The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna: That tricky L word

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    Jenna: *opens her eyes and gives him a strange look then shakes her head* ~Seph, I might be able to cast magic and you might think I’m special because of that, but I can assure you that I’m just a normal human. You probably just aren’t used to using your psychic abilities to check internal organs.. Or perhaps there are minute differences between your planet’s humans and mine. If you don’t believe me, ask Kerash. She raised me and knows basically everything about me.~ *Closes her eyes again, trying to drift to sleep*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls* *”Are you saying I’m wrong? I know what I sensed out.”* *shakes his head* *”For the record, humans on your world and my world are identical to each other. I could tell you why that is, but you wouldn’t want to hear a boring history tale.”* *turns some pages in the book*


    Jenna: ~Then I suppose the answer you are looking for is yes. I am telling you that you are wrong.~ *pauses for a moment and thinks* ~Even if you are right, what the hell do you think I am? I can also assure you that I am not the product of any experiment. Hrmph, not that it matters since I am just a human.~ *shakes her head and continues trying to fall asleep* ~As I said, if you don’t believe that I’m just a human, talk to Kerash. Now, I’m going to try to sleep and heal up.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I don’t care what you say, Jenna. I know what I sensed. But whatever. Go to sleep. You look like you need it. Have a good rest.”* *closes up his book and rises to his feet, heading out of the room altogether to give Jenna some peace and quiet. He heads up the stairs and into the kitchen area, ratting through the cupboards for something to eat*


    MS: *moves up the stairs, preparing to leave the base all together. Unlike Kerash and any of the other mechanical creatures that Jenna has ever built, this one has no metallic sounds nor overly unnatural movements that indicate that it is not flesh and bone. Even if it does pass Sephiroth’s path, it is not overly interested in him and would not stop to bother him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *eyes the mechanical creature and just remains where he is for the time being, more interested in eating for now. He soon finds another can of cheap meat and vegetable mix, heating it up before eating it. He remains there for a good while, wanting to leave Jenna be for now*


    MS: *as soon as she exits the base, she shoots off into the air. Centra had recently scanned a ship that had landed on Halcyon’s shores, so MS has been sent out to blow it up.*

    Jenna: *has fallen asleep and would remain that way for a good two days if left alone. The healing spells over the bed are now active and are working on repairing the injuries to her ribs and lung*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *near the end of the day, Sephiroth heads back down the stairs to check up on Jenna’s progress. When he sees that the female is still inactive and resting, he sighs and lies down beside her, wanting to sleep. He ignores the active healing spell on the bed and rolls onto his side, trying to get comfortable so he can properly rest*


    Jenna: *softly groans as Seph settle down next to her, but otherwise doesn’t respond to him. She is still fully dressed in her armor, including her boots and lying on top of the covers. So from time to time, she shuffles about due to the discomfort that the armor is causing her*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just leaves Jenna alone, not wanting to disturb her, nor disrupt or hinder the healing process. He lies on his back and closes his eyes, trying to slowly drift off to sleep, keeping an eye on Jenna until he succumbs to sleep*


    Jenna: *remains on her back as she sleeps, not wanting to cause herself more pain. From time to time, she’d softly mutter in response to her dreams, but most of it would be incomplete fragments. Assuming that Sephiroth is not so exhausted that he’d sleep for days on end, Jenna will most likely be still asleep, with the worst of her injuries being healed, by the time that he wakes up.*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *wakes up after several hours of sleep, yawning aloud as he stretches, glancing back at Jenna a moment later, sighing. He moves to his feet and heads into the hot spring area to wash himself off, taking a good long time in there. After he is done and clothed again, he heads upstairs and out of the base with his sword, intending to practise for most of the day*


    *Not far away from the cavern entrance to Halcyon’s base, several screaches and clicks fill the air as a pack of raptors are on the move. Apparently, the group of humans that had managed to get ship-wrecked on Halcyon the previous day had stumbled onto the nest of these raptors. Thus, the humans both destroyed a few eggs and stole some for themselves. Hence, the raptors are coordinating an attack against the thieving humans and making quite a stir*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *narrows his eyes as he hears the ruckus, then moves away from the base to investigate. He keeps out of the way as the raptor creatures run past the area, curious to see where they are going. He follows from some distance behind, not wanting to get in the way of their wrath, or be mistaken with their target*


    *A human boy, about eighteen years of age, stumbles out of the foliage, panting as he runs. He grunts as he trips over a tree root and skids down onto the ground about ten yards away from where Seph is. Not long after the boy topples to the ground, three raptors moves onto his position, biting down on his legs so that the man could not run any further. Then, a much larger raptor jumps out of the tree and lands in front of the boy, furiously sniffing him as it searches for the stolen eggs. As this occurs, the boy constantly screams and yells for the raptors to leave him alone and that he doesn’t want to die*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just stays back and moves into some bushes to crouch and hide in, narrowing his eyes as he watches the scene ahead, not wanting to become a part of it. He keeps a close eye on the raptors themselves, hoping that they won’t sniff him out*


    *The lead raptor soon sniffs the boys pack and reaches out to tear it off his shoulders by slicing through the straps with his fore claws. He then tilts his head from side to side as he tries to figure out how to open it. Meanwhile, the boy cries out for the raptor to give it back, causing one of the other three raptors to chatter to the apparent leader. The lead raptor then lifts his head and hisses out what sounds like a curt command then returns to studying the pack before finally figuring out the zipper and revealing the eggs. Unfortunately, for the boy, the command was “So, kill it.” Thus, he is soon flipped onto his back and the second largest raptor firmly presses its right large toe claw into his abdomen before ripping him open. As soon as the blood begins running, the other two join in and dig into the still living human, eating him alive. The lead raptor is less than interested in the carnage behind him and just gathers up the eggs, preparing to return to the nest*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just remains in the bushes and watches the scene, narrowing his eyes as the raptors rip up and tear apart the human child. He remains in the bushes for the time being, wanting to wait until the raptors are gone now. However, if one should come over to him, it would get him moving*


    *the raptors tarry about the area for several minutes as they continue to gorge on their easy meal, at least as far as they are concerned. Meanwhile, the leader raptor gathers up the eggs and trots off heading back toward the nest. His path would bring him a few feet away from Sephiroth, but the raptor is far from interested in the hiding man*

    MS: *soars over the area up above, scanning the area for any other survivors from the ship wreck that aren’t already being dealt with by the raptors*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just stays still, keeping out of the raptor’s way. He narrows his eyes at the leader as he passes by and grips the hilt of his sword, ready to attack if need be. When the raptor passes by him, he scowls at it, but is relieved, making a mental note to himself to avoid these creatures from now on*


    Kerash: *had been scouting the area as well, not wanting any further harm to come to the island from the outsiders. So, she is actually outside of the base for once. From a distance, she spots Sephiroth and the scene that he’s been watching, so she stealthily moves up behind the man, even though she knows that he is not one of the problematic humans. Once right behind Sephy, she leans in and presses the tip of her snout against the back of his head* You are not being hunted, hybrid. You can loosen up your muscles.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grips his hand tighter on the hilt of his sword as he hears movement somewhere behind him, scowling* Damn it… *loudly snarls and stiffens his posture, remaining rigid as he feels Kerash’s snout push against the back of his head, speaking in a quiet, but very clear and firm tone* If you are considering attacking me, I advise you stand down at once, lizard. I am only here to observe.


    Kerash: *pulls her head back and loudly snorts* I do believe I am speaking your language of “English”, hybrid. I did say that you are not being hunted. Hence, I am not going to attack you. *lifts her head a bit more as she watches the three raptors who were eating the boy get up and rush away, intending to return to their nest as well* Such amateurs.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *relaxes somewhat, turning his head back to face Kerash, narrowing his eyes as he follows her line of sight to the other raptors and the remains of the adolescent male that they devoured* Amateurs? I can’t say I enjoyed that display, however, it was very co-ordinated. What was so amateurish about it?


    Kerash: Everything. They wasted time in the ambush with their poor planning. They had to bother asking their leader what to do nearly every step. *snorts* I wouldn’t expect a human creature such as you to understand. *narrows her eyes* That group had always been nothing more than upstarts and idiots. *turns around, intending to head back to the base*

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