The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna: That tricky L word

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    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Well that was an extremely fast change of subject… *closes the book, looking up at her* Hmm… *scratches the side of his head, frowning* Red haired boy with a sniper gun? Where? I really don’t have a clue what you are talking about.


    Jenna: *frowns in thought, trying to determine whether or not to even bring up more on the subject. Finally, she speaks up* You were about fifteen, maybe? There was you, Zack, and the red-haired boy… A certain scientist who was selling data was killed in the event. *continues to look at the side and recommences clicking her claws* That mission was probably quite a failure.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snorts, seeming irritated with Jenna, narrowing his eyes at her questions* How do you know about that incident? It was never made public, it didn’t make it into my private army records either. I never mentioned it to you at any point. *snorts* How do you know about that? *folds his arms*


    Jenna: *glances over to him, but just continues to click her claws together. She doesn’t particularly want to answer his question quite yet. After a moment, she looks to the side again*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *the volume level of his growl increases, and he bares his teeth, giving her a piercing angry glare* Well? How do you know about the details of my first official assignment? How much do you know about that incident?


    Jenna: *sighs at his words then closes her eyes. She then uses her magic to manipulate the lighting in the room to make it match more or less what it was like that night in the alley where she had encountered Sephy and his troop. Once that is done, she stands up and opens her eyes to look at him, still silent*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *rises to his feet, now openly glaring at Jenna, turning his attention to the room around him a moment later. He continues with his loud growling, clenching his fists* This isn’t an answer! Damn you, what are you hiding from me!?


    Jenna: *slowly shakes her head at him then softly speaks to Seph* Think of who was present there that night, Seph… *looks to the side again then scowls at herself. Soon afterward, she sends a few flashes of images from her point of view of the few moves she had to take in order to counter Seph’s sword that night*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: There was myself and my two accomplices, Zack and Hal. Our mission was to seek out and neutralize a scientist who was leaking information out to the enemy. We encountered him, as well as the one he was leaking to. I fought them and… *scowls* The mission was a failure. *snorts* It was covered up, and Hal was sent elsewhere. I never saw him again. *growls* Why?


    Jenna: The one buying the data was a female, wasn’t she, Seph? You managed to graze her with your sword, but mostly just chopped off quite a bit of hair, right? The scientist was neutralized and the data that was exchanged was taken by the buyer despite your efforts, isn’t that correct? *shakes her head at him, wondering if his memory isn’t as well as she thought it would be* Hal was the name of the red-head?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snorts* Yes, Hal was the red-head. He was neutralized by being clawed in the face. He was removed later by medical assistants and nobody ever saw him again. *folds his arms* The one I fought was indeed female. She escaped. As to her hair, I do not make note of useless details like that. *snorts* But yes, she took the data she came for, and she was never caught. The mission was a horrible failure. It has never been mentioned to me before… *growls at her* How could you possibly know?!


    Jenna: *raises up her claws for a moment then moves her hands to gesture gorging out soneone’s eyes* Does that answer your question? *shakes her head* You weren’t supposed to be there… How badly were you reprimanded?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I wasn’t supposed to be… *snarls* What? It was MY mission, I was the one given those instructions. Of course I was meant to be there! *glowers at her* I fought you? You were the one trying to steal ShinRa’s information!? YOU were the one who disabled my comrade!?


    Jenna: *snorts* I didn’t know the fool of a scientist had been spotted gathering the data that I had wanted. *looks up at him and slowly nods before casting a spell to return the lights to normal* What was I supposed to do? Take it easy on you and make it look like you may have been in on it? *Shakes her head* I did what needed to be done. And he shot at me…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: He shot at you? You’re complaining about the fact that the idiotic red-head shot at you!? *growls at her* He had to, he was following my orders! *loudly snarls* You weren’t supposed to BE there in the first place!! And why the hell would you want to take information from the laboratories anyway? What was so special that you had to bribe and corrupt a scientist about? *snarls, moving closer to her, looking positively livid, and like he’s ready to attack any moment now* Because of YOU, I failed my damn mission!!


    Jenna: *looks up at him, just coldly, yet boldly looking into his eyes. Giving him the same look she’d give Kerash whenever she got in trouble with her guardian* And you continued on to be a success elsewhere. You were simply not ready to fight someone with my skills at that point in time. As for what was important to me… I wanted to check up on something that I had left behind years ago.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snarls angrily and reaches out to shove her shoulder* You shouldn’t have been there in the first place! Because of you, I lost a comrade on my first mission, and because of you, my first mission was an utter failure! Do have any idea what happened as a direct result of that? *snarls*


    Jenna: *continues to coldly look him in the eye and manages to keep her footing as he shoves her* I wouldn’t have asked if I had known. I returned home for a few years after that. I didn’t know how good of a look you had gotten. Do whatever you feel like to me. It matters not.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *loudly growls at her, angry* So if you knew whom it was, you wouldn’t have asked, thus keeping me in the dark about this?! Oh, now, that’s even better. *snarls at her* Is it your goal to interfere with every aspect of my life at least once? *grits his teeth and backs away from her, hissing*


    Jenna: *frowns at him, shaking her head* I never asked who the red-head was. I asked what his fate was. It was idle curiosity. *Sighs at his current actions* And I was not trying to interfere at all. I was only observing your world and you confronted me. I had no choice but to fight back. *narrows her eyes in thought then slowly moves closer to him and tries to rub the left side of his face* Please, just tell me how bad the punishment was then.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *makes a loud defensive growl and swats her hand away with his arm, backing up towards the door* You weren’t interferring? Hah! That’s an amusing comment if ever I heard one. How the hell is stealing documents ‘not interferring’? How is illegally trading with one of the scientists ‘not interferring’? *folds his arms*


    Jenna: Perhaps that was interfering with your world, but it was not directly interfering with your life. I did not give you that assignment, Seph. I am not some great mastermind who plotted your doom that night. *shakes her head at him then sighs and walks over to the bed* Strike at me if you wish.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Of course it was interferring with my life, you idiot! *growls* The reason I was even sent on that mission in the first place was because of your dealings with that corrupt scientist. Because of that, because of you, my very first mission was a failure. *growls* Do you have any idea what that would have done if it had been made more public?


    Jenna: It clearly didn’t become public, so that is a moot point… *looks up at him* Tell me, Seph.. Did you life improve any for a short bit after Hojo’s helicopter crash that occurred on his one trip from Junnon back to Midgar? Did I ruin anything for you the one day that red-head threw french fries at me in that bar?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls* Those are minor and insignificant incidents… the red-headed idiot would have thrown fries at anybody that day. *growls* Those do not count at all.

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