The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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    Desiree: ~I’m not in an army, father! Rules are meant to be broken.~ *she giggles as she rushes up the stairs. Finally, she makes it to the training room. She then grabs some weapons that she can easily wield*

    Jenna: Hmm? If you don’t mind… Yes, that would be nice, Seph. However, I will have no problems taking one or both of them down myself. It’s all up to you, my love. *she then glances at Zach* Cardboard box?

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *nods* Yeah. The cardboard box. Sephiroth always brings home pizzas in them. Always. Well… every time he has brought them home. Which isn’t much, but still. *moves to the garbage bin* Want me to find one and show you?

    Sephiroth: *sighs* Don’t sift through the trash, boy. *props Dimitri in one arm, then moves over to Jenna so he can take Seres from her as well* I will take them down stairs now.


    Jenna: *shakes her head at Zach* Just eat it from a plate like any other human would do, Zach. You don’t need to be looking through the trash. She glances up at Seph then nods her head. Soon enough, she holds up Seres so that he can take her* Thank you, Seph.

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: But… pizzas are supposed to come in boxes, aren’t they? *moves back to the oven, looking hopeless* I don’t know how to get it out…

    Sephiroth: *nods his head and carries the infants out of the room, carrying them down the stairs and into their bedroom. Once in there, he places both of them down in their crib, leaning over the side for a little while to watch them and to keep them company*


    Jenna: *groans at Zach* I’m certain that you can eat it without any sort of box. *she gets out of the chair. She then moves in to take a peak at the pizza. Soon enough, she pulls it out of the oven. She then sets it down on the kitchen table, not even bothering to put a plate under it* There. Eat.

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: *begins to pick at the pizza, seeming confused as the entire thing moves as he pulls it, not understanding why it’s not in ready-cut slices* This doesn’t make any sense… *looks back to Jenna* Now what do I do?


    Jenna: *turns her attention to the pizza. She then shrugs* Just eat it. It looks cooked to me. Rip it up into bite-size pieces or something. *she looks at Cancer* Help your brother.

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: Ah… *glances back at Jenna, then moves onto the table with a knife* Alright, I’ll get it. *begins stabbing the pizza with the knife, cutting it up into random pieces*

    Sephiroth: *finally leaves the room and heads up the stairs, wandering up into the training area so that he might begin practise. He pauses as he looks in the doorway, wondering if Desiree is around*


    Jenna: *nods at Cancer’s work* Thank you, girl. *she then turns her attention to Zack* See, just do whatever is necessary.

    Desiree: *is already in the practice room when Sephiroth arrives. For the moment, she is just looking at the spot where Sephiroth last left the Masamune, admiring it*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zack: Oh, I think I get it…. *picks up a piece of hacked up pizza and begins to munch on it* This doesn’t taste as good as the other stuff that Sephiroth brings home…

    Sephiroth: *his attention soon falls on Desiree and he silently moves up behind her, gently resting a hand on her shoulder* Like what you see? I’d ask if you wanted to hold it, but it’s much too long and heavy for you to do anything with it right now. *moves to sit down behind her* That sword was made especially for me when I moved up the ranks in my class and became a general.


    Jenna: *she shakes her head* There isn’t much that I can do about that, boy. They are from different locations, so perhaps it’s the way that they are prepared. As long as it is edible, you should be fine.

    Desiree: *pouts* You didn’t just find it? I mean, I thought it was some sort of legendary sword, Father… I always thought that some grand master of ancient times made it, but no one could use it until you…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *seems amused* There are a lot of stories surrounding the Masamune, let me assure you. Some were perpetuated by ShinRa themselves to strike fear into the Wutainese. Other stories were created by the SOLDIERs themselves. But if you want to know the real story, that knowledge is in my head.

    Zack: *munches on the pizza, nodding* I think I like the other stuff better….


    Desiree: *he blinks in confusion. She then looks up at Sephiroth* The real story is in your head? So, what you just told me wasn’t the truth either, Father… I don’t understand. *She shakes her head*

    Jenna: Very well, you can like one food more than the other. There is nothing wrong with that.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I’m saying there are many versions of the story, but I know the correct version. And I already told you it just now. I wasn’t lying to you. *sighs slightly* Sorry if I confused you. *moves to his feet and stands over her, gently taking the Masamune off it’s mount on the wall* Here. *places it down in front of her* I can’t tell you how many lives it has ended. I don’t really remember.

    Zack: *seems accepting of Jenna’s words and continues to munch through the pizza anyway*


    Desiree: *pouts* That version of the story is still so boring, Father. How can a sword be legendary if it was only made like two decades ago.. In fact, wasn’t it called legendary even before then? *she frowns then shakes her head* It’s like calling that sucky Cloud-guy’s brand new sword a legendary weapon. *she sticks her tongue out at the very thought* Stupid sword that splits up into tiny pieces. It’s stupid.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: It is. It’s a stupid sword and it’s not very practical. This one is much better. *moves to his feet, dusting his hands off* What sort of routine should we work on first? *grins and moves to the opposite wall to pick up a pair of 3ft long bokken for practising with*


    Desiree: *she shrugs, not really having an answer for Sephiroth at all* I don’t know, Father. You’re the teacher here. What did they teach you first when you learned how to fight? *she blinks as she notices the bokken. She then whimpers* What are these? Where are the blades? These are dumb!

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: On the contrary, you can kill people with these if you know how. Just because they don’t have blades, it doesn’t mean they’re toned down or ineffective. *offers her one of them, shrugging* Though if you wanted… you can have one with a blade and I will use one of these. It really doesn’t matter that much to me.


    Desiree: *studies the sword as Sephiroth hands it to her. She then frowns and shakes her head* I’m ok with starting out with whatever you think I should start off with, Father. *she grins up at him* You are the expert, after all.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *nods and moves away to find a small lightweight sword, picking it up to hand to her* Here you go, but for a training session, you are disadvantaging yourself. This sword is heavier than the practise version.


    Desiree: *looks surprised as Sephiroth gives her the actual sword. She then drops the wooden sword and tries to swing it around. However, being as she’s not really trained yet, she doesn’t hold the sword properly. Also, her swing is a bit erratic* How’s that, Father?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: It…. *pauses for a few moments* It needs work. *crouches down beside her, then gently grasps her hands, moving them properly into position* Hold it like that. Don’t be so jerky in your movements. Sword movements are always fluid and easy. *moves to his feet and uses the wooden sword to demonstrate a slow forward slicing movement* See?


    Desiree: *stares at Sephiroth for a few moments, somewhat in awe at being able to actually see him move smoothly while doing battle motions. She then slowly nods* I think so.. *she glances down at her hands. Then, she tries to replicate Sephy’s motion. However, she’s still rather excited. Thus, her moves become rough once more*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: It’s good for a first try. You will need to remember over forty of those and you will need to know when to use them if you are to be good at swordfighting and fencing in general. *seems amused at Desiree’s enthusiasm* But just a little slower – you nearly have it. *moves back to his starting position stance, then goes through the simple manoeuvre very slowly, his movement fluid and calm*


    Desiree: *frowns as she watches over Sephiroth* Father, wouldn’t that speed leave you open for attacks? That seems much too slow. *She shakes her head* That looks rather useless…

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