The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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    Jenna: ~Hm? The clones? You mean the three clones that were obsessed with “mother”? They helped you at all? I’m honestly surprised.~ *she begins to gently talk to Desiree, trying to explain to her about the period. However, Desiree keeps on spurring her words*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *springs into the air, collapsing soon after. He hisses as he gets to his feet, dusting himself off, and tries again* *”This isn’t working… I might need you to go in my place…”*


    Jenna: *closes her eyes and deeply sighs at Seph’s words* ~Try for a bit longer, Seph. I’m certain that you can do it. I have confidence in you.~ *continues trying to get Desiree to listen to her, though the girl is rather busy pouting and worrying about the fact that she’s bleeding* ~Anyway, you don’t know this sort of thing like I do..~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”There are probably books. Around the place, I mean. Why wouldn’t there be? It wouldn’t be all that strange to have a book on that, not really.”* *frowns* *”I can’t seem to get off the ground… I’m trying. But…”*


    Jenna: ~Because, my books are on magic and such things. Your books have mostly been history books that revolve around the wars of Earth, classic literature, and the occasional romance novel for unknown reasons…~ *she shakes her head* ~Unless you’ve added onto the collection since last I recall.. No matter, I’m certain you can do it if you just try some more, Seph. I believe in you.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snorts* *”I was talking about books regarding the human reproduction cycle. And relating to this bleeding that you were talking about. I’m sure there’s a books somewhere. Just give that to her – she can read.”*


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes at Sephiroth* ~Why bother with books when there is a prefectly functional female who knows what the changes that she’s going through are? I know that she doesn’t want to listen at the moment, but I’m not about to give up on her. I try not to give up on things just because they are hard and stubborn.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”Are you making a jab at me with that comment? *seems a little irritated, but not much so. He remains outside, determined to get into the air even if it takes him hours. He soon springs up after a time, getting a very shakey start, and begins to levitate away, smirking* *”I achieved it.”*


    Jenna: *allows herself a faint smirk, enjoying Seph’s achievement* ~I told you that you could do it.~ *she then sighs as Desiree rushes away from Jenna, not wanting to hear any more*

    Desiree: *rushes to Zach’s room and begins to pound on his door* Let me in, Zach! I’m older, and I demand you let me in.

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *is listening to music when the door is bashed on, then sighs and opens it* What, Desiree? I’m studying. *there is a loud upset draconic hatchling chirp in his room and he’s quick to try shutting the door again*


    Desiree: *Storms into the room. She then slams the door shut behind her and sits down on the floor, keeping her back pressed up against the door* Father wants to kill me… *sniffles* I’m bleeding and he left and told Mother to look after me. What did I do…?

    Jenna: *groans as the door is shut on her. She then shakes her head and moves to the bed, deciding to let the girl be for now*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: Father wants to kill you? That’s never happened before. Are you alright? *blinks* You’re bleeding? How did that happen? Are you OK? Do you need a bandaid? *tries to think, but then is distracted by another loud upset chirp, coming from under his bed* Oh shit… *frowns* Ignore that, Desiree. It’s nothing.


    Desiree: *whimpers* It’s not an area where you can put a bandaid over it.. *She shakes her head* Mother kept on saying things about periods. I don’t know what punctuation marks have to do with me bleeding! *she curls up, too upset to care about the chirping*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: What? *blinks* What the hell are you talking about? *frowns* Where are you bleeding? You don’t look like you got cut up or got into a fight or anything… *picks up a chunk of raw meat from the fridge, then ducks under the bed, throwing the meat under there*


    Desiree: *stares at Zach then frowns* You have a fridge in your room, brother? *she shakes her head* No wonder you’re chubby.. *She sighs then grumbles* I’m bleeding.. *She sends him a mental image of where she found the blood*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: Just a little one. *points to it* Loz brought it back for me. You can keep soda in it. *his eyes widen slightly and he shakes his head* Wow, weird. You need to go to a doctor or something. That sounds serious…


    Desiree: *Whimpers and nods* Mother kept on trying to say things about months and periods… And Father abandoned me with her. *Sniffles* It’s not fair. *she glances under his bed* Are you supposed to have that?

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: It’s alright. It’s only a wyrm. One of those…. winged shoulder guys. They’re not like the big dragons who think with intelligence and stuff like that. Besides, the egg was on it’s own and fell out of a tree in the last storm. *coaxes it out from under the bed, then picks it up* See? *wiggles his fingers in front of it’s snout and gets bitten*


    Desiree: *deeply frowns at Zach. Her eyes narrow even further as she sees the dragon-creature bite down on Zach’s finger* Doesn’t look all that tame… ~Father, Zach has a pet dragon thing… Is he supposed to have it?~

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: It’s not. It just hatched and now it’s really mad. But I’m going to tame it and falcon it. Then it can help me find bigger dragons. I’m going to call it Bahamut.

    Sephiroth: *”He shouldn’t have anything like that in the base. Tell him to take it outside immediately. Or when I come back, I’ll kill it myself.”*


    Desiree: *frowns at Zach’s words. She then firmly speaks* Father says that you need to get rid of that thing. *shakes her head* He said he’ll kill it himself if you don’t get rid of it.

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: What…? *growls, bearing his teeth, quite scaring the hatchling which latches it’s teeth into his arm again* No! I’m not getting rid of him. I found him – all alone and lost out there. If I don’t take care of him, he’ll… he’ll die on his own!


    Desiree: *crosses her arms* Father say you need to get rid of it. Talk to him, not me. *She shakes her head. She then blinks and looks to the side, having noticed something. Tilting her head, she seems to loose all interest in Zach for the moment*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *blinks as he takes note of Desiree’s expression, turning around to try and see where she’s looking at. He crinkles his nose in confusion and shakes his head* Huh? What are you doing? *gets bitten again and drops the hatchling, which promptly scuttles out of the room, loudly screeching as it darts across the floor and into the springs area*


    Desiree: Huh? *blinks and looks back at Zach* Oh, nothing… *she watches the hatchling dart away. She then shakes her head* Not gonna tame that… *She turns her attention back to the spot that she was looking at before. She then grins* Yea, they should pay. Do it.

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