The beginning of Sephy-Wephy and Jenna-Wenna

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    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *seems rather confused at the fact his coat is dry. He picks it up and puts it on, pulling it around himself because he is cold. He glares up at Jenna* Do not ever call me that again. I am neither stiff, nor a bastard. *snarls*


    Jenna: *cocks her eyebrow at Seph* Oh? So, you’d rather have me call you a colorful social butterfly? Anyway, I’m more than certain that Lucrecia and Hojo were not wed, so you are a literal bastard.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *deeply scowls, glaring at Jenna* Feh.. thank you for that information. *tips his boots upsidedown to get the water out of them* This outfit is going to take hours to dry off. I hope you are happy with what you have done. I smell like an old pond, and my clothes are ruined.


    Jenna: *Snorts at Sephiroth* Fweh, you said the same thing about your coat. Does it look ruined to you? *faintly smirks and silently casts a spell to dry off and restore Sephy’s clothing*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *seems quite a bit more comfortable now that he has been dried off completely. He begins to comb out his hair with his hands, then fishes through his coat pockets for a brush* It’s ruined if it’s allowed to stay wet and grow mould. Leather does not take kindly to water at all.


    Jenna: *kneels down next to Sephiroth and pokes his coat, pretending not to know that it’s already dry* May I ask, if your clothing is already dry and looks to be in perfect condition, why are you still complaining? It makes no sense to me. *supresses a smirk as she looks into his face, waiting for his answer*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls* It makes no sense to me why my clothes dried immediately. Maybe it is paticularly dry around here, who knows. *brushes out his hair and moves to stand up once again* Stop getting so close to me.


    Jenna: *blinks then loudly chuckles at Sephiroth’s response* Yes, it’s really dry. That’s why the humidity is sticking to your skin. *chuckles even more* And I thought that it’d be ruined when it dried out, hm? *stands up and moves closer to Sephiroth, acting like she’s going to examine his clothing* I do not see any loss of quality in the least. Perhaps you are mistaken.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *loudly snorts at Jenna’s laughing and turns his back to her, continuing to brush out his hair* Perhaps I am, then. What a complete and utter pity. *straightens up his clothes, then places the brush back into his pocket when he is finished* Is there anybody else nearby but us? It seems like a useful place to escape to, but if there are just miles and miles of raw scrubland around, then I will get bored quite quickly.


    Jenna: *narrows her eyes, throughroughly insulted by Seph’s description of her homeland. She snorts then begins walking away from him* Then I suppose I’ll heighten your sense of excitement by letting you explore all on your own. *steps into the foilage, not interested in guiding Seph for the moment*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts at Jenna as she leaves, shaking his head* Come back. You obviously know where you are going better than I do, correct? *quickly moves to follow her, partially because he does not want to be left alone*


    Jenna: *Stops and looks back at Seph, her eyes blazing with anger* Of coruse I do, this is my home. You dare call it a scrubland again, and I’ll drop you in the middle of the ocean and let you find someplace else to go all on your own. *loudly snorts at him then continues on her way*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You do not know much, do you. *snorts* Scrubland refers to open plains area with small plants growing on it. Which is exactly what this area is. *points to the bushes* They are dry scrubs, hence, the name is appropriate.


    Jenna: *grumbles in her native language, complaining about smart-mouthed young males and shakes her head before snorting* Maybe right here at this very lake, but- *waves her hand at the surrounding area* This is what is normally called a jungle, perhaps a rain forest. So, don’t call it a scrubland again. *Snorts once more*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: If I called the arid temperate forest a scrubland, that would be innacurate. *smirks in a proud and arrogant manner* I know the difference between wasteland, scrubland, temperate forest, and dense forest, which is otherwise known as a jungle.


    Jenna: *frowns at Sephiroth* This location is not arid. As I mentioned before, there is pleanty of humidity. Start paying attention to your surroundings, male. *pauses for a moment as she hears a large predator move through the trees and begins to climb up a nearby tree*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snorts* I never said this place was arid. If it was, it would be semi desert, and the ground would be sandy. Perhaps you should start paying attention to what I am actually saying. *watches her climb the tree and grunts* What are you doing?


    Not long after Seph asks his question, a large amored saurian strolls into the area. The predator currently had a smaller lizard similar to a komodo dragon in its mouth and seems to be carrying it away to another location. Still, the creature turns and heads in Sephiroth’s direction. It is not particularly interested in him at the moment, but if Seph does draw attention to himself, then it is not likely to be a kind meeting.

    Jenna: *frowns down at Sephiroth* ~As I said, start paying attention to your surroundings, Seph. Now, get up here before you get stepped on or worse.~ *moves toward the trunk in order to insure that the branches would protect her from the creature’s teeth*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *uses his levitational abilities to rise up into the tree, sitting on a higher branch than Jenna. He glares down at the saurian creature* What’s so dangerous about that thing? I’ve killed monsters bigger than that. And dragons. It’s not scary. If I wanted, I could gut it right here and now.


    Jenna: *scowls up at Sephiroth* That is not a creature that has mal intent toward us. It is just a mother who is feeding her young. Even then, it is just an animal that does what it does. That does not make it right to slaughter it. *loudly snorts at him then drops out of the tree once the saurian is out of the area*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Phh, I do whatever I want to. If an animal attacks me, I kill it. Plain and simple. *hops down from the tree also* Is there any more to this land than.. *pauses, not wanting to make her annoyed again* What’s out here? All I see is untouched landscape, nothing else.


    Jenna: *Scowls at Sephiroth* If you do not like my home, then leave and find a way back to your home world on your own. *She hops down as well then continues on her way, not really having a destination in mind. She simply wants to wander around in the jungle and enjoy it* I do not have time to babysit a whiny little boy, Seph.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls back at her* I am not a whiny little boy as you put it. *grunts* What brought on a comment like that? I was simply asking if there was any more to the landscape than what I see around me immediately. *watches her walk away, but does not follow, clearly insulted by what she has said*


    Jenna: *continues walking and finally stops at the outskirts of a large grazing field with another large lake. Unlike the last lake, this one actually has creatures grazing in it as well as an abundance of fish and crocidlians. So, Jenna climbs up a nearby tree and decides to simply watch the scene. She is a bit hungry, so she debates on whether or not to hunt any of the creatures infront of her*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Tch… *snorts and complains to himself* I make one comment about her landscape and she takes it as an insult… I am not a whiny brat. *snorts and moves up ahead, deciding to follow behind Jenna at a distance now, due to the fact he doesn’t know where to go*

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