The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God

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    Jenna: *shrugs* I gave you those things so that you can sort out your thoughts. What you wrote and write in there is of your own choosing, Seph. I can not explain your reasoning. However, I imagine that the things you wrote about had some meaning to you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *places the journal besides him on the stairs, not terribly interested in it any more* Possibly. I really don’t remember though and right now it seems like a pile of rubbish. *shrugs his shoulders* Have you got anything else for me, or should I take my leave now?


    Jenna: *Deeply frowns at Seph’s question* You are planning on leaving..? *sighing, she turns her head to look at the ground* If that is what you want to do.. Then go ahead.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I will be around the… underground base area. *shrugs and heads up the stairs, leaving his journal on the ground behind him. His wanderings take him upstairs to the training area and he begins to sift through it, seeming fascinated by some of the weapons, behaving as though he’s looking at them for the first time*


    Jenna: *Deeply sighs and nods. She then moves to lie down on the bed, giving up on bothering Seph for the time being*

    Desiree: *walks past the training room not long after Seph begins looking at the weapons. She is carrying a large bowl of spaghetti, which she intends to feed Sephiros with*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiros: *has been biding his time, keeping an eye on the situation so he can best plot his escape. When Desiree brings him the bowl of spaghetti he just snatches it from her and begins to chow down without saying a single word*


    Desiree: *Sighs at him* I’ve been feeding you for weeks, can’t you give me a single answer yet? *she shakes her head and moves to sit in the same chair that she usually sits in when she visits this Sephiroth. She then crosses her arms* It would be appreciated.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiros: I already told you everything I know, now fuck off and leave me alone. *continues to hungrily munch on his food* What kind of answer are you expecting, stupid little girl? *snorts, shaking his head* I told you where I came from.


    Desiree: *she scrunches her fists together then glares at him* You haven’t told me anything! You only keep on telling me how much you’re not going to tell me. *She snorts* I want to know what that thing that tried to eat me was. I want to know why you wanted me dead. I want to know why your eyes are red. *she reaches out to poke the tip of his nose* You haven’t answered any of that. All I know is that your name is Sephiros with an O.S. and not Sephiroth with a O.T.H. like my father.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiros: *rolls his eyes* I’ve already told you – my eyes are red because they are. They always have been. I don’t know why this is such a major point of interest to you. Who the hell cares anyway?! *snorts* The thing that tried to eat you was Mother. She had gotten too power hungry for her own good… anything was food to her before I departed. *snorts* And I wanted you dead? I still do – you are an annoying brat. Now fuck off.


    Desiree: *scowls at him* No. *She shakes her head* No, no, no. I am not going to fuck off. *she hisses* Father doesn’t like having me around, and you are interesting. So, I’m staying here. *she narrows her eyes* Where were all the people on your world?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiros: *scowls* They died. I killed them. *throws the empty bowl away, causing it to shatter on the floor* Stop asking questions!


    Desiree: *jumps slightly as the bowl shatters. She then frowns at him* Hey, we don’t have an unlimited supply of those. *She snorts* And no. I still want to know about you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiros: You will when I’m finished with them. *snorts* I already TOLD YOU everything. Stop bothering me!!


    Desiree: *She snarls and reaches over to poke his nose again* No. *she snorts* I’m lonely, you’re lonely. We might as well talk. *she bares her teeth* You’re not as scary as you pretend you are.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiros: *reaches out to swat at her, snarling* Not as scary as I pretend I am? Girl, I would kill you if I could. I’ve already tried, but this prison’s defence system knocked me out last time. *glares hard at her* I already answered all your questions. There’s nothing else to talk about!


    Desiree: Hrmph.. *she shakes her head then narrows her eyes* Why didn’t Cloud Strife stop you? He did that to my Father…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiros: He couldn’t stop me. He tried. But I killed him. *glares* I killed everybody. What part of this are you not understanding? *glares hard* I’m a murderer. And you are still acting very casual about it.


    Desiree: *Shrugs* My father and mother are both murders. That’s nothing new there. People die, that’s just how things go. *she looks up at him* I’ve known more horrible people than you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiros: What the… goddamnit! *springs to his feet, snarling at her. He clenches his fists and punches at the wall within inches of her head, mostly as a warning for now* FUCK OFF!


    Desiree: *yelps slightly as she hears the bang of Sephiros’s fist hitting the wall. She then shakes her head and mutters* When I went to your world.. You saved me first.. then you started talking about eating me. But you still saved me first. You didn’t need to.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiros: GET OUT. Damnit. I don’t want to talk about this any more. Get out, get out, get ouuuutt!! *howls in a rage at her and grabs her by the arms, rushing towards the door. He throws her out of the room, then slams the door shut, pressing his back up against it so she can’t get back in*


    Desiree: *yelps as she’s thrown out of the room. She then hisses and punches the other side of it* You’re going to let me back in tomorrow when I bring you food again. I know you will!

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiros: *elbows the door and loudly hisses at her* With any luck, by tomorrow I will be GONE! *snarls* Now get lost and leave me in peace, damn you! *hisses* Annoying girl… *shakes his head* Soon enough, I’m going to get out of here…


    Desiree: *decides to leave Sephiros be for now. So, she just heads to her room*

    *For the next week, Jenna leaves Seph alone for the most part. Rather than bothering him, she concentrates her energies on taking care of the needs of the children. However, that doesn’t say that the children don’t bother Sephiroth. Dimitri, in particular, regularly heads to Sephiroth to ask him to play like they normally would*

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