The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God

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    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: On who…? *shakes his head and begins to wander away from her, still mildly confused* I remember this place, but… *frowns, shaking his head again* Can we go inside? I want to see. And experience…


    Jenna: *softly sighs at Seph’s words. She then nods* You know the way to get inside, Seph. Go ahead. Try to remember. *she moves to his side, intending to help him if he truly needs her help in the matter* This is your home after all.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glances at her, then at the door, moving forward to begin thumping on it with his hands* Open. *thumps on the door again, scowling* Open!


    Jenna: *sighs and shakes her head at him* Seph.. Calm down.. *frowning, she decides to try to use magic in order to sense out his mental state. She then tries to do a bit more via her magic to clear up the confusion and blocks that had been created with the siren-type song that her darker half had used*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *right now his memories are a jumbled mess and not very organized. He has still retained the memories, but the paths in his mind that were used to track and store and retrace things he had stored in his longterm memory are jumbled*


    Jenna: *does the best she can do with her magic to reorganize Seph’s mind so that he can hopefully remember more* I hope that this works.. *she lowers her head* Do you remember the magic that is used to open up the door now?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *punches on the door* Maybe… I don’t really remember too much of anythign right now. *shakes his head and pushes on the door, grunting as he tries to rack his brains* Just open it… *snorts*


    Jenna: *She shakes her head* Seph, take a deep breath and try to collect your thoughts. Your memories are there, I can sense them. Your mind is just not giving them to you properly. *she reaches over to gently touch the back of his shoulder* I’m not going to open the door for you. If you can’t come up with the patience to remember this.. *she sighs* You won’t have the patience to handle the children.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I can tolerate the children, I love them. They are very important to me and the only one that has managed to earn my ire enough to make me want to injure them is Desiree. *shakes his head* But that’s a whole different situation… and really messed up right now.


    Jenna: *allows herself a small grin, quite pleased with Seph’s words. However, she still doesn’t open the door for him* Desiree’s a teenager. She’s probably going through a phase, Seph.. Still, I’d rather you take your time and be patient with yourself. You know how to open this door, just try to remember.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Most of the time I have just pushed it… I don’t really remember anything about magic. Did it really require a magic spell upon opening? *tilts his head slightly, then scowls* I never cast a spell to blast it or anything. From the inside, buttons were pressed.


    Jenna: *sighs at Seph’s words. She then grips onto his left hand and guides it over to the side of the rocks. She proceeds to guide his hand toward a location of a symbol which is carved into the rock before pressing it against the symbol* Push now.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *runs his hands over the symbol and pushes hard on it, scowling* Well, that was very useful. *snorts* It is very effective. not.. *shakes his head* Now what?


    Jenna: *shakes her head at Sephiroth’s words. She then nods toward the door when it slides open* Not effective? I would say that is quite effective. Wouldn’t you? *she reaches over to grip onto his left hand* Shall we?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glances down at her hand, then nods and follows after her* Lead the way. And proceed forwards as that is what you want to do, no? *smirks and nods ahead, walking down the stairs not too far after her, paying close attention to them*


    Jenna: *blinks, not really understanding Seph’s words at all. For a few moments, she gives him a strange look. However, she just shrugs and decides that the issue isn’t worth it. Instead, she just leads Seph down to their bedroom. She then sighs as she spots Dimitri on their bed. The boy is curled up and asleep on Sephiroth’s side of the bed*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *follows her down the stairs, warily glancing around to survey his surroundings. He has a very strong sense of familiarity right now, but because his mind needs to realign, he seems a little bit confused. As he moves over to the bed, he raises an eyebrow at Dimitri and reaches out to touch his wings* Hmm. They seem geniune enough. But why?


    Jenna: Dimitri? *she shakes her head* That’s the way that he was born, Seph. Remember? You were the one who gave birth to him. *she moves to her side of the bed and sit down* You say that I’m half-dragon.. So, I assume that’s where the genetics for the wings came from.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I… what? *shakes his head in disbelief* No, I’m a male. Very much so, at that. You should know that… *grunts* No, that one is too outrageous. What else do you have to tell me? *eyes off Zach and Desiree’s rooms, humming in thought* Well I remember them…


    Jenna: *sighs at Seph* That was due to a spirit using his powers to change you into a female and I into a male.. That event only happened once, but you became pregnant then. I’m certain that you must remember that much. *she sighs* What else do you want me to tell you?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I’m not even sure where to begin. I remember some things and I am sure the rest will come back to me over time. *frowns* So did you really screw up my memories? Why would you do something like that to me? I really don’t understand that one above all things right now.


    Jenna: *Deeply sighs at Seph’s question* The answer to that one isn’t easy.. It was me, but it wasn’t me, not really. *She shakes her head* Somehow, I was split into two halves, two different personalities. I don’t really remember what the more aggressive personality did or thought.. but that one didn’t like you and did this to you. *She lowers her head* I’m sorry.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: So that means… your two halves are whole again and there’s a possible chance that you could do the same thing to me all over again? *rises to his feet* I want to go read now, I think… *finds his journal on the table beside him and picks it up, walking into the stairs area to sit down*


    Jenna: *lowers her eyes* There is a possibility, yes.. However, I should hope that it never does happen again. *she deeply sighs* There’s also another problem at the moment. Jenova is alive and free out there. She tried to take over your body twice already.. *She shrugs* Must be payback for you controlling her body while Cloud was chasing you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Jenova can go jump off a cliff. Or burn in hell. Whichever is more preffered. *snorts and just flips through the journal* What a bunch of rubbish. I don’t see why I would record the useless day to day things that happen.

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