The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God

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  • #30498
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”No… you can’t–“* *the signal is rather abruptly cut off*

    Jenova: *hisses with delight as she manages to break part of Sephiroth’s mind, then sends a sharp blast to his mind, quite knocking him out cold. Once she is content with her work, she drags the unconcious male off, moving for the network of caves, intending to bury him*


    Jenna: *deeply frowns at the response. She then deeply sighs and closes her eyes* Damn.. Damn, damn, damn. *she rises up to her feet before opening her eyes again* I don’t have any answers yet.. *shaking her head, she decides to return to Halcyon for now so she can at least check up on the children. So, she shifts into her hybrid form and takes off in that direction*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *has been spending her time taking care of Sephiroth and Jenna’s children by keeping an eye on them and generally monitoring them, wanting to make sure they stay safe. Right now she is keeping a watch over the kitchen and cooking something simple, wanting to keep anyone from getting burned*


    Jenna: *roughly lands outside the base, not feeling like taking the time to actually pay attention to what she’s doing. She then moves down the stairs, intending to take care of her children. While she’s moving about and the like, her mind is not on what she’s doing at all. So, she just absently sits down on the bed when she does reach her room*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *hears the noise in the next room, curious to know what it is. He picks up his dragon very carefully and cradles it in his arms as he moves out of the room, grinning slightly at Jenna as he sees her* Oh, hey. You’re back.


    Jenna: *deeply sighs* Yea, I’m back.. Alone. *she shakes her head then moves to lie down on the bed*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: Mom? *blinks and shakes his head* What’s so bad about that? Forgive my language here, but Aeris is a really annoying whining brat. Moreso than the three year olds in the base here. Really. She babies everyone, talks to them in condescending tones, and when things don’t go her way, she gets really whiny at us. It’s enough to make my ears hurt. I can only imagine how bad it would be for the little lady here. *gently strokes his dragon’s head, purring*


    Jenna: *releases another deep sigh then shakes her head* No, I don’t care about whether Aeris is here or not.. *she curls up on herself* Seph… He’s gone. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to heal what was done and get him back either.

    Xelong: *tilts his head to look up at Zach. He then reaches up to gently nip on the boy’s chin*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *blinks at Jenna’s remark, then moves over to the bed and gently sets the dragon down on it, stroking the top of it’s head* *”That’s really cute,”* *smiles* *”But don’t bite too hard, OK?”* Where’d he go? Why don’t you just find him and get him back? *narrows his eyes* Or did you guys have another fight again?


    Jenna: *She shakes her head* We were trying to take care of a large problem.. There was someone who threatened nearly everyone, including Seph and myself.. *she frowns, looking to the side for she doesn’t want to admit the full extent of the situation there* Seph.. he became entrapped by a spell that warped his thoughts. He.. might not be recoverable at all.

    Xelong: *trills as Zach pats his head. He then reaches up to lick onto the boy’s palm*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: Might not isn’t a “cannot”. I’m not much of a fighter, but do you want me to help? *grins down at the dragon and chuckles slightly* *”Are you hungry, girl? I probably need to feed you again soon anyway…”*


    Jenna: *deeply sighs and slowly shakes her head* I know it’s not impossible, but for now.. I just can’t go after him. *She closes her eyes* I need to rest before I can look for him anyway.. At the moment, I’m just not ready.

    Xelong: *swishes his tail, He then trots over to Jenna and lays down behind her*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *watches Xelong move behind Jenna and looks a little dissapointed. however he doesn’t seem too upset about it and just leaves the dragon be, sighing at Jenna’s response* Well, OK… *moves away from her and heads up the stairs in search of his other siblings*


    Jenna: *sighs, not minding that the dragon is being lazy. She then closes her eyes and tries to drift off to sleep. Before departing for the land of dreams, she softly mutters* Seph, come back to me…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *over the course of the next few weeks, Sephiroth remains with Jenova and the other three Silver Haired males, following them around, doing as Jenova orders. When Sephiroth is not out on some killing mission, he is nearby Jenova. Meanwhile, Jenova has done more to ensure that Sephiroth will not break by modifying his brain, also infesting his body with a semi-strong strain of her cells. Right now he is not doing anything so he just sits on the ground nearby Jenova, keeping guard*


    Kadaj: *walks over to Jenova’s side, not interested in simply keeping guard like Loz and Yazoo are doing. He looks at Sephiroth as he nears. Narrowing his eyes at the sight of the older man, he snorts then kneels down in front of Jenova* Mother.. Have you stolen Sephiroth’s secrets yet?

    Jenna: *has finally decided that she might have a hope of snapping Seph back to reality. So, for now, she’s sitting outside the base with her eyes closed. She’s trying to sense out Seph’s location. So, her mate might feel a certain amount of tugging on his bond*

    Kat Aclysm

    Jenova: *growls in anger* *”No, I’ve not…. but I have a plan. I will tear him apart soon enough and pull his immortality from him. I can feel it there and I can pull on it, but it is soulbound and will not move. Once I find out how it works, it shall be MINE.”*

    Sephiroth: *because he is so used to Jenova tugging on his soul-binding link, he doesn’t care a lot about it*


    Jenna: *deeply frowns, not likely what she’s finding with her exploratory tugs. She then shakes her head* ~Seph, can you hear me? Please.. respond. I miss you.~

    Kadaj: *nods at Jenova’s words* It will be a great pleasure to see Sephiroth finally be rendered lifeless. *he grins at the thought. He then stands up* Mother, when will we do more than just stay here and wait?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *seems confused as Jenna tugs on his bond and begins to snarl when he hears her voice in his head* *”You are a lie. And fake… illusions, all of it. I shall not talk to you any longer.. for I do not appreciate lies…”*

    Jenova: *hisses at Kadaj* *”Once I am recovered to my former glory, we will do MUCH more than just stay here. But I need to heal first.”* *turns towards Sephiroth and hisses* *”I will tear that one apart soon enough.”*


    Jenna: ~Seph, I am not a lie. Our children miss you too.. There are no lies except the ones that you are living now. Please, try to remember the truth.~ *she deeply sighs and closes her eyes* ~I love you, Seph. Remember?~

    Kadaj: *scowls* How much longer will that be, Mother? What do you need to heal. I’ll do anything to help you return to your glory.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sends a sharp defensive telepathic spike to Jenna halfway through her comment and ignores the rest of it, snarling* *”Leave me alone! You’re not even real… just a false memory that keeps coming back to annoy me!”*

    Jenova: *”Energy. And time.”*


    Jenna: ~Seph, I am real. I am very much a real being. I am much more real than the things that spell did to you. Please, just snap out of it. You know the truth. I know you do.~

    Kadaj: *Frowns at Jenova’s words* How do I get the energy that you require? *he glances at Sephiroth* And what is wrong with big brother?

    Kat Aclysm

    Jenova: *”Who cares… he’ll be erased soon enough.”* *gurgles* *”The energy I require is at the bottom of this crater, but it is a precarious situation. Too much will ruin the mind.”* *begins moving towards Sephiroth, coiling a tentacle around his throat* *”I am still unsure how to acquire this one’s secret, but I can see it there…”*

    Sephiroth: *”Get LOST!”* *snarls* *”Get out of my head! Get out, get out, get out!”*


    Jenna: *shakes her head. She then opens up her side of the bond, trying to bombard Seph’s side with as much from her soul and feelings as she can* ~Seph, I will not give up on you. You didn’t give up on me.~

    Kadaj: *scowls* There has to be a way to make you well again with speed, Mother.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *begins to flail his limbs and claw at his head with his hands, loudly snarling, howling shortly afterwards* Get out, get out, get out! Lies, lies, LIES! *in his anger, he sends a sharp destructive shockwave outwards from his person, which knocks Jenova back as well and causes the area to shake and rocks begin to shower down from above*

    Jenova: *”If you can find it, I encourage you to look.”* *hisses at Sephiroth’s actions* *”He will make this place cave in. Whatever you are doing to aggrovate him, stop it!!”* *moves back in to coil her tentacle more tightly around Sephiroth’s neck, then begins to bombard his mind with mental attacks, deciding that it is safer to drag down his abilities and ruin the parts of his mind which enable them*

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