The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna: That tricky L word

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    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls* If you think I don’t understand about co-ordinated attacks and battle plans, you are wrong. *shrugs* I have a question for you, metal monster – are you truly the one who injured Jenna? She has been spending the last day or so healing in her private quarters back in the base.


    Kerash: *stops and looks back at Sephiroth* That girl went to me and wanted a fight. What injuries that were sustained because she was persistent and desired for me to prove that I knew more than standing and looking at screens is not my fault. *narrows her eyes* The girl would have never complained of her injuries, I know that. It has never been her way.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls at her comment and slowly shakes his head* I see… the woman does seem kind of stubborn, doesn’t she. Very trying, easily irritated, stubborn, and all around.. well.. *shrugs* Go back to what you were doing. I have no intention of harming your island’s wildlife. I only came out here to practise.


    Kerash: *Glances back at him* That woman is also clearly attracted to other hybrids. *seems to smile, though it’s hard to tell with the metal around her jaws and then stalks off* Practice all you want, hybrid. I care not what you do.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Wait, what? *pauses, turning to look at her* ‘Other hybrids’? I am a hybrid of an alien and a human. At best, not very much of an alien, but enough of one to alter my appearance and internal workings. Jenna is a hybrid? Of what species?


    Kerash: *swishes her tail and initially just looks up, not in thought but rather scanning the sky. As she scans the sky, she clicks her claws together in the same manner that Jenna has done on numerous occasions. Eventually, she turns around and looks at Sephiroth* If you wish to know the answer to that, find me somewhere more private, and do not bother the girl with such talk. *narrows her eyes* Then I will decide whether or not my knowledge should be shared. *turns back around and quickly stalks off and away from Sephers*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *raises an eyebrow at Kerash and her behaviour, shaking his head as he watches her run away* Well, that was… interesting. *snorts and moves off in his own direction so he can take out his sword and practise some of the katas he has memorized over the years*


    *Sephiroth would be left alone for the time in which he practices his katas. Unless, of course, Aeris comes out to him, in which case this author cannot perdict that event.

    If Sephy were to choose to hunt down Kerash after he is finished with his kata practice, the raptor would be located in one of the data rooms where there are several consoles that connect directly to Centra’s core. The cyborg raptor would simply be reading over various files and not doing much of interest.

    If Sephy were to choose to go back to Jenna’s room once done, he’d find that she’s healed enough to comfortably lie on her side, but she’s still asleep.*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *wastes a few hours practising, then moves back into the base, moving off in search of Kerash. He checks many of the areas he’s seen her in before, then sighs and shakes his head, glancing upwards in the stairway, looking for a camera or something* Computer? The annoying one that talks to me randomly? Where the hell is the mechanical lizard?


    Centra: My designation is Centra, sir, and my input is never “random”. I am sorry, but I am not certain how to fulfill your request. Input does not compute. Can you specify “mechanical lizard”? *activates the holgraphic projectors in his area, soon showing images of MS, Kerash, and a few other machines that are mostly inoperable or incomplete*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: What? *looks around, glancing at the holographic projected images, nodding his head, also sharply grunting as Centra shows the 3D image of Kerash* That’s the one. It looks like the ones that hunt in packs outside. They have hooks on their toes. *Scowls* Where is that mechanical lizard?


    Centra: Acknowledged. Searching for unit designation: Kerash. *the holograms shift and change shape so that they are now showing a lay-out of the base. Soon after, a blinking red light appears on the map* Unit Kerash is in data room 5 on the third floor.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Oh, good. Thank you. *memorizes the map before moving away, heading into the data room, grunting aloud at Kerash as he sees her working in the room* Are you busy at the moment? I came to talk with you.


    Kerash: *glances back in Sephiroth’s direction then swiftly presses her claws against the off button on her console. Once the console is off, she pivots around and face him* Very well then, hybrid. Talk as you deem fit.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts, stepping into the data room, then towards Kerash, being cautious and slow in his steps* I just want to know the answer to my question. You mentioned that I am a hybrid, which is true. You also said Jenna is a hybrid also. But of what?


    Kerash: *narrows her eyes* Very well, since you seem to actually be attached to the girl. *clicks her claws together* However, I will not approve if you choose to reveal this detail to any others. The mixture of dragon and humans was determined illegal by the dragon counsel centuries ago. Her existence alone is a death sentence.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts* She’s a hybrid of a dragon and a human? How is that even physically possible? They are utterly different species in all manner of speaking and their genetic materials shouldn’t even result in any form of conception whatsoever.


    Kerash: *hisses in annoyance at Seph’s questions* I do not know the full details. *shakes her head* But it is very much possible. There had been several occurrences through the centuries of dragons with great amounts of power using their shape-shifting spells to mate with those outside of their normal spectrum. At one point, there were supposedly hundreds of human-dragon hybrids, mostly born of male dragons that wanted to prove dominance or wanted another creature for their harem. *Snorts and clicks her claws together in irritation* I am no biologist.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Neither am I but it doesn’t sound feasible at all. *glowers at the metallic raptor* How come she has no outstanding dragon aspects on her person? I differ from normal humans, my hair and eye colour differs. So does my body build, I suppose. I also have abilities that I share with the alien I was hybridized from. I see none of this on Jenna.


    Kerash: *narrows her eyes* I cannot answer that question. I only found the girl abandoned on this island. *snorts* Then I was forced to either raise her or kill her. *flicks the tip of her tail* How she came about exactly or how she is not like most other hybrids is unknown to me. *Snorts once more, seeming irritated at Seph’s questions* I thought she was human for several years. However, I am not stupid enough to not know that normal human children can’t reduce even the a member of those inane ferals to a metal puddle of slag when panicked.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns* I see… *slowly shakes his head* Most of her hybrid properties seem to be internal from what I have observed so far. But… *pauses* Are you sure that you don’t want me to mention the subject to her at all? I would want to know about my origins, my parentage, and what I am.


    Kerash: *Snorts* If you really feel it is necessary, do what you want with the subject concerning her. *shakes her head* However, the fact that she is a hybrid is rather unimportant. *turns back around* Do you have any more questions, hybrid?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I don’t believe I have any more questions regarding her… *slowly shakes his head* I got most of the answers I wanted, actually. *makes a slight content grunt, then heads for the doorway* Thank you for your time. *pauses, standing in the doorway* Will mentioning it to her now jeopardize her safety?


    Kerash: She’s not the type to yell out information to the entire world, so I highly doubt it. *seems to smirk* However, I highly doubt you have enough proof to convince her that her of much of anything, hybrid. *turns back around and turns on the monitor so that she can return to her work*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *nods his head and moves out of the room, thinking about what Kerash has said as he makes his way back down to the bottom level of the base, moving into Jenna’s quarters to check up on the female, wanting to know how she is doing now*

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