The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God

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    Kat Aclysm

    *the presence promptly covers Jenna in a small round field in an attempt to block more of the lifestream energies being absorbed into her* “Yes. I have heard that statement before and I was sympathetic to the plea once. I allowed the male to return to the land of the living at the request of one Cetra to allow him to turn around things for the better, but it wasn’t to be. For that one travelled the exact same path despite the efforts of the Cetra and he did not do as he said he would. He lied to all of us. I am sorry, but I will have to look after this one’s fate now.” *seems rather calm despite the verbal discussion content* “There is nobody above me here.”


    Jenna: *she narrows her eyes even more as she senses the field. She then scowls and shakes her head* On the contrary, there are many above a weakling such as you. *she smirks* Starting with the spirit of your planet. Then, continuing all on to the ones who spawned me. Do you really want to get on the bad side of those forces? *she tsks at him and shakes her head* And do you really speak for the rest of your species?

    Kat Aclysm

    *the presence finally makes itself known and partially materializes in front of her, taking the form of a very annoyed elder Cetra* “Do not bother the mother spirit with this matter – she already knows. And she will tell you the exact same thing.” *he sighs* “That one belongs to the planet and she has already chosen it’s fate. Do not intervene any longer. It is not your decision to make. I do not care what kind of threat you make for it – it belongs to the planet and always did.”


    Jenna: *shakes her head and tries to stimulate the bond, wanting to at least have it’s magic reform Seph’s body at the very least. She then glares at the Cetra* Hmph, you are just one single man. Does your kind not work off some sort of council? Bring me to them. *She spreads her wings further* Or, do you want to find what an angel of death is gifted with?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *makes a small energy spark, but that is completely squashed out a moment later. Jenna would feel very strong resistance around Sephiroth’s energy, as a higher power nearby is determined to keep things as they are currently*

    *the male presence shakes his head* “We don’t negotiate with threats. If that is all you have to say, then this conversation is over. Farewell.” *begins waving goodbye to her*


    Jenna: *Growls and tries to sense out the source of the energy that is holding down Seph’s energy. She then turns her back on the Cetra, choosing to ignore him rather than continue talking to a wall* Such foolishness…

    Kat Aclysm

    *the planet’s spirit is very close to the rocky core, and just sits there, mostly silent for now, holding Sephiroth’s energy in place. Jenna may feel a heavy sense that she is being watched, but there is nothing material nearby*


    Jenna: *narrows her eyes even more as she senses that it is the planet itself holding Seph down. Scowling, she shakes her head* ~Do not make me hurt you. At least let the bond do what it’s designed to do. I promise that we won’t escape. However, the longer you hold him down like this, the more you are going to start to hurt me.~

    Kat Aclysm

    *the planet’s spirit calmly hums at her* “Do you normally try to negotiate with threat?” *continues it’s humming sound* “If the spirit materializes into flesh and bone here, he will absorb the Lifestream and be dead again within five minutes. That is not the punishment that has been selected for him at all.”


    Jenna: *deeply scowls* ~If one will not bother conversing at all and only gives me one option in their tirades, yes, I threaten.~ *she snorts* ~Still, please release him enough to let the bond do what it is designed to do. I should point out that I am flesh and blond and surviving here. He will not automatically die if he reforms right here.~ *she nods to her vicinity*

    Kat Aclysm

    *the planet’s spirit sighs tiredly* “I dont know how you have it in your mind, small one, but I’m sure the situation has already been explained to you. Now that he has returned to the planet, I intend to keep him here to serve out his punishment. There will be no rematerializing. He is being punished for what he has done, and I don’t know why you are trying to dispute what the planet has decided.”


    Jenna: I, unlike the rest of your population, do not heed to planets, gods, or any of the above. Simply because you have power and authority does not make your choices right. *she shakes her head* You feel that you are protecting your children, but what of Seph’s and mine, hm? Have you even considered them? *she snorts* He would not have bothered any of your children as of late at all if not for the actions of.. a dark soul. *she glances to the side*

    Kat Aclysm

    *the planet’s spirit lowers itself, hanging heavily overhead* “I am terribly sorry, but I do not want to release him and see the same thing happen yet again. I allowed it to happen once and my people suffered. It cannot happen again, you have to understand that.” *stops its humming, thoughtful now* “And unfortunately for his own children, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. A child can survive without it’s parent. Many have had to already on these lands. The decision has already been made. Please respect it and move onwards.”


    Jenna: *coldly* As I said, just because you have authority does not make you in the right. *She shakes her head* Very well, since you will not be reasoned, you give me little choice. *she changes the properties of her barrier, this time making it to bock the energy of anything outside of the barrier itself. Thus, with both herself and Seph in the barrier, only the two of them would be able to effect each other’s energy once the barrier changes*

    Kat Aclysm

    *the surrounding area rumbles and begins to grow darker as the planet expresses it’s anger in Jenna defying her ruling*

    Sephiroth: *seems very disorientated as he is taken from his banishment prison, his life energy crackling and sparking for a moment. As he rematerialises, he seems quite aware of his surroundings and begins to snarl, gritting his teeth*


    Jenna: *shakes her head as she notices her surroundings. She then shakes her head* Such a tantrum. That is unbecoming. *She sighs* As I promised, we are not leaving. *she crosses her arms. She then glances at Seph as he revives. Soon enough, she gives him a small grin*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Wh.. where am I…? *looks around himself, hissing* Whe… *growls and suddenly lunges at Jenna, trying to attack her and shove her away* You’re back?! How persistant do you want to be!?

    *the planet just sits idle for now, waiting to see what will happen. Tendrils of energy try curling around the barrier but they cannot penetrate it so it cannot intervene*


    Jenna: *remains still as Seph lunges to attack her, not wanting to fight back against him at the moment. She just fearlessly looks him in the eyes before softly speaking* I love you, Seph. I might not be the greatest being around, but I know this much: you never give up on those that you love. *She sighs* You know the truth. That spell is not strong enough to control your mind, thoughts, or memories without anyone actively upholding it, either… Try to remember the truth.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *savagely snarls and continues trying to attack her in a defensive rage, bashing his fists against her chest and stomach over and over again*

    *the planet rumbles angrily* “You are making a mistake. What makes you think you have the right to overrule the decision of a planet? Why do you think you have more authority than me over what happens to my own creations? “


    Jenna: *winces in pain as Sephiroth beats her up, tearing holes through her armor with the force of his blows and causing a few of her ribs to break and protrude from her skin. Still, she puts up no resistance. Instead, she just shakes her head and looks into his eyes again* Seph, if I were an apparition, how can your fists be bloodied at the moment…? *while she hears the planet’s words, she chooses not the respond at the moment*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Because… you are physical, but you are still a liar… *continues to punch her as hard as he can with his fists* Just…. like.. all the others…

    *the planet rumbles again, not liking being ignored* “I am not releasing this back onto the surface under any circumstances. This ones actions is only further proving why it must be sealed away!”


    Jenna: *reaches out to grip onto Seph’s wrists, wanting to stop the assault, if only for a second. She then whispers* Tell me how this is a lie. *She then moves in to kiss him, ignoring the pain that radiates from her battered mid-section*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *struggles, seeming disgusted. He wriggles his limbs, trying to flee from her* *”What madness is this?!”* *snarls* Stop…. stop it.. *tries to rear back from her, seeming very angry, flustered, and confused*


    Jenna: *Shakes her head at Seph’s actions, feeling his emotions through the bond. She then reaches up to gently run her fingers through his bangs. Her actions are rather slow partially because she’s being particularly gentle with him and partially because she’s in great pain* Seph, there is no spell keeping your mind fragmented or damaged any more. Just stop and think. You know the truth.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *lowers his head, hissing in anger at her* You… *tries to push her away, but it is much less aggressive than before now* Guh…. go away… *shakes his head* I don’t need this right now. Where am I…? *shoves Jenna in the shoulder again should she come near*

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