Sephiroth: *glares* And who’s fault is that? Just leave me be, Jenna. It is coming back to me, and things are clearer than they have been. But you need to leave me alone, and I will recover normally.


    Jenna: *lowers her eyes and deeply sighs* How much longer, Seph? What if I wait forever and you never fully regain your senses.. *she shakes her head* No, just waiting around can’t be the answer.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *narrows his eyes* Alright fine, I’ll make it easier for you – alter my mind again and I will slap you. *snarls* You already messed with my head enough, don’t you think it’s time to leave things alone at some point? *shakes his head and turns his back to her, wanting to continue playing with Dimitri*


    Jenna: So, that’s what this is about? You just don’t trust me… *sighing, she gets off of the bed. She then sets her book to the side* Very well, that’s your decision. Good bye. *she moves to walk up the stairs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I don’t want you to mess with my head again if that’s what you mean. As for trust… I don’t even really know who you are. I don’t think I ever did, either. *scowls as he watches her leave* Typical. *shakes his head*


    Jenna: *mutters* Why did I bother fighting so hard to get him back? *she speaks this loud and close enough to the doorway that Seph would probably be able to hear it. Soon enough, she enters the training room and closes the door, intending to spend some time just fighting against holographic projections, if undisturbed*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls at Jenna’s comment, saying nothing. He moves to his feet, nudging Dimitri* Play time is over now, unfortunately. *heads out of the room and walks into his personal library, shutting the door behind him*


    Dimitri: *whimpers as he’s nudged off. He then slumps off the bed and walks into his room. Soon enough, he turns on one of his game systems so that he can play a simple game one one of them*

    Jenna: *remains up in the training room for several hours. Finally, she tires out of practicing, so she heads back downstairs so that she can lay down and rest up. She doesn’t bother to try to find Sephiroth upon entering the bedroom*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *as the hours pass and he becomes bored with his books, he returns to the main area of Jenna’s quarters, sitting down on the edge of the bed, then begins to sift through his own drawers, curious to see what he’ll find inside*

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