The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God

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  • #30548
    Kat Aclysm

    Jenova: *growls* *”Lay the female out onto the ground. I want it to be able to get up as swiftly as possible once its mind has sorted things out.”* *hisses in amusement and flicks her tail* Ah… *glances over at Yazoo, using Sephiroth’s ability to purr* *”You are here. Let us stay here and wait around. For the entertainment is about to begin.”*


    Kadaj: *glances at Loz then growls out* You heard Mother. Set that wrench on the ground. *he points down near the cave wall*

    Yazoo: *nods, though he’s still a bit confused* Entertainment? What sort of entertainment are you planning, Mother?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *makes a momentary weak hiss as he tries to wiggle free of Jenova’s clutches* *”…. help…”*

    Jenova: *grins and nudges Jenna* *”This. The show is about to begin. It will be entertaining and funny, you shall see. She’s angry, I can sense it. And I can feel it for some reason.”* *smirks* *”But it matters none. For I will defeat her as soon as she rises.”*


    Jenna: *releases a faint groan as she’s nudged. Soon enough, her eyes slit open. However, she doesn’t do anything at first. Instead, she just tries to let her eyes focus*

    Yazoo: *shrugs, not overly concerned whether Jenna is angry or not* I see. After that, do we get to move on from this place? *he looks over at Loz* Loz has been crying for pizza for the last few weeks.

    Kat Aclysm

    Jenova: *growls, seeming unconcerned with the complaints of her underlings* *”We shall go forth from this place and conquer all!”* *purrs* *”And then we shall sail the universe, using this planet as a vessel, our kind ruling everywhere.”*

    Loz: I would prefer the pizza…


    Jenna: *decides to keep her eyes only slit open, not wanting to draw attention to herself. She then looks about the area, at least as much as she can without fully opening her eyes. Spotting Seph and noticing the changes, her lips slowly turn downward, but only at the corners, for her beaked snout can’t move in any way. Despite her efforts, her side of the bond is still wide open. So, it is plausible that she may be giving away her thoughts and current state of awareness to Jenova anyway*

    Yazoo: *looks over at Loz* You can eat as much pizza as you want once we rule over this planet. Brother.

    Kat Aclysm

    Loz: That doesn’t even make sense. How can I eat the pizza if we kill everyone? There will be no people left to make it for me. And I… I can’t cook. I set fire to something once. And after that, one of the people in that island base told me I wasn’t allowed to touch the stove any more. The short one that looks like big brother.

    Jenova: *is unaware of Jenna’s thoughts because she is not actively reading Sephiroth’s mind right now. She kicks Jenna a second time and hisses, moving away* She’s not going to wake up any time soon. Let us explore. *fans out her uneven wings, shaking the bare one for a moment, causing feathers to grow all over it. Then she launches herself into the air and begins to fly up out of the crater, leaving it altogether* *”Where shall we conquer first?”*


    Yazoo: No one can keep you away from a stove when there is no one around to stop you, Loz. *he shakes his head* Anyway, we can make a minion just for making you pizza.

    Jenna: *waits until everyone has their back to her. Then, she springs to her feet and tries to tackle Jenova in the back* ~Seph, what have you done to yourself? This isn’t right at all..~

    Kadaj: I still think that we should make big brother suffer by having his body conquer that land where his family is. *softly chuckles* That would be quite amus- *he then hisses as Jenna dashes past him and launchers herself at Sephova*

    Kat Aclysm

    Jenova: *grins as she hears Jenna behind her and taps into Sephy’s mind resources as well as her own as she sends a large pulsing shockwave out from within herself to the area around her, attempting to push Jenna away* *”Sephiroth is no more!”*


    Jenna: *yelps in pain as the shock wave smashes into her. She tries to keep a grip on “Sephiroth” but digging her claws into his flesh. However, she’s soon thrown back toward Loz. Snarling as she lands, she glares at Sephova* I’ve heard that before..

    Kat Aclysm

    Loz: *his eyes widen slightly as the hybrid dragon comes flying at him and promptly catches her, taking advantage of the opportunity to grab her arms and keep her captive, wanting to look like he is being helpful in the eyes of his older brothers*

    Jenova: *howls with laughter and just flaps up out of the crater, flying off* *”My minions, follow! Tonight we conquer!”* *begins flyign towards Icicle Inn seeing as though its the nearest human dwelling*


    Jenna: *hisses as she realizes that Loz has his hands on her arms. She then looks back at him before narrowing her eyes* ~Do you really support this? You know what Seph should be like. Why are you going along with this?~ *she then glares at Sephova* Seph, I know you’re confused, but you don’t need to accept her as your master. Come back to me..

    Kat Aclysm

    Loz: *grins at her, though it is playful and amused* Why am I doing this? To help mother, of course. I know what everything should be like, but the faster this is done with, the faster I can go back to my play.

    Sephiroth: *”L… lies… lies, lies lies, LIES!”* *soon, a crackling of Jenova’s own telepathy echoes through his own* *”You were always a lie. A tool of destruction can never be anything but. You are a fool.”*


    Jenna: *shakes her head at Loz and sighs* ~You can play with me and my family again if you help me… I know how you like playing with the children. Don’t you want to go back to that?~ *she frowns at Sephiroth* Seph.. If you can, look at me. Do I look like an illusion? *she shakes her head* You can feel everything that makes me. I’m certain that if you try, you can find the truth through either myself or Jenova.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”Shut up and get out of my head!!”*

    Jenova: *purrs as she continues to fly away* *”You are a fool… soon he will be completely absorbed into my own. Do you not listen to his demands? You filled his head with false hopes and lies. And in turn, you are the lie. He will serve me and me alone now. You are wasting your time.”* *crashes down in the Icicle Inn and begins her mass slaughter, intending to wipe the town out*


    Jenna: *tries to flap her wings then looks back at Loz once more* ~Let me go. I will make it so that you can play with my family once more if you let go of my arms.~ *she then frowns at Sephiroth* Do I look like a lie to you? I am not in your head. I am real.

    Kadaj: *broadly grins as he watches Jenova ransack the village. He then lands not far away from her and quickly moves to slice through the nearest pedestrian*

    Kat Aclysm

    Loz: *shakes his head and mumbles in a low voice, not wanting to be overheard by the others* Come on, at least put up a fight here. You could escape any time you wanted, you know. I don’t really want to be here anyway… it smells. *eyes his brothers, then glances away again, adopting their serious expression*

    Jenova: *begins releasing large quantities of explosive energy from both her and Sephiroth, destroying buildings and houses alike in the process* *”You are wasting your time speaking with him, foolish girl. He does not desire your prescence any more.”*


    Jenna: ~Very well, then. If you’d rather I make it rough for show, I shall do exactly that.~ *giving Loz a slight nod, she tries to spread out her wings again. She then suddenly whips up her tail so that it smashes right in between his legs and into his privates. As she does this, she addresses Jenova* ~You are the manipulator and liar here, alien. I know Seph well enough that I can say with certainty that if his mind had not been warped, he would not want to be with you at all.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Loz: *howls in pain as Jenna’s armoured tail smashes into his nether regions and he crumples back from her, letting go, sobbing in pain* *”That wasn’t for show…”*

    Jenova: *”Are you really sure of that, stupid weak human? Read his thoughts. He hates you. He believes you to be a lie. Know his thoughts and the truth. He is one with me now, just as was meant to be. You are foolish to think otherwise.”*


    Jenna: *quickly spreads her wings and swoops away from Loz. She then swoops in to crash into Sephova’s back before trying to pin them down* I am no lie. You are the largest liar of all, alien. *she loudly growls before trying to contact Seph directly through the bond* ~You can feel me, my love. Use my strength, any and all of it, to regain your senses. I’m sorry for what my other half did before, but you are confused. You need to find the truth.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *mentally twitches, seeming to be in pain* *” …. stop telling me this rubbish! You’re a lie, plain and simple…”* *sends a sharp spike to Jenna’s mind in his defense*

    Jenova: *screeches and flattens her wings against her back, losing altitude with the manoeuvre, but is doing it to try and preserve her wings from damage* *”Foolish!”* *attempts to whack her away with her hideously malformed fleshy tail*


    Jenna: *twitches at Seph’s attack. She then shakes her head* ~I am not a lie.. Please, believe me. You know it’s the truth.~ *she then hisses as the tail whacks into her. As retaliation, she releases a stream of fire right into the feathers of Sephova’s wings*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”You are. Stop talking to me…”* *hurls another mental attack at her mind, wanting her to go away. However, it seems unco-ordinated and erratic, and he is rather confused as to everything right now*

    Jenova: *screeches in torment as her wings burn up and the feathers curl up, ruined by the flames. She falls out of the sky like a rock at this point, crashing onto the ground, hissing once she hits* *”You can’t leave anything alone, can you?!”*


    Jenna: *coldly* When there is someone that I care about involved, yes. I am not about to let you keep Seph as your prisoner and puppet, alien. *she then grips onto Sephova’s shoulders and tries to force the body to face her. She then glares at their eyes* ~Seph, look at me. Do I look like a lie to you? Do I look like I’m in your mind? Do I feel like an illusion? I am not an illusion.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *simply responds this time with yet another sharp aggressive mind attack* *”Lies… lies that persist and continue trying to impose themselves on me forcefully… that’s all anything ever is… now SHUT UP!! And stop telling me how you think things are, because I already KNOW!! Get out of my head, lies!!”*

    Jenova: *glares hatefully at Jenna and tries to spit in her eyes* You can never stop me!

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