The past of Jenna and Sephers – Rebirth of a God

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  • #30023
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *as he is scanning the area, he picks up on the distress static and changes direction, directly flying towards it now, determined not to lose it* I hope so. I don’t know what it is, but I want to find out. I just hope it’s not a trap. That’s the last thing we need right now.

    Cloud: I don’t think she would be here… but we should get somebody to clean up the mess. And then we should go after that woman!


    Jenna: *nods in agreement to Seph’s words* Yes, last thing that we want.. Too many bad things are happening now. *She presses her face against Seph’s shoulder once more, frowning at the pain that she experiences from putting pressure on her broken nose. Still, she wants more warmth, so she puts up with the pain*

    Vincent: I already told Tifa that I will help her close up the bar. It will move much faster if all of us clean up this.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *finally reaches Mt Nibel after flying for a while longer. He lands down in the vicinity of the abandoned Mako reactor, scowling to himself at the memories it brings to mind* Hello? *grunts and sets Jenna on the ground* Come on. It’s warmer inside.

    Cloud: *grimaces* N… I’ll go gather a group.


    Jenna: *releases a faint whining noise as Seph sets her down. However, she doesn’t really give him much of a fight. She then nods at Sephiroth’s suggestion* Warmth is good.. *as she moves with Sephiroth, she tries to keep herself pressed against him, still wanting his body heat*

    Vincent: *nods at Cloud* Very well.. Tifa, do you want to go with him? I can handle all of this.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *moves into the reactor, scowling at the decayed smell and the dilapidated scene inside. He steps further into it, loudly grunting, trying to garner some attention* Hello? *scowls further* I know somebody is here. You’ve been making noises and I heard you.

    Aeris: *blinks as she hears the noise and moves out of her hiding spot, still cuddling Tyler close to her* Sephy…?

    Tifa: *weakly nods her head* Alright… *runs out of the bar, heading after Cloud*


    Jenna: *looks about as she hears Tyler’s fussing noises. Once Aeris steps out, she tilts her head then mutters* Silly woman.. what are you doing in a place like this? *she shakes her head then looks up at Sephiroth*

    Vincent: *watches Tifa run out. He then continues to board up the windows. Once that is done, he just gets to work at cleaning up the bloody mess. Due to his past career, he isn’t too disturbed by the work*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: Oh, hey! *waves to them, then moves over, grinning* How are you? *glances at Jenna nervously, then backs up again, not wanting to answer Jenna’s question just yet* What are you doing here?


    Jenna: *glances about the area, trying to figure out why Seph brought them here. She then softly speaks* It stinks.. *she then looks at Aeris once more* Seph, is she why you came here? *her eyes trail down to Tyler* Or was it for your son?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I was just following the beacon. *scowls and shakes his head* What’s going on? He was sending distress signals out to the area.

    Aeris: *looks quite upset by now* He sensed something bad coming. And then the planet cried out as several people were slaughtered… *whimpers* I just got out of there while I could. I didn’t want to become a victim and there’s no reason why the both of us should die.


    Jenna: Die? *She shakes her head* You’re annoying, but yes, you don’t deserve to die again. *she closes her eyes and leans even more against Seph* Are people still dying?

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: I don’t think so… but I’m afraid to go back into the town in case she’s still there… *backs away from Jenna even further, cuddling Tyler to her chest, looking very nervous indeed* So… are you going to go back to the town now?


    Jenna: Hmm.. *she shakes her head* We were never in town… *she looks up at Sephiroth* I’ll go wherever you go, my love. *she pats Seph’s arm then frowns and reaches up to rub her nose again* Hurts..

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *whimpers* But you were there earlier. You were there, and I sensed you… *whimpers* You were the one that killed all those people in the town. I know it was you because when Tyler cried, I got out of there and did a scan on the area. It was you…


    Jenna: *Frowns and shakes her head* I’ve been with Seph this entire time.. *she continues to rub at her nose* We’ve been arguing.. But I wasn’t here.. *she then looks up at Sephiroth* Perhaps the other one that you want to track down?

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: Other one…? It was you, I know it was. *whimpers and shakes her head* Just don’t hurt me, OK? *moves for the exit, still clutching her infant*

    Sephiroth: *scowls, shaking his head* If it was her, then that means she’s probably still close by… but even if she is, I have no way of tracking her. She just doesn’t show up any more. *snorts*


    Jenna: *tries to reach out for Aeris as she passes by her. She then frowns at the woman* It was not me… Seph can explain better than I can. I don’t really understand what’s happened at all, but it’s not me. *she shakes her head* Can you show us where this happened.. *she glances at Seph* I’m certain Seph would prefer any lead possible.. *with that, she lowers her head and moves to rub her nose again*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: It’s… not you? But she looked like you. Exactly like you. She sensed out like you. And… she was heartless and horridly mean like you, too… *cringes* Don’t hurt me. I’m leaving now, OK? You can keep this spot…

    Sephiroth: *sighs in frustration* Jenna has split apart for some reason upon revival from death. I do not know how it happened, and I don’t think I can fix it any more, either…


    Jenna: *whimpers at Aeris’s assertion of her behavior* I am not heartless. Never have been, never will be… *she shakes her head* Please, show us where this other one of me was. Seph wants to track her down. We need to do it to make him happy again.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shakes his head* I’ll go but she’s not going to be there any more. And I told you, I’ve no way to track her.

    Aeris: You are heartless. I lost count of how many times Cloud and I begged you to let us go home and you never did. *seems a little cranky as she heads out of the reactor* Come on. I’ll show you were she last was. *sighs* After that, I’m going to get somewhere safe.


    Jenna: *lowers her head and sniffles slightly at the way that Aeris is speaking of her. She then grumbles out* We needed a competent healer. You wanted your friend. I gave you your friend. Then, I brought the island back here after you two complained so much. I’m not heartless.. *she waits for Sephiroth to move before following both Sephy and Aeris. As she follows them, she remains quite close to Sephers*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: You could have done it when we asked. Not years and years later! *moves down the mountain path, heading back for the town* You just did it when it suited you to. And bringing Cloud along wasn’t a good idea. Thanks to that, him and Tifa will probably never get together and have babies.

    Sephiroth: *sighs in frustration at the conversation and just silently follows*


    Jenna: *Shakes her head at Aeris* It wasn’t like that.. Our children needed a healer. I did my best to let them stay on a planet that would be most hospitable to them. *she then wraps her arms about Seph’s upper arm, clinging onto him once more* Seph.. do you have that cure stone?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Cure stone…? *narrows his eyes slightly* What cure stone? I don’t keep any ridiculous magical reagants with me. I’m no magic-caster. Isn’t that your job? *shakes his head* I’m sure you’d be more likely to have something like that in yoru base.


    Jenna: *shakes her head* No, that marble thing that you use… The one from this planet that you’ve used since your childhood. Do you have one of those, Seph?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You mean materia? *grunts* I gave most of it away. Why? I don’t think I have one of the curative magic ones on my person at all. *pats down his pockets and shakes his head once again* No. I don’t keep them with me any more.

    Aeris: You want to be cured of your injuries…?

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