The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God

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  • #30398
    Kat Aclysm

    Cloud: That isn’t unusual. They always ship monsters there. You know, for tournaments and general battles and feats of skill. Hell, even I’ve been there before, and so have you, you know what it’s like. Maybe it’s just another battle event. Who knows…

    Sephiroth: *snarls and sends an aggressive sharp telepathic pulse to Jenna* *”You are pathetic. Can’t even fight your own damn battles?”*


    Vincent: Yes, I am aware of that, Cloud. I’ve been there before as well. I believe that this Innkeeper is mostly surprised by the suddenness. You must admit, it’s rather unusual to be able to have a creature for a special event ready within hours. If the creature is that special, shouldn’t the preparation stage take longer? *she shrugs* Either way, it’s the only lead I have at the moment.

    Jenna: *whimpers at Sephiroth’s words. She then shakes her head and looks at the various shoots that are available once she enters the main hub once more* Maybe someplace else..

    Kat Aclysm

    Cloud: It’s not too hard to get a high-level monster trapped in a few hours if you know where you’re looking. Trust me on that one, I’ve seen it done before. But if you think it’s worth looking up, go ahead. Find out where it has been shipped from and find out what kind of monster it is.


    Vincent: *grunts and shakes his head* Cloud, you have always been the one to the score the highest at that Battle Square game. Don’t you think that it is more reasonable for you to check it out?

    Kat Aclysm

    Cloud: *sighs* Alright… I’m coming on over now. Don’t go anywhere. I’ll join you in a moment. Are you alone, or is somebody with you already? *runs for the chutes and jumps down the one that leads into the Battle Square, landing on his feet a moment later. He hangs up the phone and begins looking around for Vincent*


    Vincent: *sighs and shakes his head* I wasn’t there yet. *shrugging, he shuts his phone then waves goodbye to the Innkeeper. Soon enough, he exits the chute from Ghost Square and enters the Battle Square. He then walks up to Cloud’s position* I’m here now.

    Jenna: *gives up on trying to find someplace to search for now. So, she just sits down next to the wall in the Station. She then closes her eyes and softly whimpers to herself* I didn’t do anything.. Why did he have to start yelling?

    Kat Aclysm

    Cloud: Ah, good. Come with me to the front desk, and we can ask to check out the invoices. *waves Vincent towards the building before moving towards there himself* We should check up on all the recent activities for somethign suspicious.

    Sephiroth: *hisses, shaking his head as he tries to clear his mind* Idiot… such a cheap unhonorable way to attack your enemy.


    *the clerk to the Battle Arena is currently simply standing there with her back to the actual front desk. She sways back and forth as she just silently stands there with her eyes closed. She doesn’t seem to notice that Cloud and Vincent are heading her way at all*

    *Sephiroth would be able to hear a faint giggling. However, there are no more obvious illusions or attacks to his person at all at the moment*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *yells, swatting out at the air* Cheap idiot! Don’t think I’m going to deal with this lightly!

    Cloud: *reaches out to touch the clerk on the shoulder, frowning* Hello? We want to check your inventory records. Something was shipped here that is highly unusual… hello? *frowns back at Vincent* She’s behaving the same as the others…


    Clerk: Hmm.. *lazily turns to look at Cloud and Vincent. Blankly staring at them for a moment, she then gives them a small grin that is clearly meant to be friendly, though it is quite off from the actual objective* Oh, hello. Are you here to sign up for today’s tournament? It’s going to be very, very special.

    Psychotic: *Seems to whisper into Seph’s ear from behind him, even though she’s not actually behind him* Oh, who’s to say that you were not controlled from the start? Do you really think ShinRa’s perfect monster could have ever found love? So many lies. *giggles as her voice fades*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *swats out at the air* And how are you any different?! Cheap shots and pathetic illusions. That’s all any of this is. You can’t do any actual decent intelligent work so you just toy around in such a manner that you can’t be touched. You’re spineless and pathetic.

    Cloud: Why is there a tournament today? *shakes his head* Nothing was announced.


    Clerk: *blinks and shrugs* Sorry, I dunno that.. *she looks at them* Only two of you? *she shakes her head* No, no, won’t do at all. If you are to compete, must have the entire group.. Including.. Silver hairs? *she shrugs then turns her back on them once more. She then closes her eyes*

    Vincent: *Grunts* That was unusual.

    Jenna: *is still sitting on the floor of the Station. She frowns at the various people who pass by. However, she refuses to go in search of Sephiroth again, for he was frightening her the last time that she saw him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cloud: We don’t compete in the battle square with the entire group. I only ever went in there by myself. Same with everyone else… you don’t go in there with a group, I’m sorry. How are we all going to fit?

    Sephiroth: *sighs* *”Jenna…?”*


    Clerk: *just softly hums before turning to look at Cloud* Sorry, that’s the qualifications. *she shrugs* If you don’t want to participate, then I must ask you to leave.

    Jenna: *looks up as she hears Seph’s call. She then frowns before hesitantly responding* ~Yes..?~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”Where did you go? Please come back… I…. I need to get this sorted and finished with. I can’t do it without you. The other version of you is screwing around with my mind. I wasn’t yelling at you.”* *sighs* *”Please don’t run off every time this happens. It’s tiresome, and it will get ridiculously repeditive if I have to keep calling you back.”*

    Cloud: You must be kidding me, lady. The group doesn’t even fit in there.


    Clerk: *Doesn’t bother responding to Cloud. She just keeps her back to him now*

    Vincent: *shakes his head* I don’t think you’re going to be able to reason with her at all, Cloud.

    Jenna: *softly whimpers then shakes her head* ~I don’t want to be yelled out.. Didn’t like it in there. Can’t we search elsewhere?~

    *Meanwhile, Sephiroth would start hearing a child cry, though the noise is coming from another part of the Gold Saucer and not from the Event Square*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs* *”I really don’t want to have to tell you again. It’s getting really repeditive.”* *raises his head as he hears the noise, curious as to what it is more than inspecting why the child is crying*

    Cloud: Well she can go away because it’s not going to work. *folds his arms*


    Jenna: ~Fine… I’m in the Station Square. If you don’t hurt me, I’ll come with you again. Just come in here. I don’t want to go back in there. I don’t, I don’t, I don’t.~

    *the crying continues. As long as Sephiroth stays put, though, all he’ll hear is the echoing noises of the child’s wails*

    Vincent: *grunts* What other option do we have? Perhaps they changed the Arena since the last time we were here? *she shrugs* There must be something in there for this woman to behave in this manner.

    Kat Aclysm

    Cloud: Why the hell would we bring everyone here just to fight in there? We’re not even here for that, Vincent. We’re here to look for a murderer, not show off feats of strength and skill with battle handicaps.

    Sephiroth: *”Fine, I’m coming. But this is really not helping our situation and you need to know that.”* *scowls at the crying, ignoring it now, jumping into the Station Square hole, Jenna being a higher priority to him than a child crying*


    Vincent: *releases a soft sigh* Do you have any other leads? *he glances at the woman again* It did seem as if she was trying to get us to sign up. All of us. That is not usual behavior for this establishment.

    Jenna: *looks up as she spots Sephiroth. She then gives him a small grin* Hello.. *sniffling, she wipes her eyes before slowly standing up. However, she doesn’t move closer to him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cloud: Fine… *rolls his eyes and whips out his phone, dialling people’s numbers, calling them, and instructing them to get here for a battle square match*

    Sephiroth: *sighs in annoyance* Stop behaving in in this manner… *walks over to Jenna and places a hand on her shoulder, annoyed* Can we just move on now, please?


    Clerk: *speaks up as she hears Cloud dialing* Do not forget silver hair. He is very, very important. *She gives him a grin then returns to doing nothing but humming*

    Vincent: Silver hair? *narrows his eyes* Does she mean Sephiroth?

    Jenna: *lowers her head and frowns down at the ground* You were scaring me.. *sniffles then suddenly looks back up at him* After all, you’re supposed to only do what I tell you to do. You’re not supposed to think on your own.

    Kat Aclysm

    Cloud: Yeah, I think so. But we don’t need him. Nobody does. Hell, he doesn’t even have a phone. So why make him come? He’s not even one of us.

    Sephiroth: *growls* What? *glares at her* How dare you tell me that! *snarls and turns his back on her* And I came back here because you asked me to. If you’re going to treat me like that, I am going right back to working out this mess on my own.


    Jenna: *stares up at Sephiroth, completely confounded by his behavior. She then reaches out to grip onto his arm* Seph, please, stop being angry.. *She whimpers* You’re scaring me. *she looks up toward his face* Please, stop being so scary. I don’t like it.

    Vincent: Well, yes, you’re correct about that much. But how does she even know that we have Sephiroth here with us? *she shakes his head*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I would if you would just stop playing around for once. Do you even know what you just said to me? *scowls* Either you’re being utterly stupid and toying with me, or your other half is playing around again… *glares at the nearby area as if the answer would be there somehow*

    Cloud: That’s what I want to know. *leans on the desk* He’s not coming. We have no way of contacting him.

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