The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God

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    Jenna: *mutters* I don’t have the answers to that part, Seph… Though.. We aren’t really exploring that much, are we? *she looks around* We didn’t even more five feet in the other place. *she then tilts her head as she notices that there are a few people paying attention more to the music being played than anything else in the area*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I was standing there and scanning the area, looking for your counterpart. She wasn’t there, I moved on. Why do I have to keep explaining my actions to you? *scowls* I’m doing what I’ve been told to do. Be content with that and move on.


    Jenna: *frowns at Sephiroth then shakes her head* Seph, settle down. You don’t need to explain yourself to me if you don’t want to. *she shakes her head* It’s fine no matter what you decide to do. I just hope that we’re able to make you happy again at the end of this..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Unlikely. *shakes his head* Considering my track record so far.. *snorts* Let’s just keep moving. We have more areas to cover for spikehead and his group of idiocy. *eyes off the area, gritting his teeth. He wanders up to the booth, backing off again* I don’t really want to play their stupid video game.


    Jenna: *looks at the people who are listening to the music once more. She then frowns* Why are those people so fascinated by the music here? *she shakes her head then moves to follow after Sephiroth* If you don’t want to partake in these activities, I’m not about to force you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: The Gold Saucer music? It’s annoying and repeditive. I’ve no idea why they play it, but I haven’t really been noticing – I’ve tuned it out. *scowls* Great. Because we’re not here to partake in the activities anyway. *hisses* Next stupid square. Cloud and his idiot friends should have covered the others by now, surely. After this, I’m leaving. This has been a total and utter waste of my time.


    Jenna: *deeply sighs at Sephiroth’s words* If you really want to give up after the next square, then I won’t fault you. Lead the way, my love. *she nods at him* Let’s go then.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: This time, you take your pick. I don’t even remember nor care which ways the others went. So yes, go ahead and choose your own path, I will follow this time. I don’t suppose it really matters. Nothing is happening anyway. *snorts, quite bored*


    Jenna: *tilts her head then shrugs* Very well, if you want me to pick out a location to search, I’ll do that. *she steps away from him. She then moves toward the various shoots. After looking at the names for a few moments, she finally decides to step through the path that leads to the Event Square*

    *Meanwhile, if Sephiroth were to notice, the second song that is audible through the music may seem to slightly become just a bit louder than it was before*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *follows Jenna through to the Event Square, seeming quite dissaproving once in the new area* It’s a stage. And again, nothing is happening… *snorts* They’re not even running a play. How does this place even make money?


    Jenna: Doesn’t this place have a casino-like area? I would imagine that the loosing bets would be the way in which it is making money. *she moves closer to the stands, blinking as she notices that there are a number of people just sitting there and humming to themselves. She then looks back at Sephiroth* Is it common for humans to wait for nothing?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: No, it’s not normal. It’s highly unusual, and suspect… *narrows his eyes as he eyes off the people, soon noting that they are not humming the same music as the crap being pumped out to the patrons of the Gold Saucer via the PA system* I wonder what happened to them… that girl was humming like this too, and she looked vague. That was before she fell to her death and turned into a liquidy substance that is comparable to canned vegetable soup.


    Jenna: *glances at Sephiroth* I don’t think you needed to put her death in such poetic terms. *she shrugs then walks over to the nearest person to her current location. She then leans over him and begins to wave her hand in front of his face in an attempt to get his attention* Hey, what’s going on? Can you tell me why you all are reacting to a song that doesn’t exist?

    *the man looks up at Jenna for just a moment. He then gives her a lazy grin* Can’t you hear it? It’s so beautiful…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Normally, you wouldn’t have cared either. *sighs* What is beautiful? The Gold Saucer music? Whatever floats your boat. *shrugs his shoulders* I don’t hear anything out of the ordinary here. Just stupid music. And the cranking noise of rides in the distance.


    Jenna: *Softly speaks* I don’t care about the death of a human. I just was surprised by your words. *she steps away from the man then looks up at Sephiroth* Do you still think that this is a waste- *she stops as she notices that several of the people present have suddenly started showing signs of difficulty breathing. Soon enough, over half the people who were humming simply stop breathing*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Who really cares how I word it? It’s what happened, correct? *raises an eyebrow as the people around him die and promptly scans the area, angry* Something is here…


    Jenna: Something is doing something, that’s for sure.. *she looks around the area, quite confused. She then sighs and shakes her head* I don’t see anything.

    *Sephiroth’s scans would most likely lead him no where, as the last few have. However, something else does occur as he scans the area. For, the area seems to darken slightly, as if the lights had dimmed. Then, as if from a distance, Sephiroth should be able to hear the chants of a mob, who seem to be throwing hatred toward a “witch”. Also, a shadow might seem to form on the stage. It is hard to make out what the shadow is, but it seems to be a figure tied to a pole*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shakes his head, stepping back* I really don’t understand it… WHY can’t I sense anything out?! *snarls in frustration, glancing over at the stage once the show begins. He narrows his eyes, looking around him, feeling quite powerless right now* Stop toying around with me and come out and fight!


    *A soft giggling noise is Sephiroth’s only response. Then, the screams of the “mob” come to a climax before the shouts of hatred against the witch suddenly become fear-filled screams. Meanwhile, the figure out the pole spreads out wings that are clearly made of fire before the entire stage catches on fire. The fire spreads out toward Sephiroth with rapid speed*

    Jenna: *blinks and glances at Sephiroth* Seph, I don’t think there’s anyone around here to be toying around with you.. *she simply stands there in the middle of the isle, not seeming to notice the “flames” that are approaching her and Seph’s position*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *hisses and grabs Jenna, diving towards the back of the room, clearly not wishing to be scorched or engulfed by flames* What the hell?! *scowls, moving behind one of the benches, snarrling* What was that all about… *glares* What are you playing at?! I don’t want you to toy around. Stop wasting my time and come out here and fight!


    Jenna: *Yelps in surprise as Sephiroth suddenly grips at her and drags her behind a bench. She then tries to wiggle out of Seph’s grasp* Seph, what are you doing? *she shakes her head* And can you stop yelling..?

    *the area flashes for a moment, switching from both imagery of a burning Nibelheim and another town that Sephiroth never would have ever visited before, which seems to have a rustic feel as if it were built in a non-modern era, then as suddenly as the fire and imagery started, it dies off completely. There would be no signs of damage or destruction at all once the fire vanishes*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I’ll stop yelling when I actually get some revenge here. *snarls* This is nothing but one-sided bullshit. *moves to his feet, swiping out at the air as the imagery comes to his eyes. He glares at the fire that flash starts and leaves as quickly as it arrived and hisses* What’s the point to this? Are you toying with my mind? Stop this idiocy and actually fight me!


    Jenna: *whimpers and then gets to her feet. Frowning at Sephiroth and the way that he’s behaving, she waks away from him and heads toward the exit* I don’t like it here..

    Vincent: *Not knowing where exactly Cloud is at the moment, he picks up his PHS then dials Cloud’s number. He frowns and shakes his head, not at all caring for making a call when the two of them aren’t that far apart*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snarls, not seeing Jenna right now. He swats out at the air, then tries to block the illusions from his mind*

    Cloud: *picks up the phone* Hello? *grins* Vincent? You’ve found something good, haven’t you? We havent found anything here yet, except the weird music and people acting strangely. How about you? Where are you anyway?


    Jenna: *sniffles a bit as she continues to watch Sephiroth, for she’s a bit afraid of the way that he’s behaving. She then turns away and rushes out of the theater*

    *The obvious illusions have died out for now. However, the song that is actually being sung seems to become just a bit more prominent over the Gold Saucer’s cheerful tune*

    Vincent: I can’t say that I have found much, Cloud. *he sighs* However, I was speaking to the Innkeeper here. It seems that that within the last few hours, Dio has abruptly arranged for a special tournament in the Battle Square. He seems to be quite confused since he’s used to more notice. There was also a rather large shipment that arrived not long after the announcement. I can’t say that this will certainly lead to much. However, it may be a lead.

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