The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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  • #26808
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs* They’ve been asleep all day. They either need their diapers changed, or they’re hungry. Or both. *moves to his feet, picking up his plates to tidy up* I can tend to that if you want. Or… *shrugs*

    Zach: *slides off Jenna’s lap, visibly dissapointed*

    Cancer: *”That was rather quick.”*


    Desiree: *snorts then transmits to Cancer what she had found in Sephiroth’s mind* ~Completely absorbed with the bitch… I hate her.~

    Jenna: *shakes her head* Don’t worry about it, Seph. I’ll take care of the infants. Just continue feeding the children here. *she gets to her feet. She then moves down the stairs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: *”What’s so bad about her? If Sephiroth wants to fawn over her and mourn every time she leaves, that’s his problem. He’s weak and inferior. He’s also content with being weak and inferior. Don’t worry yourself with it, Desiree.”*

    Zach: *sits back down in Jenna’s chair, sighing as he watches her depart down the stairs* I’m hungry…

    Sephiroth: I tried, but… *glares at Zach* I can offer food, but I can’t make them eat it.


    Desiree: *Grits her teeth and pounds her right first against the table* ~Father deserves better than that bitch!~ *she snorts. Then, she picks up her plate so that she can bring it over to the sink* Thank you for the meal, Father.

    Jenna: *is gone for several minutes. Eventually, she carries both of the infants up the stairs to the kitchen* They’re hungry, Seph… Can you get some milk prepared for them?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *watches Desiree’s behaviour with some curiousity, but doesn’t comment on it* That’s alright. If you would like pizza, stay around. I am sure the boy cannot eat the entire portion by himself. *moves to his feet and sighs as Jenna returns to the kitchen carrying the twins* I’ll get on that now… *moves away to one of the kitchen benches and begins preparing bottles and formula for feeding*

    Zach: *grins nervously* I could try…


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes at Zach* Try as you wish, boy. *she then moves to nudges the boy’s side* Can you get out of my chair? If you move, I’ll let you hold your brother.

    Desiree: *Quickly shakes her head* No, no. I’m quite full enough, Father. I couldn’t possibly eat pizza as well.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *nods at Desiree* Very well. Go downstairs if you like and relax. Have an early night and a good rest. Or you can meet me upstairs in an hour and we can have a friendly sparring session. *glances back at the girl momentarily to grin, then turns his attention back to his work, shaking up the baby bottles to evenly mix up the formula. Once that is done, he sets them in the microwave to heat them up*

    Zach: *is quick to move out of the chair, grinning* I get to hold him? Really?


    Desiree: *broadly grins as Seph offers the sparring* I finally get to see you really fight, Father? I’ll definitely be there! *looks at Zach* And the doubter deserves to be there too!

    Jenna: *nods* Yes, you can hold him. Just be careful, understand? *she lowers herself a bit. She then tries to offer Dimitri over to Zach* Support his head, understand?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts* Any doubters can shut their mouths. I’ll give you a sparring match to remember. If you wish, I can also teach you one of the first sword katas I ever learned.

    Zach: *offers out his hands, being very careful and gentle as he takes Dimitri from Jenna* Alright… *nods, moving his arms carefully to cradle him* Wow, he’s little. I’ve peered at him through the crib bars, but…


    Desiree: *giggles* I’d love that, Father. It sounds like it would be fun. *glances at Zach* He’s the one who doubts you. He says that you lie about what you’ve done all the time. He sucks. *sticks her tongue out at Zach*

    Jenna: Yes, he is rather small at the moment. That’s why you need to be careful. *moves her hands to properly grip onto Seres, gently rocking her in order to keep her calm*

    Dimitri: *blinks as he looks up at Zach. He then flaps his wings and begins to wiggle. He also loudly cries, since he is quite hungry*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Fun? You might call it fun now, but you won’t enjoy if after you’re pushed to keep doing it after a few times. *shakes his head* I wouldnt do that to you though. It’s not for training, and you wouldn’t be old enough for the military anyway. *smirks* I’d just push you because I know you would do well at it. *takes the warmed up bottles of formula out of the microwave and shakes them up before offering one to Jenna and the other to Zach* Keep them upright so the fluid remains in the clear plastic part which they suck on. If there’s any amount of air in it, they will swallow it and possibly regurgitate later.

    Zach: *whimpers* He’s yelling at me.. *takes the bottle from Sephiroth, then tries to pop it into Dimitri’s mouth, wanting him to stop crying*


    Desiree: *frowns at Sephiroth* I don’t want to be part of a military… That sounds boring. Anyway, there’s no military here… Though, Father, weren’t you pretty much trained for the military since you were born? *seems to be a bit confused*

    Jenna: *nods at Sephiroth* Thank you, Seph. I appreci- *she then frowns as she watches Zach’s actions* Hey, slow down there. You can make your brother sick if you rush it like that. *shaking her head, she moves to start feeding Seres, being slow and tender with her movements*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Yes, I was. *nods his head* But that doesn’t mean anything. You don’t need to be a member of the military to be a keen fighter. Who says you have to work for anybody at all? Why not learn for your own beneficial gain, so you can take care of yourself and defend yourself against attack? You wouldn’t want to be hindered or even disadvantaged if somebody tried to kill you, now would you?

    Zach: *holds the bottle almost upright as he tries to feed Dimitri, grinning back at Jenna* Hey, he’s the one who’s hungry. Tell him to slow down.


    Desiree: I just was curious, Father. It’s strange that you were trained so young, but I’m too young. Strange, strange, strange. *She shakes her head then grins* Yea, I’d like to learn just to learn. I don’t want to be a wuss like Zach.

    Jenna: *sighs at Zach* You still nealry slammed it into his mouth. Just be careful, understand?

    Dimitri: *reaches up, wanting to grip onto the bottle. However, even if he does try, his grip isn’t strong enough to hold the bottle*

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach: He’ll be alright, mother. Not like he’s snorting milk out his nose. *tilts the bottle down slightly, amused as Dimitri tries to hold the bottle* Hey, you don’t even have the grip yet. But um, partial credit for trying?

    Sephiroth: It wouldn’t be like me training you for the military. It would just be another valuable lesson that we could do at a casual pace. And something like that can be taught at any age. It isn’t strange at all. *grins and moves for the door* Everything seems to be in order here, I see.


    Jenna: *slowly shakes her head* Just because you managed to pull through this time, you are not exempt from doing things properly, Zach. Just try to be more careful, my son. You can cause trouble and pain if you are completely careless. *glances at Seph then blinks* You’re leaving already? What about that pizza? *glances at the oven* Isn’t that still cooking.

    Desiree: It’s still strange. *grins* But yea, I don’t want to be in the military. Too many rules. Rules are no fun. Right, Father?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Rules can be fun sometimes. *smirks* *”They are fun when somebody breaks them and you get to watch them suffer.”* *gently chuckles, then shakes his head* I still need to teach you so much. I also need to teach you how to fly. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?

    Zach: Yeah, it’s still cooking. But it won’t be done for a while so I can keep feeding the little guy here. *grins and holds the bottle steady* He drinks a lot. Is it really necessary for him to do that? *frowns in thought* He must pee a lot too.


    Desiree: *Giggles at Sephiroth’s words. She then shakes her head* ~You never broke the rules, did you? Father never could have gotten into trouble for anything.~ *grins at him. She then tilts her head before quickly nodding* Flying sounds fun.

    Jenna: *chuckles at Zach’s statement* He defecates and urinates quite a bit. But yes, at that age, he needs all the nutrition he can get.. *glances at Seph* And despite the time that is needed to cook, I’d rather have your father stay around to help.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”You are correct – I never broke the rules.”* *smirks* *”Hence, they would be fun to break.”* Hmm… you want to fly? *gives Jenna a mild victory grin, then nods at Desiree again* Very well. We’ll train together tonight, and we will learn how to fly tomorrow. Does that sound good to you? *glances at the oven* That pizza should be done by now.

    Zach: *subtly moves his arm away from Dimitri’s lower end, looking a little disgusted* I’ll remember that… *turns his attention to Jenna, then Sephiroth again, not wanting to get into their discussion*


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes at Sephiroth* ~Oh, stop being so cocky, Seph. I never expected any of them to say no to being able to fly. Just don’t push her. Understand?~ *sighing, she turns her attention back to Zach* Do you want to take out your pizza, boy, or do you want to continue feeding your brother?

    Desiree: *grins and chuckles at Sephiroth’s first statements* ~But father! You have no rules to be breaking now. You’re completely free of rules. So, how can you be breaking them.~ *she giggles and shakes her head at him. She then nods her head* Yea, that sounds great.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”Cocky? I’m not being cocky. What makes you think that I’m being cocky? Why would you ever say something like that?”* *grins* There are still rules. Just because I am not a SOLDIER any longer, it does not mean that I am not bound by any rules.

    Zach: *quickly nods* Yeah, can you take him? I wanna eat pizza… he’s cute and everything, but… I’m hungry.


    Jenna: ~Let’s see. You are the Great Sephiroth, are you not? Is it not on the first page of your personnel evaluation forms that you are indeed a cocky son of a bitch?~ *She smirks at her mate. She then nods at Zach* Sure, though.. *glances back at Seph* Can you take your son from Zach? My hands are full with Seres. *She nods at the girl, who is still contently drinking*

    Desiree: *giggles at Sephiroth* Father, you weren’t supposed to say that out loud!

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shakes his head at Desiree* I don’t mind. It’s not like what we’re saying is a secret. Now go! Go upstairs and do what you need to. I’ll see you soon enough. *smirks back at Jenna* *”Well yes, I suppose there is that. You have got me there.”* *nods at Jenna, then moves in to take Dimitri from him, continuing to feed him* After things are organized here, I should go upstairs myself.

    Zach: *happily moves out of his chair and heads over to the oven to yank his pizza out of it*


    Jenna: *looks over at Zack then speaks up* Be careful, boy. You don’t want to get injured or burnt. *turns her attention back to Seph and nods her head* Thank you, Seph. I do appreciate your help. *notices that Seres has finally finished eating. So, she pulls away the bottle. She then sets the girl on her right shoulders so that the girl can be burped*

    Desiree: *grins and mock-salutes Sephiroth. She then turns around and rushes up the stairs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts at Desiree, speaking to her in a mock-aggressive manner* In some armies, you get reprimanded for that kind of behaviour! *sits down with Dimitri in his arms, continuing to feed him* Should I take both of them downstairs at the end of this?

    Zach: *manages to open the oven door, but does not do anything further for now* Okay, now what? How do I get it out of the heat and into that cardboard box that it’s meant to come in?

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