The Nemesari: Past lost hope

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    Seferia promptly moved to lie down on her back as soon as Sephiroth slid out from under her. While her face hardly has any signs of emotion at all, her eyes looked up at Sephiroth with admiration and good humor. After a moment, a genuine, albeit awkward, smile formed on her lips before she leaned up to kiss Sephiroth once more.

    ~I am a dragon, Sephiroth. We do not make decisions that we are not sure of. I am also not doing anything that I do not want. I want to make you happy, and I think I can find this pleasurable. This will benefit both of us.~

    As she continued to kiss him, her black clothing began to simply melt off her body. Since her form is false, the clothing is nothing more than another element of the spell that makes her appear to be a human. In fact, as the clothing vanishes, the skin under it shimmers with black scales before reforming as human hide.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth remained ontop of Seferia when her clothing literally melted away. His way of undressing was far less glamorous as he pulled his coat off, straddling Seferia’s lower regions with his own for a few moments before finally pulling off his own pants. After making sure the tent was properly closed, he moved his head down and began to kiss the line of her jaw, and neck area, purring at her.

    *”This will benefit both of us…?”* He queried telepathically with a grin across his features. *”You make it sound like a medicine for something…”*


    Seferia rumbled with content as she watched Sephiroth strip off his clothing. While he wasn’t necessarily the species that she would naturally find attractive, she would be a fool to not consider him attractive. As he came back down on top of her, she wrapped her arms back his waist before she began to kneed her fingers into the small of his back. She then lifted her chin in order to give Sephiroth more access to her neck.

    ~Forgive my wording, that is just the way that I am. However, yes, this is beneficial to both of us. It pleasures me, it pleasures you. You remain interested in me and have no reason to look at other females. I receive attention that is rather relaxing. To put it simply, it works.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth responded rather audibly to the kneeding sensation on his back. The younger male made almost-animal guttural noises of pleasure, and as he began to let go of his inhibitions, he became more adventurous and moved his head down to lick his partner’s chest area, continuing with his loud purring noises, all the while sounding very un-human like.

    *”I see, I see…”* He nodded slightly before resting his head down on Seferia’s chest for a moment to hear her heartbeat. He supposed it was a strange gesture considering all the other things he could be doing right now for Seferia, but he was hardly one to care about such things. *”I’m not about to question the ‘why’ of your motives…”* He raised his head again to meet her lips for another kiss, grinning at her also. *”Let me know when you are ready. I am content to tease and play until then.”*


    Unlike the average human, who would have a very excited heart beat at the moment, Seferia’s heart continued to steadily beat at a pace that would feel somewhat slower to that of a human’s. In fact, Seferia had none of the signs that a human would recognize as sexual excitement. Her skin was not heated to the touch. Nor did she have any sweat at all being produced. However, none of these elements should be taken as indicators that she was not enjoying herself.

    In fact, Seferia’s mind was a swirl of delighted colors as Sephiroth and herself participated in the foreplay game. Red flames would regularly appear in her mental landscape, which indicated her desires and excitement.

    As Sephiroth spoke to her, she tilted her head back down to look into his eyes. Her slit pupils had become dilated since the foreplay started. Also, the glow in her eyes was slightly more intense than it normally was. After a moment of just looking into his eyes, she nodded.

    ~I am ready at any point. However, I cannot state that I would not welcome more of this preparation play. If you desire to have more “fun” before the other “fun”, I shall not stop you.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth made an amused chuckle at Seferia’s comment, then grinned further as he drew his head away from her.

    “Oh, really…?” He said in a quiet playful voice. He sat up a little more, appearing to do nothing at all for a few moments. In truth, he was concentrating his energies around his back area, and then once he was done, he phased his singular black wing into existance, reaching back to pluck a flight pinion from the midsection of the wing.

    “If it’s all fun, then t’s all fun,” He said teasingly, brushing the tip of the feather across her stomach, drawing invisible lines with it. “Isn’t it?”


    Curious, Seferia tilted her head as Sephiroth sat up on top of her. She was uncertain as to what Sephiroth was planning; however, she was not so curious that she was going to disturb him with useless questions. Instead, she moved in with her left hand so that she could rub the inside of his thigh.

    Upon spotting his wing, her eyes widen with both surprise and admiration. She honestly had no idea that he had possessed such a magnificent appendage. How she could have missed such a detail when it had been her job to rehabilitate Sephiroth and document his capabilities was unknown to her. However, now that she knew that the wing existed, she could not help but think that it suited him.

    So, she reached up to kneed the fingers of her left hand into the feathers clustered near to his back.

    “Gorgeous,” she softly breathed out. However, she soon brought her attention to her stomach before she tilted her head with confusion. “Are you attempting to tickle me?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth slowly shook his head. “No, I’m not trying to tickle you. Some people find this… well, interesting. But if it’s not enjoyable for you, I can stop.” He flicked the feather away again, watching momentarily as it silently fluttered down onto the mat beside them.

    He lowered his head once more to resume tender kisses across Seferia’s upper body region, all the while slowly shuffling back into a more comfortable position so he could properly begin making love to her.


    Seferia reached out to snatch the feather up from the mattress. She then smirked as she examined it over. After a moment, she set the feather into Sephiroth’s hair before she whispered to him.

    “Oh, I found it interesting. I just felt the need to warn you that I am a dragon, and thus, I am not ticklish.”

    Another rumbling chuckle vibrated through her chest and throat at these words. She then leaned up to kiss Sephiroth anew. She has been slowly getting better at it, but it is still awkward for her.

    Once Sephiroth started getting around to actually mounting her, she was more than ready. Thus, she did not fight him at all through his administrations and happily went along with them. While she did not scream or do any of the vocal things that are typical of human females, she did wind up clawing into the burnt skin on the back of his shoulders as her body was pleasured.

    Unfortunately for Sephiroth, he would have exhausted himself long before she even spent even two thirds of her potential sexual energy. Also, Seferia had no sweat or other signs of exhaustion nor exertion on her body. Still, she did not push for him to continue. Instead, she simply moved in to press against him.

    “I think I can see why you humans find this activity to be casual fun.”

    Kat Aclysm

    When he was properly exhausted out from his experiences, Sephiroth simply lay beside Seferia quietly, almost motionless save for his chest, which was rising and falling as he tried to catch his breath. His heart was still pounding in his ears and he was utterly exhausted but he didn’t care at all.

    Hell, the world could have been on fire at that moment, and he wouldn’t have cared. He was exactly where he wanted to be, and that was all that mattered to him.

    “It is… fun…” He managed to mumble out, rolling onto his stomach, shuffling up against her. Deciding that his own energies were more important than continuing to keep his wing out, his wing dematerialized shortly afterwards, a few stray feathers fluttering down on him, on Seferia’s stomach, and on the mat around him.


    Seferia opened her eyes as she felt the feathers fall on top of her. For a moment, she was confused as to why she was suddenly being lightly coated with stray feathers. However, it did not take her long to realize that Sephiroth’s wing was no longer there. Softly sighing, she took in this fact and accepted it, even though she had rather liked his wing.

    Soon after, she hugged Sephiroth before whispering into his left ear, “I feel that it is appropriate to permit you this knowledge. I would not mind having the pleasure of seeing that wing of yours on a more daily or frequent occurrence. It is very attractive.”

    Nodding at her own words, she closed her eyes, for she was content, and being content, she wanted to rest up for the night.

    Kat Aclysm

    “The wing is like a giant flag… with feathers…” Sephiroth mumbled back to her in a tired voice. “I’ll bring it out more when appropriate. But the others will stare if it was out all the time. It also attracts heat…”

    Noticing that Seferia was settling herself for the night, he did likewise. As he was already very tired out before their rounds of love-making, he was asleep within only a few minutes. He remained sleeping on his stomach and squashed up against Seferia’s side for the remainder of the night, his natural healing processes working on the scratches and remaining sunburn on his back as he slept through the night.


    By the time the sun just began to creep over the horizon on the following day, Zack had already sneaked off to the river in an attempt to get some fish. After managing to snag a few trout from the river, he bounded back to the camp. The first place that he stopped was Sephiroth’s tent.

    Upon reaching the flaps, he pawed at the dirt, trying to get the attention of the residents inside the tent. He then dropped the fish on the ground before barking out in the only language that he can manage at the moment, a series of wolf growls and barks.

    “Hey, Sephy? Are you awake? I got you some breakfast?” After speaking, Zack tried to bite open the flaps to the tent, for he wanted to slip inside the tent.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth made a weak groaning noise when he heard the noises outside of the tent. He rolled onto his back and made a weak yawning sound, sitting up after a moment.

    “I’m up, I’m up…” He muttered sleepily. He rose to his feet, glancing around the tent momentarily for his pants. After finding them, he hurriedly tugged them on and pulled the tent flaps open, glancing down at the canine outside.

    “What…?” He said, still very much half asleep.


    Zack gave Sephiroth a wide wolfish grin as the man opened up the flaps. He then trotted back to his pile of fish before he noses them over to Sephiroth’s feet.

    “Good morning, General. I got you some breakfast. Just leave me one, ok?”

    His tail happily wagged as he looked up at Sephiroth again. He then blinked as he caught onto Sephiroth’s scent. Tilting his head, he sniffed Sephiroth some more before yelping in surprise.

    “Whoa, have you actually started having sex? Congrats man!”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Keep it down,” Sephiroth hissed quickly. “The whole camp doesn’t need to know.”

    “What is the river water like?” He wondered, quickly wanting to change the subject. “Is it salted or fresh water?” He sighed, reaching out to pick up some of the fish. “Thank you very much for doing that. Seferia will be very pleased to eat something fresh for a change.” He glanced off to the sparse scrubland behind the camp that they had set up for the night.

    “I set up traps because I was half-expecting to find rats this morning. But I did not expect to see fish. You have done well.”


    Zack let out a chuckle at Sephiroth’s rebuke. He then shook his head.

    “Always the serious one, aren’t you?” He responded. “Come on, Sephy. Most people in this camp can’t understand a word I say.. You don’t want to see what I have to do to communicate with Cloud. Well… maybe you would.. Speaking of Cloud, you really should talk to him. You know, help him remember and maybe move past the Nibelheim stuff and all…”

    He then grinned once more before he nodded his head. “And you are welcome. I figured that I should give you something, being pals and all. As for the water, it’s very… wet and it gets into fur. Felt fresh though.”

    He reached up to scratch behind his left ear as he finished his statement. As he scratched, he flicked bits of water toward Sephiroth.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth looked quite disgusted as the droplets of Zach-wolf water flicked onto him.

    “I don’t care who can understand you and who can’t,” Sephiroth retorted. “The point is, the ones who can understand you can hear what you are saying, and then before you know it, the information will spread around the camp like wildfire.” He frowned, speaking in a low murmur. “If you didn’t know about the sex, you probably don’t know about the eggs then. Though I would honestly be surprised if you didn’t know about them, seeing as though they have been carried out in the open since we left our last refuge base.”

    He scowled with discontentment upon pondering Cloud. “I don’t want to teach that halfwit anything.” He grunted.


    Zack didn’t pay much attention to Sephiroth’s disgust at all. Instead, he just shrugged his shoulders before he looked up at Sephiroth.

    “Yea, I knew that you two had eggs, so you had sex at least once before. However, I thought it was just a one-time thing. I mean, you two don’t look very lovey-dovey or anything like that. It’s all so very serious and professional.”

    He broadly grinned up at Sephiroth. “I’m just glad for you, Sephiroth. It’s about time that you start branching out.”

    He then frowned at Sephiroth’s comments on Cloud. “No, I didn’t say that you should teach him things. However, you two need to talk and get things over with. I’m certain that he’ll remember Nibelheim soon. Do you really want him to just remember out of the blue then come after you? You need to confront him.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth grumbled aloud as he made his way down to the river. He scratched at his shoulders as he continued to walk along, scowling at how itchy he was. It was annoying but he supposed he really shouldn’t spend much effort on scratching them incase it made things worse.

    “He’s going to come after me anyway,” He snorted out. “What does it matter if I tell him or not? I’m sure that’s going to go down well… Hello there, Cloud. I burned down your home-town and killed your mother.” He shook his head. “No, Zack.”

    He stopped at the river’s edge, glancing down at the water. It really was quite clean and if it was fresh water, he supposed he really should start gathering and boiling water before the camp headed on it’s way again.


    Zack growled in frustration at Sephiroth’s retreating form. He then shook his head before snorting.

    “Sephiroth, you still need to confront him. Come on, I know you’re more responsible than this.”

    He snorted again before he bent down to take away two of the fish that he had lain down earlier. Once he has the fish in his mouth, he trots back to his own tent, intending to share the fish with Cloud.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth watched Zack go and shook his head, grumbling. He honestly had no intention of telling Cloud right now if he could help it. He had considered telling him many times but each time he had played it over in his mind, it had ended with Cloud hating him outright, or yelling from Zack, everyone else…

    He sighed as he stripped down. Because he was only wearing a pair of pants, it didn’t take him long. Once he was naked he lowered himself down into the cold river water, sitting down on a rock near the bank until the water was just over his shoulders. The cold hit him rather strongly, but he didn’t care. The soothing chill on his back was nice.

    He remained in the river for some time, just thinking about events that had passed.


    Seferia woke up while Sephiroth was away at the river. Yawning, she slowly sat up before she stretched out her muscles. Soon after, she glanced down at her body before she shifted back to her feline form. Once comfortable, she moved to the side of the tent so that she could check up on her eggs.

    Upon determining that the eggs have no signs of any problems or damage, she moved to the entrance to the tent, for she had caught the scent of fish. So, she stepped out of the tent to retrieve the few fish that sat on the ground.

    Due to her dragon nature, she was fully aware that Zack had stopped by earlier. She also was aware that Sephiroth had left. So, she did not put much thought into where the fish came from. Instead, she moved into the tent so that she could dig through Sephiroth’s belongings in order to retrieve a frying pan.

    Thus, by the time that Sephiroth returned to the tent, Seferia would have already fried the fish in order to prepare a breakfast for the two of them.

    Kat Aclysm

    Taking advantage of what little quiet time he had, he washed himself off clean in the river. After teleporting soap to his hand from his bag, he did the job properly. By the time he was done, he could already smell the fish frying and so climbed out of the river, still dripping wet. He retrieved his pants from the river bank and used them as a sort of cover for his private areas as he made his way back into the tent, where he grabbed a towel out of his supplies.

    “That smells very good,” He admitted from inside the tent as he vigorously rubbed himself dry enough so he could put some clothing back on. “I thought you would be more content to eat it raw though.”


    At first, Seferia did not take much notice to Sephiroth’s return to the tent. However, upon noticing the way that he was utilizing his pants, she tilted her head. She then released a brief chuckle before she shook her head.

    “I hope that no one saw you from behind, for your own sake.”

    With that, she turned her attention back to the fish. As Sephiroth questioned her, she shrugged her shoulders before calmly speaking out.

    “While I am fully capable of eating this sort of thing raw, I cannot deny that the cooking process can provide a very interesting taste that is just as appetizing. Anyway, those such as yourself find eating cooked foods to be a more favorable choice. So, I might as well cook both your and my meal than prepare two meals. It’s simply more efficient.”

    She then nodded to his pack. “Now, please eat with haste. We do not have long before we will need to depart again. We do have to pack up and depart soon.”

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