The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna: That tricky L word

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    Jenna: A sniper to the western mountains where your camp was located in Wutai randomly died and was found by your troops. Did that ruin your life? *Shakes her head and sighs* I.. I had hired the scientist to take documents on you and Hojo’s plans for you in order to interfere with Hojo’s schedule. I was trying to lessen what suffering that man inflicted upon you in what little ways I could. *glances to the side* Forgive me for actually caring enough to try…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *makes a loud irritated snort at her* You are forgiven, but your dumb planning nearly cost me my credibility as a soldier. *growls* If they knew I had failed my mission, I would have been thrown out of the Junon training facility for sure. And if I thrown out, there probably wouldn’t even have been a war. Well… maybe, but Midgar probably would have lost without me.


    Jenna: *glances over at Seph* Can you really say that you truly care which side won that war? Were you really fighting for ShinRa’s sake, or were you just fighting because that was what you were good at? *Shakes her head at him* All your movements indicated that while you knew how to win, you weren’t doing it for the greater cause. You were just going through the movements. *turns her look away* I doubt that you ever truly fought for anything you believed in.. except for when you believed you could be become a god.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *makes a low growling noise at Jenna and narrows his eyes, making an abrupt snort shortly afterwards* Phh. I wasn’t going through any ‘movements’. I was fighting because I knew how. And I wanted to win. *scowls* That’s why I fought – to win. That’s the only reason I’ve ever done so. There’s nothing wrong with that.


    Jenna: *Sighs at him* That is going through the movements, Seph. You didn’t fight for a higher purpose. You were a gladiator for lack of better terms. Except even some of them fought for the hope of freedom. *looks over at him* Do you intend to stay in the doorway all day long? Either take your revenge for that failed mission and inflict whatever punishment you think I deserve already or let go of your anger.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls at her statement and punches the doorframe* Take revenge? What on? You? Don’t be idiotic. *turns his back on her, then moves to walk out of the room, heading for the stairs*


    Jenna: *Sighs and lowers her head* I should have never asked that question… *shakes her head then lies down on the bed and curls up, a bit miserable about the recent turn of events*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *heads up the stairs, in a thoroughly sour mood now. He walks into the laundry room, wanting to see if Centra has finished with his clothing. He glances inside the dryer, then snorts and walks out again, heading into the kitchen area so he can get something to eat*


    Kerash: *her metallic footsteps ring through the hallway which connects to the kitchen as the raptor strolls toward the cloning stations*

    Jenna: *remains curled up and closes her eyes, deciding that it’ll be best to try and rest for now*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just remains in the kitchen for some time as he prepares some cheap-quality canned chili, munching on it, still in a foul mood for most of his time in the kitchen. He carries the bowl full of food back down to Jenna’s quarters and heads back into the small library Jenna has set up for him, wanting to continue with his reading*


    Jenna: *has not fallen into that deep of a sleep yet, so she manages to hear Seph as he re-enters the room and moves into the library. Thus, she cracks her eyes open to watch him for several minutes. After a bit, she silently slides off the bed and moves up behind him, wanting to try to make some sort of ammends. She moves up behind him and just gently sets her hand on his back and would massage it if he doesn’t step away from her*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *initially makes a warning growl as Jenna moves up behind him, but doesn’t shove her away as she pats his back. He sits there and initially ignores her, quietly sighing some time later* Quit doing that… *grunts, turning his head to look up at her* What are you trying to do now?


    Jenna: *sighs and moves her hands away once Seph requests for her to stop* I’m just trying to help you calm down. *looks at him for a moment then turns around* Despite what you might think, I do.. care about you. *walks out of the room, figuring that Seph definitely doesn’t want her around*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *makes a sharp grunt and closes his book, moving to his feet, and discarding the book onto the chair as he heads out of the room after her. He reaches out to grasp at her arm, trying to make her turn around and face him by pulling on it* Stop. *grunts, narrowing his eyes* You have a strange way of showing it. Do you know that?


    Jenna: *glances down at his hand as he grips onto her, but doesn’t pull away. Instead, she allows him to force her to face him, but she doesn’t look up into his face* What do you mean by that? I’ve done everything I know of to make you comfortable here. You were clearly angry with me and asked me to stop, so I did. Or do you mean in general? *narrows her eyes, though she’s still not looking at him* If that’s the case, I am definitely not with you solely for the sex. There are much more experienced and better males around that I could aim for if that were the case.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I said… you have a strange way of indicating that you care for me. Not just now, but yes, in general. Visiting me in the laboratory, stealing documents about me in said laboratory, so forth. I was only angry with the fact that you were withholding information from me, nothing else. *pauses, shaking his head* I know that you are not with me just for the sex.


    Jenna: *Softly speaks* You never asked… You don’t ask about much about me. So, I figured you aren’t that interested. *looks up into his eyes for a moment then tries to slowly slip her hand out of his grasp* You never exactly answered my question as to how you were scolded for that failure..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *his scowl fades at her commment, but he lets her hand go as she tries to slip it away* Hmph… *narrows his eyes, turning his head away* No, I didn’t, did I. *slowly shakes his head, not seeming to want to talk about the subject at all* Maybe another day. Unless you really must absolutely know.


    Jenna: Hrmph, I would have gone utterly insane if I always wanted things immediately and have lived to my age. *shakes her head at his words then lifts her head to look up at him again* Is there anything else that you think that I’m hiding from you that you want to know about?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I cannot think of anything off the top of my head, no. Otherwise I probably would have already brought them up with you already. I am not somebody who stays quiet about anything for long. *scowls*


    Jenna: *nods at him* I see. Well, go back to entertaining yourself with your books. *Steps away from him, trying to give him his room* There isn’t much left in this conversation as is..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts, moving back away from her so he can return to his reading* No, there’s not. *takes his book from the chair, then sits back down in it* *”For the record, I was removed from Junon for a week. The President wanted to dump me altogether, but Hojo negotiated with him. I was sent to solitary confinement, and returned to Junon at the end of the week. Then I had to do extra punishment duties like more training, and cleaning, and so on.”*


    Jenna: *sighs as she hears Seph’s words then nods* I see.. My apologies for the trouble my actions caused you. *turns around and moves up the stairs, wanting to find something else to spend her time on for now. Eventually, she moves into the training room, but doesn’t quite do anything in it right away. For several minutes, she just leans against the wall near the doorway and thinks*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just spends his time in the chair for now, and reads. He would continue to do this for the next few hours if undisturbed, and moves onto the next few books he owns some time afterwards*


    Jenna: *Snorts in irritation as she considers all the various training programs that Centra has available. So, after a bit, she leaves the training room and heads toward the upper levels. Thus, within an hour of that point, a loud hiss reverberates through those levels as Jenna finally taunts Kerash into attacking her. Undoubtedly, the sounds of the battle between the two of them would be audible from Aeris’s room*

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