The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna: That tricky L word

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    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *vaguely hears the noise and glances out of the room, pondering what the noise could be. He shrugs it off and resumes reading* *”Don’t get yourself in too much of a mess up there.”*

    Aeris: *hears the fighting and sighs, abandoning her room to go investigate. She peers in the doorway of the room, watching Jenna and Kerash fight, slowly shaking her head* Are you guys alright here? Do you need to settle your differences and talk about it?


    Jenna: *completely ignores Aeris and Sephy’s comments and continues to speak to Kerash in her native tongue as she fights with the raptor, doing her best to keep the former guardian riled up. Unlike Kerash, who is fast and powerful, Jenna uses more evasive maneuvers and tries to turn Kerash’s own momentum and attacks against her. For the most part, she manages to keep at least a stale-mate status in her impromptu spar, despite the fact that her partner might not call it such. However, Kerash eventually spins around and smacks Jenna directly in the chest with her tail. Thus, the sorceress is flung across the hallway and thumps into a wall not far from Aeris’s room. She groans as she lands and pauses for a moment, holding onto her rib-cage*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *yelps as she watches the fighting, ducking slightly as she sees Jenna get whacked across the room and towards her. She is quick to move over to Jenna, reaching out to shake her shoulder* Are you alright? Do you need help?


    Jenna: *narrows her eyes at Aeris, despising the fact that the girl thinks she needs any help at all. She then releases a snort, ignoring the pain it causes her and then rises up to her feet* No, I don’t need any of your damn help. *her right eye slightly twitches as she continues concentrating on ignoring the wave of pain from her ribcage*

    Kerash: *hisses in irritation and swishes her tail. After a moment, she growls out a final scold to Jenna then turns around so that she can return to her work*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: But you’re hurt… *crouches down beside Jenna, then begins to concentrate and focus her healing abilities, placing her hands over Jenna’s rib area, or as close as she can get without being shoved away* Just stay still, this doesn’t take long.


    Jenna: *glares at Aeris and continues to rise to her feet. She then snorts, completely ignoring Aeris’s request and begins to move forward, stubbornly ignoring the searing pain in her ribs, which are cracked and close to broken* I do not need your help. *closes her eyes in order to suppress the pain and heads down the stairs, wanting to lie down on her bed now. She’d continue on down the stairs, no matter how much Aeris tries to stop her and would enter her quarters within a few minutes*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *sighs* Quit being like that. Just because you don’t like me and just because I don’t like you much, it doesn’t mean you can’t have medical treatment. Now please, just stop. Stop so I can help you, alright? If you’d at least do that, I can heal you and it wouldnt hurt at all any more. *follows her down the stairs, stopping in the doorway, not wanting to step into Jenna’s quarters and go against Jenna’s wishes that she’s not allowed in*

    Sephiroth: *rises to his feet when he hears Jenna return, carrying his book along with him* What the hell happened to you?


    Jenna: *growls at Aeris the entire time that the woman rants to her as she moves down the stairs. However, in the interest in not harming herself any more, she does not move to attack the woman. Once she enters her quarters, she moves to her bed, but frowns at Seph as he asks her what happened* I’m fine, Seph. I’m only being annoyed by the bitch. That is all.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls* *”It seems to be more than that. Do you want to talk about it, perhaps?”* *turns his attention towards Aeris, glaring at her* Get lost, Cetra, go back to where you normally stay and leave us alone.

    Aeris: But she’s hurt… she was fighting the mechanical robot lizard thing… *pauses, shaking her head at how silly that sounds* And well, yeah. She’s hurt now. Really badly. *steps through the doorway, and then moves over to the bed* I’m a healer, let me fix it for you. Then you can go back to whatever you were doing.


    Jenna: ~I’ll be fine, Seph. I’ve had much worse than this in the past.~ *clenches her fists as she hears Aeris near her then threateningly growls. As soon as she hears Aeris near even closer, she turns around and lashes out to punch the girl in the face, wanting to make herself clear. However, after the movement, she begins to cough and brings up a small bit of blood. She also moves to lean against the bed as she coughs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *promptly staggers back again and covers her face with her hands, crying out in pain as she is punched in the face. She quickly runs from the room, running up the stairs to retreat*

    Sephiroth: *scowls slightly in irritation* What the hell is wrong with you? *slowly shakes his head, then moves over Jenna, sitting down beside her on the bed* Is what Aeris said really true? Do you want help, or just not from her?


    Jenna: *Closes her eyes and works on suppressing the coughing for now. As Seph sits down beside her, she looks up then slowly pulls herself up to her feet* I’ll be fine.. *moves to properly sit down on her side of the bed, trying not to move her ribcage that much* I just shouldn’t have moved like that… *closes her eyes, still more interested in dealing with the pain*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls louder at Jenna’s response, shaking his head* You are stubborn and ignorant, do you know that? *snorts in frustration* Do you want to be healed or not? The stupid Cetra offered it, but you shoved her away. You’re not answering any of my questions.


    Jenna: *narrows her eyes at Seph’s words* Stubborn, yes. Ignorant, never. *scowls and moves to lie down* I just have a few cracked ribs. I’ll heal up eventually. I don’t need that bitch touching me or anything else. *her scowl deepens* If it will make you feel better, go ahead and check it yourself..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I want to, but I don’t want to get the same treatment as Aeris did. Hence the reason for asking questions. Evasiveness generally indicates that somebody wants to be left alone. *rises to his feet, moving over to Jenna’s side of the bed. He tries to move her arm up and scan her chest cavity section, shaking his head* You need to go to a medical center, I would say. You are in need of urgent medical attention. Perhaps surgery.


    Jenna: *Hisses in irritation at Seph’s words* You should know by now that I won’t ever give you the same treatment as that bitch. *her mood doesn’t improve any more as Seph mentions her needing medical attention* What makes you so certain that I- *stops suddenly as she begins to cough again, bringing up another small bit of blood*

    *If Sephiroth were to scan the rest of her body, he’d find a lot of small internal quirks about her make that are definitely not found on a normal human. For instance, her digestive track has a few extra sections that help her in digesting raw food, which normal humans have problems metabolizing, and efficently taking as much nurishment from food as possible, which helps her to not eat for days without reprocussions. There are also other minor details that can be found in her organs that reveal the fact that she is a hybrid and not quite human.

    Also, there is another element about her internal makings that might stick out. Due to the massive magical energy that she prefers to keep in contact with in order to constantly be prepared for for a battle or the like, her internal temperature is quite high. Her entire body is slowly failing at a much faster rate than it should be, but it would still take years for the powers to rip apart her tissues to the point that she wouldn’t be able to remain alive.*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: What makes me so certain that you need surgery? Well, I’m pretty sure that it is standard fare for somebody who has damaged their ribcage in the same manner as you. *continues with his scans, seeming bored at first. When he discovers differences, he steps back, raising an eyebrow, slowly shaking his head, quietly muttering to himself* That can’t be right at all…


    Jenna: *finally manages to contain her coughing again then shakes her head* I’ll be fine, Seph. *nods toward the glyphs that are written all over the bed’s headboard and the like* Remember.. healing spells set up? Anyway, do you really think you can safely transport me to the nearest hospital, several thousand miles away? *shakes her head at him then positions herself to lie down on the bed* I’ll be fine. *closes her eyes, too interested in her own pain to notice Seph’s actions or words*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I’m not going to accept “I’ll be fine” as an excuse or reason not to receive treatment. *scowls at her* But you are right… I do not think I could carry you many hundreds of miles to medical service. I don’t even know if such would be accepted.


    Jenna: *opens her eyes to look at him* What does it matter anyway? I’m immortal, remember? *shrugs* Having surgery would simply put me out of commission for a few weeks. It’d achieve little in the long run. *glances at his posture* Is something wrong aside from my injury? And why don’t you think medical treatment would be accepted? *morbidly smirks* Aside from the possibility of me dying in transit, there’s not much of a reason for it to be rejected.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: There is the dying in transit thing, yes. And as soon as they cut you open, well… *deeply frowns, not sure whether he wants to explain his findings or not* Right, you’re immortal. Just stay still and hope the healing spells work. *folds his arms and slides up a chair so he can sit in it and continue with his reading*


    Jenna: *cocks her eyebrow at him then narrows her eyes* What were you going to say? Once they cuh- *begins to cough once more, not quite capable of finishing her sentence for now*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs and shakes his head* Don’t worry about it, Jenna. Just lie down and do your best to recover, alright? *leans back in his chair* Relax. *telepathically connects to her mind, then he begins to hum to her in an effort to make her calm down*


    Jenna: *Frowns at him, but thinks better than to push her lungs with more talking. So, she narrows her eyes* ~You weren’t happy with me when I didn’t want to fully answer your questions. Why do you get to make a statement like that and let it hang? Hrmph, at least I had the excuse of thinking that you got a good enough look at me. I honestly thought you would have figured it out a long time ago that it was me that you met on that mission.~ *glances away from Seph and closes her eyes*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs* *”Your internal makeup is different to most humans. If they did surgery on you, they’d soon find out what was different, and lock you up to do experiments on you. If there are humans in this world anything like Hojo – any scientists with low morals and ethics…. you can be guaranteed that it would happen to you.”*

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