The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna: That tricky L word

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  • #18748
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: It can’t have been. He was an idiot, smug, ridiculously dressed, and a failure. *scowls, though he seems amused as Jenna glares at him* He was a smug-ass bastard, and not me. I am me, not that jerk.


    Jenna: Seems to fit the bill just perfectly, arrogant prick. *turns around and moves to lie down on the bed, not interested in going out the investigate quite yet. Once again, she moves so that her back is facing him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snorts, growling at Jenna’s behaviour* I am not arrogant, nor am I a prick. For that matter, nor am I smug, ridiculously dressed, an idiot, or a failure. *moves out onto the balcony, shutting the door behind him, sitting off to the side, thoroughly pissed*


    Jenna: *lowers her eyes, scowling then mutters to herself, though if the balcony’s window is made of thin enough glass, Sephy will probably hear her* I guess you’ll never love me either then… *snorts and shakes her head, casting away the thought*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just remains on the balcony with his arms folded, watching traffic flow on the visible streets below him. He also uses his psychic abilities to shove a few of the city inhabitants off their feet, wanting to see their reactions. He leans against the far wall and sighs, still irritated with Jenna’s comment, as well as bored*


    Jenna: *eventually sits up again and glances at Seph’s direction then snorts* You know, the purpose of coming here was so you wouldn’t be spotted. *shakes her head* Standing on the balcony negates that. *spots a television in the room and decides to turn it on, wanting to see what it will indicate of this world*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just remains outside for the time being, sitting with his back to the far wall, idly watching the world go by below him, not seeming to hear her comments at all*


    Jenna: *Glances in Seph’s direction once more then shakes her head and moves toward the window. She leans against the window then glances in his direction* If you are going to insist on staying in plain site, I’m going to have to turn you into a feline again for our own protection. Do you want that, Seph?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *turns his attention up towards her, glaring hard at her* Right now, I really don’t give a damn if they see me or not. *turns his head away from her again, loudly snorting* Get lost.


    Jenna: *shakes her head at him then uses a spell to shove him back into the room and make it so he can’t get out onto the balcony or leave the room at all until she lifts the spell. She then silently walks back over to sit down in one of the chairs in the room*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *makes a loud snorting noise as he realizes he is back in the hotel room and glares angrily at Jenna* Why have you dragged me back in here? I was fine where I was outside, and well away from your ridiculous commentary. *growls*


    Jenna: *glances over at him and snorts* You had plenty of wonderful commentary yourself. *glances to the side and snorts* You once said that I have some way of showing I care for you. One would think all that you like from me so far is the sex. *crosses her arms, going silent now*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I did say that. Hmph. *grunts at her comment and shakes his head* I… *scowls suddenly, deciding against what he was going to say, turning his head away* Phhh. I told you before, if we never had sex again, I wouldn’t care. *pauses* So what are you going to do now?


    Jenna: *looks over at him* For now, I’d like you to finish the sentence that you only left with “I”. I would love to know what that future version did other than purr and call me “my love” that really is that drastically different from you. As far as I saw, the clothes were the same as the type that you recently bought. His attitude was most certainly the same as yours. So, what was it? I want to know what the answer to why you even care about me at all is. You never bother answering that question.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: That other idiot was not me. *snorts* And never will be. *grunts* Feh, as for your question about the care issue, I told you already… *slowly shakes his head* You need to be protected. *scowls at her* Others keep defeating you and knocking you down, you need protection against that sort of thing. I also told you that you are probably one of the only people that has shown kindness to me without wanting something in return, or feeling the need to cling onto my arm and giggle like a deranged idiot high on helium.


    Jenna: *clicks her claws together, not seeming to be overly impressed by his words. She just glances to the side and snorts to herself, not saying a word to him yet*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls at her, then slowly shakes his head* What else do you want me to say? *sighs irritably* Look, sorry for offending you before. I consider you to be an ally and a friend. There, does that make you happy? *folds his arms* Now please, tell me what you are planning.


    Jenna: *narrows her eyes for a moment then looks back at him* So, you don’t ever want it to go to more than just friends? You said you’d never be what that future version is. So, you want nothing more than what we have so far. *completely ignores his question about plans*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts and shakes his head* Why are you asking this now? It has nothing to do with why we are even here. Ask me another time… *averts his attention towards the floor, arms folded*


    Jenna: *coldly speaks* We are here because I like to be as far away from the blasted snake as possible. That is all. There is no higher purpose. *stands up and moves over to him* Now, can you please answer the question? Or do I need to cast a truth spell on you and force you to answer?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Look… *growls in frustration* I already answered your question all the times you asked it. I’m tired of repeating myself. Why do you want to keep hearing the same thing over and over again? What more could you possibly be expecting to hear?


    Jenna: If there is no more, then you wouldn’t cut yourself off in your sentences and think twice about them, Seph. *shakes her head at him* I asked you if you’d ever want to be more than just friends. You didn’t want to answer. I would like the answer.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Ah, I see… hmph. *makes a frustrated grumbling sound, then folds his arms, glancing off to the side* Well, it’s a difficult answer to give. *growls, looking up at her again, annoyed* Can’t I answer later? When we are not here?


    Jenna: And what assurances do I have that you will not give me the same answer when we are elsewhere? *snorts at him and crosses her arms* It’s not like we are in the middle of a public square or infront of a video recording device. *snorts at him* I see no reason why anywhere else would matter.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls in frustration* Fine, fine… *slowly shakes his head* The answer to your question is a yes. *scowls and makes an irritated sharp grunting sound at her* Can we leave now? Or do something else? I don’t want to discuss this, but you keep pushing it.

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