The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God

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    Jenna: *whimpers* All I said was that you were scaring me, Seph.. I don’t like it at all. *she shakes her head* I just want things to go back to the good old times where you were a docile fool that becomes easily tricked by promises of kindness.

    Clerk: *calmly* That won’t do at all.. Silver hair needs to come. It’s very important.

    Kat Aclysm

    Cloud: He’s not a friend. He’s not in our group. He’s not coming. We’re doing this without him. Get over it and deal with it, OK lady? *folds his arms* You want us to do this battle, and I didn’t even want to do it in the first place. You should be content with me agreeing to do it at all.

    Sephiroth: And there you go again. *snorts in disgust* I’m not playing this game any more. *walks away and jumps down into the Wonder Square to explore there*


    Jenna: *yelps and chases after Sephiroth* There I go again? *she shakes her head* Seph, what’s going on? Why are you being so mean? I don’t understand.

    Vincent: *Grunts* I’ll go get Yuffie. *he then turns around and exits the area. Soon enough, he jumps through the chute that leads to Wonder Square. He then narrows his eyes as he spots Sephiroth* Seems that I can take care of two problems.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *is already in the new area and doesn’t hear her*

    Cloud: I already called everyone. You don’t… *sighs as Vincent leaves, then shakes his head* Damn it. *kicks the desk*


    Jenna: *shakes her head then moves to follow after Sephiroth. Upon entering the Wonder Square, she tries to run to Seph’s side and grip onto him* Seph, please, just calm dow- *she then yelps and jumps away from him as Yuffie’s Conformer strikes the ground where she just was*

    Vincent: *is moving in toward Sephiroth as well, intending to tell him that he is needed in the other area. However, he pauses as he notices that Jenna was just attacked*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *narrows his eyes, initially trying to shove Jenna off himself. However, when Yuffie’s thrown Shuriken weapon strikes the ground near her, he snarls, narrowing his eyes, not trusting any of the visuals or sounds around him now* *”Is this another trick? Are you playing with me again? What are you trying to acheive this time?”*


    Yuffie: *leaps down in front of Jenna and Sephiroth, frowning at the fact that her strike missed* Man, you monsters were supposed to be destroyed. *she balls up her fist then tries to dash toward her Conformer*

    Jenna: What? I’m not a monster..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *narrows his eyes, then attempts to flood Yuffie’s mind with a barrage of loud psychic whistling noises, ranging from static to high pitched screeches, attempting to disable her for the time being*


    Yuffie: *screams as Sephiroth begins to attack her mind. She then grips onto her forehead while she crumples to the ground*

    Vincent: *walks up to Sephiroth then crosses his arms* Was that really necessary?

    *the crying and sniffling of a child continues in the background. Soon enough, a child that is similar to Seres seems to walk up toward Seph’s location*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: It’s necessary if one is tired of all the uselessness and screwing around. I don’t know about any of you, but I’m not enjoying myself here. *glances at the sniffling child and narrows his eyes, not trusting that either* *”What are you trying to do now? I suppose this one’s going to randomly explode?”*


    Vincent: *sighs* I do not believe any of us are having fun here, but none of us came here to have any fun at all. *he shakes his head* Just come with me, Sephiroth. We seem to have found a clue, but they are insisting on having you present. *he then bends down to pick up Yuffie*

    *the child looks up at Sephiroth then tilts her head* Father, why don’t you love me? You never care. You’re horrible.

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    Sephiroth: That’s rather odd. I wonder why anyone would insist to have me anywhere. We might as well go there, then. *narrows his eyes at the young girl* Just go away. I’m not going to be dragged down by any of this – you are wasting your efforts.


    Jenna: *notices how Sephiroth is staring at a spot where she sees no one. She then moves to his side and grips onto his upper arm* Seph, who are you speaking to? There’s no one there.

    *the child sniffles before it begins to desolve away into ashes*

    Vincent: *nods as he stands up. He then moves ahead, leading Sephiroth to the Battle Square. Once he enters the area, he climbs up the stairs so that he can find Cloud* Any news here?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”Yes. That’s what I thought. Nice try, but you failed miserably.”* *say nothing to Jenna, but calmly pulls his arm away from her, snorting* Are we going or not? *moves for the Battle Square, just silently glaring as he makes his way up the stairs*

    Cloud: I think she wants the whole group, so you’re going to have to wait for them. I called them, they should be here within the next few hours. Cid was pissed that he had to pick people up.


    Clerk: *turns around upon hearing footsteps near to her. She then grins as she spots Sephiroth* Ah, you brought the silver-hair. Good. *she nods* Ok, I can sign you all up for the special tournament for today. You will be entered within fifteen minutes. *she slides the sign-up book over toward Cloud*

    Vincent: *sets Yuffie down on the floor, positioning her so that she’s against the wall. He then looks at the clerk* Seems that she can’t make up her mind.

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    Cloud: *immediately slides the book back to the clerk* You wanted everyone to come, so I called them. So you’re going to have to wait. *folds his arms* I didn’t even want to go in this, and you pushed it. So you can wait until your own requirements are even met.

    Sephiroth: Silver hair…? *glares* Goodbye. *heads out the door again*


    Jenna: *blinks then rushes over to Seph. She tries to grab onto his arm* Seph, where are you going?

    Clerk: *Frowns at Cloud* Very well, if you want to wait, then so be it. However, we are more than happy to let you in right away now that you have all that were in the building. *She shrugs then turns away from Cloud*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *tries to yank his arm away from her* This is a setup, I know it is. Nobody calls me silver hair apart from the psychotic version of yourself. I’m not going to stay around here and watch her pull another stupid stunt. What a waste of time coming here was…


    Jenna: *whimpers and tries to pull Sephiroth back* Seph, please, settle down. Remember why you came here.. *she then tries to get around to stand in front of Sephiroth* Seph, if you want to find her and stop her, don’t you need to go to where the activity is? *She shakes her head* Nothing will be accomplished if you ru- *suddenly, the song that has been sung becomes much louder as the area that Sephiroth is seeing seems to vanish away, only to be replaced by what appears to be the lifestream*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *narrows his eyes as the scene vanishes away, and glances around himself, scowling* Shit… *snarls* What kind of rubbish are you trying to pull now? You want me to fight in their stupid arena that badly? Fine…


    *Sephiroth receives no response. In fact, the only noises and sights that seem to be present are those which he would have found when he was dead in the lifestream*

    Jenna: *frowns at Sephiroth. She then sighs and continues trying to pull him back toward the rest of the group. She is completely unaware that his mind is being messed with at all*

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    Sephitoth: *narrows his eyes, scowling at the scene around him* *”Wow, you’re really outdoing yourself here… did you know that?”* *yawns slightly. In the physical world he would seem rather vague and out of it right now*

    Cloud: *folds his arms* They’ll be here soon…

    *over the next ten minutes, Red XIII arrives along with Cid, Tifa, and Barret. The only one not present from the original group would be Cait Sith and Aeris*


    Psychotic: *this time around, she doesn’t just use illusions. She tries to use her spell to splinter Seph’s memories in an attempt to make him think that the last few years that he’s experienced since was revived were all just dreams. She then speaks into Sephiroth’s mind, using his memories to try to make him feel as if Jenova is speaking to him* ~Who is outdoing who? Do you really know what reality is?~

    Jenna: *frowns at Seph’s behavior. She remains near to him. She gently shakes him as she tries to get him to come out of whatever is afflicting him* Seph?

    Clerk: *continues to hum to herself, waiting for Cloud to indicate that he is ready to be admitted into the arena*

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    Sephiroth: *initially puts up a huge resistance as Jenna alters and reworks his memories, but that is soon wittled down to nothing. He makes a low hissing noise and tries to place up defenses, snarling at what he believes to be Jenova* *”Get lost…”* *stumbles back, hissing, swatting out at the air around him*


    Psychotic: *chuckles at Sephiroth. She then releases him from her current illusion* ~Best of luck killing me if you can’t remain sane, monster.~

    Jenna: *yelps as Sephiroth swats out at her. She then grips onto his abdomen, softly whimpering* Seph, settle down… You don’t need to be doing this..

    Clerk: *speaks out to Cloud* Are you ready to join the tournament yet? *she grins at him* It’s going to be rather interesting.

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