The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God

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  • #30448
    Kat Aclysm

    Cloud: *glances back at Sephiroth, whom is still swatting at the air* Yeah, we’ll be fine. Come on. *walks towards the Battle Arena doors, waving the rest of his group onwards, intending for them to follow*

    Sephiroth: *”Shut up…”* *glances at the area around him, snarling slightly. He stumbles back from the group before heading for the exit, intending to fly away*


    Jenna: *whimpers and tries to hold onto Sephiroth* Seph, please, just settle down.. Rememeber, you want to make me whole again.. *she looks at the doors to the arena then tries to pull him inside* Please, just come.

    Psychotic: ~Yes, follow her, young one. Much fun awaits you.~

    *The arena is barren for the most part. There are no signs of any other competitors or monsters. All there is inside the arena is a singular, let rather large, container. This container is made of steal and reinforced, so it is impossible to even guess what is inside*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cloud: *takes out his sword and inches towards the crate* This is definitely not normal… or how one of these fights begin. *glances back to his group* Be prepared for anything. *looks back at Sephiroth, before waving to the Clerk* Close the doors, we can cope without him!

    Sephiroth: You… you’re a lie… *swats out at Jenna, then attempts to punch her* Get the hell away from me!!


    Jenna: *yelps as she’s punched. She then whimpers and tries to grip onto his waist* Seph, please, settle down.. Please.. I love you. I want you happy. I’m not a lie. *She shivers in fear*

    Psychotic: *suddenly appears as she teleports so that she’s sitting on top of the container. She then grins at Cloud and his group* Hello, heroes. I told you that we would play. *giggles* Are you ready for the game to start?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *attempts to shove Jenna over, loudly snarling in protest at her* Get away from me! I’m tired of these stupid illusions and false images…. **blasts a large hole in the ceiling with his abilities, then leaps into the air and attempts to fly off*

    Cloud: Yeah, go ahead. I don’t see why a battle is so funny to you, but whatever. Bring it on!


    Psychotic: *broadly grins then purrs out to Cloud* As you wish. *she stands up then taps on the container with her foot. As soon as her foot taps onto the metal, the container simply seems to fall apart, with each of the walls crashing onto the floor. Meanwhile, the Psychotic version of Jenna leaps back and lands on the railing to the spectators’ seating area. As for what was inside the container, it seems to be an armored ball that is curled up. This ball has a number of tubes that are jammed into nearly every crevice available on the ball’s form. However, once the metal collapses, the various tubes begin to hiss as the seals that held them to the “ball” fail. Hence, the tubes snap off, one by one*

    Jenna: *Yelps as Sephiroth tries to fly away. She then whimpers* ~Seph, please.. come back. You wanted to kill my other half, remember? Please, just.. come back.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: It’s a lie… *snarls* And so… are you… *makes a loud growling sound at Jenna before attempting to shove her over. Then he leaps through the hole he has made and rockets off towards the Northern Crater*

    Cloud: *inches towards the ball target, poking at the tubes with the tip of his sword, shaking his head* Be prepared for something big, guys… *moves back, shifting into a defensive battle-ready stance*


    Jenna: *whimpers* I’m not a lie.. *she shakes her head* I’m not a lie, Seph. You know that. *She helplessly watches as he flies away*

    *The ball suddenly releases a loud hissing sound as it is tapped. It then begins to move, swiftly extending out of the defensive curl that it had been in. Large claws scrape onto the ground as the creature stretches out its limbs and tail. It then lifts its head to look directly at Cloud with deep, black eyes, which only have a pin-prick of white at where the pupil should be. As soon as the creature is unfurled, it screeches then leaps out toward Cloud, making the final tubes rip out of its hide. Thanks to still being a bit drugged, the creature accidently leaps so that it lands a few feet away from Cloud instead of right on top of him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cloud: *instinctively sidesteps anyway and swings his sword around to point at the creature, glaring hard* Oh, nice try… *charges at it, attempting to stab it in the neck* Charge!!

    Red XIII: *leaps forwards, following Cloud’s lead. His leap sends him over the spikey haired male and he attempts to scratch out the creature’s eyes*

    Sephiroth: *simply flies away, heading for the crater as fast as he can*


    Jenna: *whimpers then glances into the arena. Frowning in thought, she slowly gets up then moves toward the audience chambers, intending to try to take care of the Psychotic version of herself so that she can make her mate happy again*

    Berserk: *swiftly moves to close his eyes, allowing his armoring around his eyes to help protect them from being scratched out. He then leans in and tries to bite down on Cloud’s sword, intending to use his massive bite pressure to actually snap through the weapon*

    Psychotic: *happily giggles as she watches the scene. She then hums* Oh, little heroes. Berserk isn’t even awake yet. How much fun will we have once the drugs fully wear off?

    Kat Aclysm

    Cloud: *tries to rip the sword out of Berserk’s mouth, backing up as he does so. He grips the sword tightly and attempts to use the equipped Materia in his sword, trying to cast Fire 3 on the creature as he makes his retreat* Everyone, attack it at the same time, it won’t be able to focus on all of us at once!

    Tifa: *uses her fist weapons to punche the ground near the creature’s legs, attempting to knock it over with a shockwave*


    Berserk: *growls and snarls as Cloud’s sword slips out of its beaked maw. It then hisses in frustration as the other Avalanche members gang up on him. However, he soon whips around in a circle, trying to strike out at any in his direct vicinity with his spiked tail before he leaps toward Tifa for making the ground shake*

    Vincent: *grunts as he fires off several shots at Berserk. He then narrows his eyes* Thick armor… We need to find a weakness.

    Kat Aclysm

    Tifa: *shrieks in panic as Berserk leaps towards her and attempts to uppercut him in the jaw* Get it off! It’s coming for me!

    Cloud: *yanks his sword back* It’s immune to fire…? Damn… *calls out to Vincent* Aim for it’s weak spots – I’m sure Red had the right idea. *runs around to the side of Berserk while he is focussed on Tifa and tries to stab and draw the sword tip through the creature’s side as he runs by*


    Vincent: *grunts* I shall try, Cloud. However, We do not know its weak points. *he then narrows his eyes and tries to fire at Berserk’s joints*

    Berserk: *releases an agitated growl as he’s punched. However, he doesn’t let the pain get in his way of landing on his current desired pain. He then opens up his mouth and tries to bite down on Tifa’s head. He flinches as Vincent’s shots strike at his joints but he doesn’t bother to turn his focus away from Tifa. He also releases an annoyed hiss as Cloud’s sword clangs against the spikes that protect his side*

    Kat Aclysm

    Tifa: *makes another loud shriek as the creature tries to bite down on her head and attempts to punch it in the roof of it’s mouth as it’s maw comes down on her* Get it off!! Help me! Shoot it, do something!

    Red XIII: *makes a loud roaring sound and flings himself at Berserk’s head, attempting to latch onto the back of his neck or dig his claws into the creature’s armoured hide*


    Berserk: *hisses as his mouth is punched. He then jerks back slightly before growling in annoyance. However, before he can retalliate at Tifa, Red begins to bite at the back of his heck. Even though that area is well protected by his plates, he finds the attack to be bothersome, so he flings his head back in an attempt to stab at Red

    Jenna: *softly whimpers to herself. However, she continues to move in on her psychotic half. She then pauses just as she’s a few yards away from the other woman’s back*

    Kat Aclysm

    Red XIII: *attempts to hold on and dig his claws in, attempting to bite at any area at the back of Berserk’s head that would do damage, raking his teeth along hard scale at the least if unsuccesful in finding somewhere to bite and puncture with his canines*

    Cloud: This thing has to go down somehow… *attempts to cast Ice 3 on the creature next*


    Berserk: *for the most part, his back is well protected by the plates and spikes covering it. So, Red would not have much luck making any severe wounds at all with his current tactic. However, Berserk does loudly screech in annoyance as the barrage of ice hits him. Hissing, he whips around to face Cloud before rearing back his head. Soon after, he launches a stream of acid straight at Cloud*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cloud: *quickly ducks his head and turns his face away as the acid comes flying at him, attempting to block the stream with the flat side of his sword* Damn it…!! *is still splashed with the acid anyway and stumbles back, seeming to be in pain*

    Red XIII: *roars in reply and awkwardly attempts to hold onto Berserk while the creature moves underneath him, trying to once again claw out the creature’s eyes while he is distracted with Cloud*


    Berserk: *loudly grows as the claws scrape around his eye cavern. He then quickly jumps and flips in the air, trying to fling Red off of him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Red XIII: *roars* Get him in the belly! *makes a loud yowling noise as he is flung off the beast, using his feline grace to rotate and twist his body in such a way that he lands onto the wall paws first, using his joints to cushion most of the blow. After he has done that, he leaps off the wall and charges at the creature’s tail, trying to sink his teeth into it*


    Berserk: *whips around just as Red reaches the area around his tail. He then tries to bite down on the “lion’s” neck, intending to stop the bothersome little creature that keeps on jumping on him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Red XIII: *roars as he is bitten down on and goes quite limp, pretending to have been disabled or killed*

    Cloud: Damn it! Red! *runs back to close proximity of the creature and tries to stab the sword into the area under his jaw*


    Berserk: *Growls and shakes his head from side to side like a shark would do to its kill. He then releases an annoyed hiss as Cloud’s sword jabs into his jaw. However, her refuses to let go of his current prey*

    Vincent: *narrows his eyes as he continues to study the creature. He then yells out toward Cid* Cid, if you can angle it right, strike at this thing right under the plates and spikes that protect its back. *he then charges up a lightning spell before allowing the bolts to spew over Berserk’s form. He then frowns at the lack of debilitating result* Very resilient..

    Jenna: *slowly pulls out a knife as she nears her less sane version’s back. However, before she’s able to stab the other woman in the back, Psychotic whips around and grips her throat. Whimpering, Jenna closes her eyes then swings out, managing to slash the woman’s throat open. Upon seeing that she’s mortally injured her other half, she quickly moves to slash her own jugular*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cloud: *hollers* Let go of my friend! *tries to twist the sword around once stabbed in, wanting to cause as much damage to the creature as possible. He doesn’t notice Jenna right now as his highest priority is to get the creature down as quickly as he can*

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