The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God

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  • #30348
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: That’s why I told you to eat on the plane. *shakes his head* Do you honestly think the food here is going to be any better? *grunts* What do you want to eat? Just make up your mind about it because we don’t really have the time to fuss around.

    Cloud: Yeah I know… *walks back towards the entrance*


    Jenna: We landed before I could have anything more than a single bite of that red fruit that tasted horrible. *she shakes her head then looks up at him* You know what sort of food I like to eat. Just pick out something for me, Seph.

    *Once again, nothing seems to be out of place as they enter the main hub of the amusement park. People seem to be going too and fro, minding their own business. About the only thing to note is that there is a single person standing near the speakers in the far left corner. This person is looking up at the speakers that are blaring out the overly cheerful music and seems to be humming along with a completely different song*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Fine… *sighs in annoyance and scans the area, grunting* I’ll be right back. *vanishes after another moment, teleporting away to the plains nearby to begin hunting*

    Cloud: *glares at the spot where Sephiroth just was* He… he dissapeared! *takes out his sword, frantically scanning the area with his eyes* Sephiroth, come out of hiding, damn you!


    Jenna: *frowns* I didn’t mean for you to do that.. *she glances back at Cloud then shakes her head* Settle down, boy. Seph isn’t here. He went elsewhere.. *she looks about* I suppose we should wait for him to return.. some where.

    Yuffie: *looks around, seeming to be a bit confused. However, she just shakes her head, not wanting to mention the source of her confusion at all. Instead, she just moves over to Cloud then frowns at Jenna* Yea, like we should believe you. You’re probably covering for him.

    Kat Aclysm

    Cloud: I would believe that, too. *glares hard at Jenna* You’re always defending him and trying to paint him as harmless, aren’t you? It’s so typical. *places his sword away and folds his arms* He has five minutes to show up again. If he doesn’t, we’re leaving you here and tracking him down.


    Jenna: *deeply sighs then lowers her head* I suppose there’s nothing I can do to stop you there. However, I am speaking the truth.. *shaking her head, she simply moves to the wall. She then lowers herself into a seated position on the floor. She closes her eyes as she waits for Sephiroth to return*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *returns to the area after another few moments have passed, holding an infant plains herbivore. He dumps it onto the ground infront of Jenna, then folds his arms, moving back to lean against the wall, yawning* There you go.

    Cloud: I… *glares at Sephiroth upon his return* You pulled a stupid stunt there you know! Don’t do it again!


    Jenna: *ignores Cloud’s complaints and just examines the kill that Seph has brought to her. She then sighs and looks up at him* You didn’t need to do that, Seph.. I would have eaten something from this place in the sake of convience. *she scoots closer to the kill* Thank you. *she then begins to pull apart the kill and eat it*

    Yuffie: *stares at Jenna. Her face contorts several times as her mind digests what she is seeing. Finally, she exclaims out* Gross!

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snorts, ignoring the criticism from Cloud and his friends*

    Cloud: That’s… not normal. *turns his head away, seeming somewhat disturbed* Come on, people… we need to focus on the task ahead. Doesn’t look like anything strange is happening here, though. I’m guessing it’s over. Still, we need to be sure.


    Yuffie: *quickly calls out* I’m going to check out the game room. I bet there’s a lot to be.. checked out there. *coughs then runs off toward the shoot. Soon enough, she jumps down into it*

    Vincent: *grunts and shakes his head* We should probably let the child do as she pleases for the next few hours. She’d whine to no end if we take her away from her prize.. *he walks over to Cloud* Where do you suggest we look?

    Jenna: *just continues to eat. Once she is done, she pushes the half-eaten corpse to the side before standing up and pressing herself against Seph’s side* Thank you, my love. You still didn’t need to take time away for that.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shrugs* It didn’t put me out of my way. Not like we’re doing anything useful here anyway… *scowls at the scenery around him, becoming quite bored by now* There’s nothing here. At all. Just a stupid theme park.

    Cloud: We should split up. Yuffie’s checking Wonder Square so that’s covered. That leaves Battle Square, Event Square, Ghost Square, Round Square, Station Square and Speed Square. Take your picks. I don’t care who chooses what, but they all need to be covered.


    Vincent: *crosses his arms then sighs* I know I’ll be volunteered for the dark and spooky section anyway. So, I am going to investigate Ghost Square. *shrugging, he walks over to the passage. He then simply jumps through it*

    Jenna: *closes her eyes* We’ve barely started searching, Seph. Maybe there’s some clue somewhere. We just probably haven’t found it yet. *She looks at the rest of the group then at Sephiroth* I’m staying with you no matter where you want to go.

    Kat Aclysm

    Cloud: Absolutely not. We need to split up and get the place covered faster. *shakes his head* I need both of you to check one each. If the killer is still here, we need to track them down as quickly as possible. Do you understand? *glances at Jenna, annoyed*


    Jenna: *she shakes her head* I’m not leaving Seph. Maybe you don’t know how to care for loved ones. However, I am not going to separate myself from his side. *She shakes her head then looks up at him* Please, just pick a section, my love.

    Kat Aclysm

    Cloud: I said split up! How hard is it to do that? *shakes his head* I need us all to split up. This has nothing to do with not knowing about how to care for loved ones. There’s something much more important at hand. We need to get this entire park covered as fast as possible. Otherwise the killer is going to get away. What part about that are you not understanding?

    Sephiroth: *scowls slightly, not really commenting for now*


    Jenna: *shakes her head and looks up at Seph* Please, let’s just pick some place to go and get away from this idiot.. *She narrows her eyes at Cloud* He doesn’t realize that he doesn’t have any right to lead me at all.

    *By now, some if not all of the members of Avalanche present and Sephy might start hearing just a hint of a song that’s being sung. However, it is mostly overwhelmed by the music already playing in the Gold Saucer by the speaker system. So, it shouldn’t be too noticeable*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs* Alright… *points to the Battle Square tunnel and moves towards it, shrugging* I will move quickly and cover the areas quickly. We’re certainly not doing anything while standing around here, that is for sure… *snorts in disgust and jumps down the chute*


    Jenna: *momentarily looks up toward the speakers. She then shrugs and quickly follows after Sephiroth. Upon entering the Battle Square, she looks up the steps and frowns* Even this part is multi-colored? Why?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: The whole park shares in this same stupid ridiculous theme. *slowly shakes his head in disgust* Feh…. *scans the area, snorting* There’s nothing here. Come on, keep following. This is a severe waste of time.


    Jenna: *nods and quickly moves to Seph’s side. She then grips onto his right hand* Why do you keep on insisting that this is a waste of time? Just because we haven’t found anything yet doesn’t mean that we won’t later. *she tilts her head to the side as she notices a large container being delivered to the Battle Arena* Importing monsters?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: They do that from time to time… it keeps the battle square interesting. Supposedly. *yawns with boredom* Nothing has turned up so far. It’s a likely assumption that nothing will turn up again. This place seems fine. Let’s go to a new one.


    Jenna: *looks up at Sephiroth then slowly nods* Very well, if that is what you want to do, I won’t argue against it. *she shrugs then looks at the various shoots* Where are we going then?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shakes his head* Where are we going? To the next Square, obviously. I just said there was nothing here. As we need to inspect all of the squares, that is the most obvious place. Aren’t you paying any attention at all? *jumps into the chute for Speed Square this time*


    Jenna: *softly speaks* I just wanted to know which square would be the next one.. *Shrugging, she wastes no time in following him. As she exits the shoot, she accidentally bumps into Seph’s back*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *doesn’t seem to mind nor care as Jenna bumps into his back. He merely gets to his feet again and begins to explore the new area, shrugging* This place seems quiet as well… this is either unusual, or a bad sign.

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