The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sits up a bit, glancing over at her* You can’t tell? They cry about all kinds of things, but each cry in response with a telepathic signal makes it very easy. Though, the male doesn’t do it very much… the female is much more prominent in that area. I am beginning to think all of our born and bred female offspring may be more psychically in tune than the males.


    Jenna: *Frowns at Seph. She then shakes her head* No, I have not noticed such signals at all. Perhaps it is because they are weak, and I am not a good enough psychic to pick them up… Or… well… Technically, you were the one who carried them and they may have more of the “mother” bond with you, at the moment. *she shrugs* As for your theory on the females, I don’t know. Cancer doesn’t seem to show much of anything.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Cancer doesn’t show much of anything because she is not from us. She is not offspring from us – she is a clone. The boy is also an inferior clone of me. *scowls slightly* Those weren’t bred from us. They were created from our DNA.


    Jenna: *snorts at Seph* It matters not whether they are clones or not, Seph. Cancer was created in similar way as a regular child would have been created. She just didn’t have a real womb in which to grow from. *she shakes her head at her mate* You really shouldn’t think so lowly of them. They are nothing like the so-called clones that Hojo made of you on your world.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts slightly* They’re not as talented as they should be for their age. *frowns in thought* On that matter, none of them know how to fly yet… I’ve never seen them levitate or teleport anywhere. I’m sure they’re being taught valuable skills, but both of the ones I’ve mentioned are very important skills to have.


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes at Seph* Oh, and you knew how to do all that stuff at their age? Seph, you have to admit that all of them are much more advanced than you were when you were ten years of age. *sighs at him* You didn’t learn how to fly or teleport until after the first time you died..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You are correct, but I could have known how to if I was taught how to. *folds his arms* Thus, it’s a good idea to start teaching them about it soon enough. If they leave it too latte, they will only become average at the skill rather than perfect.


    Jenna: Oh, so you’re not perfect? Isn’t that blasphemy? *shakes her head at him* Anyway, you can’t possibly know that you would have done fine if you were taught at that age… *frowns* I remember you really hating the attempt for my psychic communications when you were eight years of age.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I hated the telepathic signals when I was a child because I hated them and they frightened me. I didn’t know what they were! *scowls* If I had known, I would have replied back, and happily, I’m sure of it. *seems quite frustrated now*


    Jenna: *Sighs and shakes her head at Seph* You are certainly putting a lot of “ifs” into your statements, Seph. Please, just don’t push the children beyond what they can do just because you think that you could have done something when you never had the experience.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Phh… Desiree is nearly 10 years old. She’s very well developed for her age… in fact – what time is it? I should take them outside and teach them how to levitate and to fly. At the very least, Desiree. She should know how to do it by now. She’s skilled and talented, and smart. She’ll learn quickly.


    Jenna: *sighs then nods at Sephiroth* Very well, I don’t suppose I’ll talk you out of pushing the children. Just don’t overtax them, understand? *she shakes her head* As for the time, it is about 7 in the evening, my love. The children are probably rather hungry.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *hums in thought* Probably too late, then… *moves out of the bed and heads for the stairs* I’m going to start cooking then. *walks up the stairs and heads for the kitchen. Once in the room, he fumbles through the cupboards for the appropriate cooking equipment and begins to fry up some meats for dinner*


    Jenna: *simply nods at Seph’s words* Yes, I have to agree. I doubt they want to start learning new things at this point in the day. *shrugging, she slides out of the bed. She then follows Seph to the kitchen, since she wants to keep him company*

    Desiree: *slips out of her room after a few minutes. She had been reading books, so she isn’t fully knowledgeable on what Jenna and Seph were talking about. A bit after starting her trek up the stairs to the kitchen, she pauses and glances down one of the hallways. She frowns at the screeching and hissing noises coming from the hallway. She then shakes her head and dashes the rest of the way to the kitchen*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *chops up some vegetables and places them into a steamer, then resumes frying the meat, all the while humming to himself, doing a rush job of the entire thing, partly because he hates cooking and partly because he’s improvising as he goes along and really hasn’t got a clue about what foods work with what spices*


    Desiree: *jogs the rest of the way up the stairs to the kitchen. Once there, she rushes to Sephiroth’s side so that she can grip onto him, partially because she feels insecure at the moment* Father, are there monsters in the base?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: What, monsters? *shakes his head* Don’t be silly. Monsters roam outside, and in the open land area. Beyond city dwellings and civilization. What makes you think there’s monsters in the base? Are you sure one of your siblings is not playing a trick on you?


    Desiree: It was a monster, Father… *telepathically transmits the noises that she heard when she was coming up the stairs* It was loud and very, very angry… *whimpers* I’m certain it’s a monster there.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glances back at Desiree, then over at Jenna* *”Is there anything in the base capable of roaring and screeching? Desiree heard something and she thinks it’s a monster. I don’t know what to tell her. But I don’t want to lie to her.”* *sighs as he finishes up with the cooking*


    Jenna: *Shrugs* ~I suppose there is, if he is still alive. Remember, at one point, I showed you the singular “prisoner” in this base… His name is Berserk. However, for all I know, he could be dead of old age or starvation, or anything else by now.~

    Desiree: *moves closer to Sephiroth. She then hugs onto his side*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”Well if you can’t think of anything else, than that noise Desiree can hear is probably him.”* *sighs at Desiree, but moves a hand over her head to mess up her hair slightly* Aren’t you getting a little bit old to be doing that? Come on, aren’t your teachers showing you how to be fearless and brave?


    Desiree: No, they teach us how to be smart and do things like science and math. They don’t do a thing about being fearless, Father. That’s your job. *grins at him*

    Jenna: ~Yes, you’re probably right. He might be awake for now and just making a lot of noise. I doubt that he’s free. If he were free, we’d be… well, we’d know.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Ah…. that one is going to have to wait until later. Because right now I’m trying to cook. I’m more concerned about feeding us than I am teaching you how to stand in the face of danger. Until you learn that, you can just run away. *finishes cooking the meat and vegetables, then sets all of it into serving bowls, carrying it to the table* There you go. *telepathically alerts Zach and Cancer that dinner is ready*


    Desiree: *lets go of Sephiroth as he moves to serve the food. She then pouts* But… the noises.. What if that thing tries to kill us, Father.. Eating isn’t any good if we’re all dead.

    Jenna: *glances at the food that Seph made. She snorts then grumbles* How can anyone eat that?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sounds relatively unconcerned as he speaks* The food is fine, Jenna. *sits at the table, picking up one of the bowls to begin helping himself* And don’t worry, Desiree. I can take care of it. I would sooner be destroyed then allow anything to harm any of you. Now please sit down and eat.

    Zach: *comes thundering into the room, stopping once he sees the food* Oh, great…

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