The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna: That tricky L word

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  • #18698
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts and reaches behind himself to grasp Jenna’s arm, teleporting them away. He reappears on the roof of a building, glancing down at the street* What the hell is wrong with them? They look very angry…


    Jenna: *faintly yelps, not having expected to be teleported. However, she quickly recovers and then moves to look over the ledge of the building, thinking* I don’t see a single human down there.. That could be the problem. *straightens up then thinks* They definitely were acting like we were alien.. *narrows her eyes* Looks mostly like animalistic humanoids down there to me. *Sighs and shakes her head* It’d probably be best if we find a way to blend in.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Blend in? *glances down over the edge, frowning in thought* I have a shape shifting ability. But I don’t know what they are down there. I didn’t get to look at them long enough to shape shift into every detail to appear authentic to them… *scowls* What are they?


    Jenna: *Doesn’t seem to be listening to Seph and continues studying the “people” down below. After a moment, she nods to herself and casts a spell to shift into her “hybrid” form and then to change him into the half-cat creature that she had turned him into previously* That should do. At least until we find someplace safe to stay for the night.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls* What? *blinks as his perception and vision suddenly changes as he is turned into the anthropomorphic cat creature, causing him to turn his head down and examine himself, growling not long afterwards* What the hell?! How is this going to help? I’d rather walk amongst them as I am supposed to look. *snarls*


    Jenna: *wraps her wings about her shoulders and looks over at him* Seph, were you listening to me? None of them down there are humans. My guess, by their reaction, is that humans don’t exist. Hence, walking around as you normally are would not do much good. *moves closer to him* I promise you that I’ll change you back as soon as we find a safe place to stay. All we need to do is find a hotel of some shape or form. Does that sound agreeable to you?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *his tail swishes instinctively in reaction to his foul mood. He also makes an aggressive cat-like growl, pinning his ears back* Where is safe? They’re going to see through this disguise easily. Hmph… it’s not even a disguise, damn it. *snarls*


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes* I have already said where safe would be. If we get a hotel room for the night or more, we’d have someplace private that we can close the windows and such to so that they can’t see us. *crosses her arms* Now, do you want to stay in that form forever, or do you plan on moving? *shakes her head at him then moves to jump down onto the street level*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls at Jenna, then shakes his head* I don’t want to stay in this form at all. *springs off the roof himself, levitating downwards so he won’t hurt himself* *”Where do we go from here? Hell, why did you even come here at all? There’s nothing useful or significant about this place.”* *scowls as he moves out of the way of a large doberman-man, hissing at him*


    Jenna: *spreads open her left wing, protectively wrapping it around Seph in order to make him feel safer. Then she look around, soon spotting a suitable hotel* ~First, we are going there. It will be a secure spot that we can assess the rest of this reality from in peace and be ourselves. As for why we came, I told you, it was random. You know, like a Roulette table.~ *frowns in thought, remembering Seph’s previous response. So, she telepathicly sends him an impression of roulette. Meanwhile, she strolls into the hotel*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I am going to have to read up on this roulette table that you speak of. I can’t see how a piece of furniture could generate randomness.”* *is silent as he receives the impression of roulette, then scowls* *”Ah. It sounds like another form of gambling, such as the poker machines in the Gold Saucer.”* *follows her down the street and into the hotel, glaring at the wing around him* *”Why couldn’t you have turned me into something bigger?”*


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes at Sephy* ~The spell works based on what you are compatible with. I’ve told you this before. Apparently, the spell thinks I’m most compatible with a dragon, and well, apparently, you seem to be compatible with felines. Maybe it’s the superiority complex and belief that you are god of the universe.~ *smirks at him then enters the hotel. As she does, she moves her wing back around her shoulder and looks about, soon spotting the reception desk* Should I get the room or do you want the honor?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”I do not have a superiority complex at all.”* *snorts and pins his ears back, flattening them against his skull* You get the room if you want. *”I just want to be normal again. This is a stupid disguise and I hate being in this form. It doesn’t do anything useful.”*


    Jenna: *nods at Seph* ~Just be patient for a little bit longer, Seph. I promised that I’d return you to normal as soon as we are securely hidden. I won’t break my word.~ *moves up to the desk and begins haggling for a room. Soon after, she casts a spell to make the attendant believe that they had received sufficient currency as she take the keys. Once the keys are in her hand, she nods at Seph and quickly makes her way to where the room is located on the second floor. In about five minutes, she unlocks the door to the room and holds it open as she waits for Seph to enter*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *moves into the room, narrowing his eyes as he steps inside. He glances off to the right where fur grooming equipment and claw clipping/buffing items have been laid out neatly on a table, complimentary of the hotel. He glares at Jenna and shuts the door again once both of them are inside and snorts* Can you turn me back now?


    Jenna: *nods at him* Yes, Seph. *waves her hand to turn him back into a human, not thinking that the spell she had used on him is meant for long-term use and such a short period of use might affect his behaviors permanently. Part of this mistake is because she was never really affected by the dragon instincts of her “hybrid” form, and the other is because she’s so used to shifting back and forth between her two forms that she never thinks of consequences. As she cancels out the spell on Sephy, she moves over to the windows and begins shutting the blinds and the like, trying to insure that no one will be looking into the room* See, I keep my word.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls* Yes, I suppose you have kept your word. For once. Before, you couldn’t turn me back immediately for some reason. Or it was that you didn’t want to. *begins to inspect the grooming equipment on the table, glaring slightly at it*


    Jenna: *finishes closing the curtains then softly mutters to herself* I was mostly angry at you the first time around. This time, I did it only because we needed to safely move about. *walks over to him, shifting back into her true form. Soon, she moves up behind him and begins to massage his back* Now, enough of the glaring. I’m certain there are things of interest and entertainment here.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Such as? *closes his eyes as she massages his back, seeming to be quite contented by the gesture. After a few minutes, he begins to smile faintly, and makes a small purring sound, relaxing completely under her touch*


    Jenna: *chuckles at Seph* How am I supposed to know? I arrived here at the same time as you did. We both possess the same amount of knowledge on this world. *doesn’t notice the purring and continues to massage his back. She moves her hands down to his lower back* Do you want to move to the bed to get more comfortable?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *slowly shakes his head* I don’t want to go to the bed. You just woke up yourself, more or less. I’m not tired either. I’ve been sitting around for days, I want to explore and do something useful. I want to go outside later on, because one should know their ground. Or know their territory, however the saying goes. *shrugs his shoulders and relaxes again shortly after, soon purring louder* Oh, that is good…


    Jenna: *chuckles at him* The only reason I am suggesting the bed is because it’s easier to give a thorough massage while you’re on your stoma- *blinks as she hears the noise that Seph is making. She narrows her eyes but doesn’t stop massaging his back. For now, she doesn’t mention the noise to Seph for she isn’t quite certain what he’s doing or if he’s doing it on purpose.*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *stops purring again and opens his eyes* While I am on my what? *glances over at her, noting her expression, narrowing his eyes at her as well* What is it? What did I do wrong now? *snorts in irritation and shakes his head, then he moves away from her to look out the window and onto the street below* What a weird world… I wonder how this situation developed. Are these highly evolved animals, or what?


    Jenna: I cannot say since I do not know how this world developed. For all I know, magic. *Shrugs then studies him* Umm… Seph.. I’m going to try something and I just want you to listen to yourself… *moves back up behind him and begins to massage the back of his neck and shoulders, carefully listening to see if he’d purr yet again*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: What? *stares at Jenna like she is insane or similar°. When she moves up behind him again, he closes his eyes, seeming content as she massages his neck and shoulders, soon relaxing into it once again. Before too long his soft purring noise resumes, and he upturns the edges of his mouth in a faint smile*

    ° (A/N: I would say she is, but whatever.)

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