The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna: That tricky L word

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    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls* Fine… why the hell are you such a smug bastard for a start? Will not following Aeris’s instructions do any harm in the long run? *scowls further* And what the hell was that noise? Purring? It sounds utterly disgusting.

    Sephiroth: *merely shrugs his shoulders, then moves away from Jenna again* Very well. *returns his attention to current-Sephy and shakes his head* I will ignore your first question, but no, not following Aeris’s directions won’t do any harm whatsoever. I ended up back on the planet I originated from, no harm came of not being a model citizen like Aeris wanted. *ponders* Though I suppose that kind of happened… somehow. *shakes his head* Yes, I can purr. You can too, you just don’t know how yet. And on the contrary… *purrs* It is actually quite soothing.


    Jenna: *tilts her head as she listens to the other Sephiroth then shakes her head* “Kind of happened”? Yes, that will certainly help. *groans and shakes her head* Perhaps this wasn’t the best of ideas…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snorts* So in twenty-something years I’m going to be a noble loser with an idiotic sense of humor who keeps pens in his pocket and purrs? *narrows his eyes* As long as not following Aeris’s every order isn’t going to do any harm, that’s all I need to know. Thank you. Goodbye.

    Sephiroth: *slowly shakes his head, seeming amused* You really have no idea about what is in store for you. You have my pity. *smirks and glances at Jenna* You can send me back if you like. I still have a lot of work to do before the day is over.


    Jenna: *slowly nods* Yes, I think that would be best for all of us. It is not good to know too much about the future anyway. *closes her eyes and begins to concentrate on canceling off the “summoning” spell that she used to bring the future Sephiroth here. Soon enough, he’d begin to fade away out of existence as she sends him back to his proper place. Once he is gone, she opens her eyes and turns around, intending to leave the room*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just stands there as he watches the other Sephiroth disintergrate and drift away. He shakes his head and grunts in Jenna’s direction as she heads for the door* Where are you going now? And why are you leaving? I don’t want you to go away.


    Jenna: *stops in the doorway and glances back at Sephiroth* I’m not leaving because of you. *narrows her eyes* I intend to teach that idiotic bitch a lesson she’ll not soon forget. *snorts in irritation then moves up the stairs, scanning out Aeris’s location as she moves*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls slighytly and promptly moves after Jenna, reaching out to grab at her arm* Didn’t you hear a word of anything I said earlier, Jenna? I told you before – I don’t want you to go out of your way to harm her. *scowls* She’s here until she is sent somewhere else. I don’t want to have to put up with her whining.


    Jenna: *snorts at Sephiroth* I didn’t say a word about hurting her, now did I? *turns to coldly look into his eyes, still quite irritated at Aeris’s interference with Sephers* Just as there is more than one way to completely humiliate the bitch, there is more than one way to shock a lesson into her. *tries to yank her hand out of his grip*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls in frustration at Jenna and doesn’t initially let go of her arm as she tries to yank it away from him, not trusting her words at all right now, glaring back at her* What are you going to do to her, exactly? *growls louder, but gives in and lets go of her arm*

    Aeris: *has returned to ‘her’ room and is busy decorating it with various wildflowers she has picked from her travels outside*


    Jenna: *scowls in irritation, not really wanting to go into detail about what she has planned with Aeris. However, after storming up several steps, she finally decides to respond to Sephiroth* I’m going to let her see what true “evil” is. I’m certain she’ll love to see what your planet is like in my dimension. *continues up the stailrs, not interested in letting Seph slow her down. She soon moves into Aeris’s room and reaches out to grab her braid and begins to pull her out of the room*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *loudly sighs and remains at the bottom of the stairs, letting Jenna go for now* This isn’t going to go well…

    Aeris: *hums happily as she arranges flowers in an empty used food can, then sets them down on a table next to her bed. She doesn’t see Jenna come in, and makes a loud pained frightened yelp when Jenna grabs onto her hair* What are you doing!? Please let go, that hurts!! *loudly whimpers*


    Jenna: *ignores Aeris’s pleas and continues to drag her out of the base Thus, if Sephiroth is still in the stairwell, he’d get to see Jenna yank Aeris up the stairs by her braid as she heads up the stairs. Once out of the base, she sets up a portal to the equivalent of Sephy and Aeris’s planet, soon preparing to step through. Throughout this time, she doesn’t bother to say a word to the pink-clad Cetra*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *continues to cry out to Jenna as she is dragged up the stairs, begging her to let go, loudly whimpering and beginning to cry throughout most of the dragging experience. She tries to turn her head to see where they are going, ending up thinking better of it as Jenna hurts her neck also* Stop it! Please! *whimpers, then teleports away from her, appearing at the bottom of the stairs again. Then she runs into Jenna’s quarters, promptly throwing herself at Sephiroth once spotting him in the room* Help me! She’s trying to kill me or something!


    Jenna: *hisses in irritation as Aeris disappears. She narrows her eyes then begins casting a spell to force Aeris back to her side, intending to show her the other side of the portal* Idiotic bitch.. How the hell did she get around the teleportation blocks? *grits her teeth, deciding she’ll check the spells intended to block any attempt to teleport inside the base once outside of it later. Then she activates the spell that would yank Aeris back over to her location*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *squeals, frightened as she’s teleported back to Jenna’s side again. She crouches down, visibly shaking, cowering next to Jenna, her head lowered, loudly sniffling* Why are you being so mean to me..?!


    Jenna: *snorts at Aeris’s sniveling and shakes her head* Shut the fuck up. You have no idea what “mean” is, you idiot. *She then grips onto Aeris’s shoulder and drags her into the portal. The portal exits upon the “grasslands” of what would be the area in between Midgar and the Chocobo Ranch on The Planet. However, the land is completely barren, for several centuries ago, Sesshou had ransacked this planet and drained it dry of all life energy. There are corpses of several WEAPONS, including the Ultima and Omega WEAPONS, all about the place, for this planet clearly put up a fight. However, it is clear that this planet died nonetheless* Still think I am a horrible creature, bitch?

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *raises her head, glaring at Jenna as she is dragged through the portal. When they appear out on the other side, she stands up properly, looking around them, wide eyed and confused* Wow, what happened…? Did Sephy do this?? *whimpers* I was supposed to be showing him how to be a good person!


    Jenna: *growls and smacks her hand against her face, groaning* What the-? Oh, yes, it was Sephiroth. He went back in time several centuries, actually came up with a way to effectively strip a planet dry, and then somehow got rid of all the energy he got from devouring this planet. Then, he came back to our time. Yes, that’s exactly what happened, you dolt! *shakes her head*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *loudly whimpers, looking quite upset* I was wasting my time then, wasn’t I… *lowers her head, miserable* The Cetra council were all right… he really WAS a bad person and I was a fool to trust him..


    Jenna: *smacks the back of Aeris’s head* Stupid idiot, Sephiroth was never even born on this planet. Neither were you. Look around. Does this look like anything that occurred within your lifetime? *snorts then begins weaving another spell. Soon, an illusion takes place and it begins showing the last minutes of this planet. Sesshou’s troops can be easily seen siphoning energy from creatures to bring to their queen. Also present is Sesshou herself, who keeps on feasting on this planet’s lifestream as it attempts to attack her and also tears down any WEAPON that gets in her way*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *covers her mouth with her hands to hold in a gasp, looking horrified as she sees the footage. She makes a loud whimpering noise and shakes her head, squeezing her eyes shut* I don’t want to see any more… I want to get out of here…


    Jenna: *shakes her head at Aeris* This is what I fight against, you bitch. Now, tell me again how evil, mean, and bad I am. Go ahead. Utter those words. I dare you. *waves her hand to make the illusion vanish*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *shakes her head* I didn’t say you were mean for that… but the elf said you kill people. You pulled my hair. You’re mean and horrible to me. You’re trying to take Sephy away from me and steer him in a different direction from what I am trying to do with him.. *lowers her head, looking miserable* Alright… so you’re good in the sense that you’re trying to save things… but you’re still mean to me…


    Jenna: *narrows her eyes and then grabs Aeris by the collar of her dress and pulls her closer to her, firmly speaking* Yes, I kill people. Guess what, that is the way things work. *snorts* And quite honestly, if you try to guilt Seph with your whining again, I will not be held back by his requests for me not to hurt you. *shoves Aeris away then turns around, intending to form a portal back to her planet*

    Kat Aclysm

    Aeris: *Stares back at Jenna, afraid* I wasn’t trying to guilt trip him! I honestly was trying to help him become a better person! You’ve seen his behaviour in the past, haven’t you..? He used to be a horrible man who was content to kill everybody on the planet and steal the Lifestream for his own gain… *whimpers* You can’t tell me that never happened! I just want to help him to be good!

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