The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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    Jenna: *begins to dry herself off. After a few moments, she glances back at Sephers. Sighing, she moves over to him, tossing the towels to the side as she moves. She then kneels down infront of him before planting a kiss on his lips*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *seems a little worried on her approach, but instantly relaxes once Jenna leans in to kiss him. He begins to purr in reply, then leans his head towards her, both very accepting of the kiss, also wanting to join in and return his own affections*


    Jenna: *grins at Seph’s affections. She then nods her head as she breaks off the kiss* Feeling better now? *smirks* And I told you that you wouldn’t be able to force yourself not to make that noise. *she then winks at him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *freezes momentarily as he realizes what Jenna is saying. He pulls his head back from her, his expression conflicted* Oh, that’s… *flattens his brows, making a frustrated sound* Feh! *playfully pushes her in the shoulder, then moves to his feet again*


    Jenna: *moves to press her index finger on Seph’s lips. However, she is pushed back a bit with Seph’s shove. So, instead, she chuckles at him* Calm down, Seph. It is rather soothing. *smirks at him* And I still say that you like it.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: It’s not that I like it, or like making it. I don’t really care for it at all – I’m indifferent to the noise. I am indifferent to most of the noises I make, actually. I just purr because with calmness comes a feeling that I want to. Also, sometimes I can’t help it. *raises an eyebrow at her* And I don’t exactly see you discouraging it, so…


    Jenna: Still, you can’t say that it’s only for my sake, Seph. *moves in to press her finger against his nose* I’ve caught you making the noise even when you thought that no one was around to hear or see you. *Smirks*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *focusses his eyes on her for a few moments, saying nothing. He then averts his gaze, seeming quite discontent* Hrmph… *mutters, almost unintelligably* Yes. Yes, you have… *turns his head away and begins to make a low grumbling sound*


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes at Seph’s behavior. She then kneels down behind him, unconcerned that she is still nude. She then begins to massage his back. For now, she is silent, giving him time to think*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just turns his attention ahead of him as Jenna massages his back, not focussing his eyes on anything. His eyelids droop closed as he relaxes into the massage, beginning to groan in utter contentment as Jenna runs her hands over the correct spots*


    Jenna: *grins at Seph’s reaction to her massage. She then shakes her head* You are so very predictable, my love. *with that, she pats his back. Soon after, she gets to her feet and exits the room so that she can get dressed*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *watches her leave and sighs, moving to his feet shortly after. He brushes himself off and stretches, then heads into the bedroom area, curious to see if he can snatch a peek of Jenna getting dressed*


    Jenna: *hadn’t bothered to close the closet doors when she entered to find clothing. So, Seph should be able to easily catch as much of a glimpse as he desires as she changes. Per usual, she picks out a clean version of her armor and slips into it*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *moves to sit on the bed, leaning across it to peer into the closet area. He grins as he watches Jenna change, then pretends he was looking at the items on the walls by the time she steps out of the closet once again*


    Jenna: *once she is done changing into her clothing, she strolls out of the closet. Then, she glances over at Seph and tilts her head. For a few moments, she just studies his expression. She then shakes her head* You know, you don’t need to fake it like that. You’re doing a rather bad job of it anyway.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glances back at her* It doesn’t matter. It is impolite to stare, you know. I wasn’t faking it. I was…. being subtle in my approach. It’s not my fault that you’re interesting to look at and to watch when you are moving about. The less clothing, the better. *turns his attention towards the infant’s bedroom, pondering checking up on them*


    Jenna: *shakes her head* You still don’t need to fake it, Seph. You’re a horrible liar anyway. Even when you aren’t saying any words to your lies, you fail by so much. *Smirks at him* Though, your attempts at lying are rather fun.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls unhappily at Jenna’s comment, a little frustrated by it. He quietly sighs and leans back on the bed, thinking* I shall have to try harder, I suppose. Or not at all because hiding such simple pleasures away from you has never been a life or death situation.


    Jenna: *chuckles* Yes, indeed. That is exactly the point that I was trying to make. You are allowed to take as much of a look at me as you wish. You are my mate after all. *smirking, she moves over to his side* Now, do you want to do something more than lie on this bed?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *slowly nods his head* Indeed, I do. But it really depends… *moves in to lean on her, gently purring in a suggestive manner* On what you intend to do, exactly… *closes his eyes and grins, seeming content where he is*


    Jenna: *chuckles at Seph’s actions. She then wraps her arm about his back and pats his side* Oh, I think I’ll leave the rest of today’s activities up to you. Though, you probably need to eat soon. *moves to poke his stomach*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Why would I need to do that? I don’t need to eat that much. Just every so often. I only eat when I am hungry and that suffices enough, let me assure you. *grunts slightly* Just because I’m a male, it doesn’t mean that I am a food machine.


    Jenna: Yes, but humans also tend to eat three meals a day. You’ve spent most of the day here, on this bed. Not eating. Hence, you must be getting hungry. *reaches up to scratch the under-side of his chin* And the children will probably want food soon too.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *nods his head and sighs* Yes, they probably will get hungry soon enough. I also expect them to start bothering me when they get hungry enough. The infants will also need feeding. They have a very convenient way of informing us of their hunger levels.


    Jenna: Heh, they have a very convenient way of informing us of everything, Seph. *Shakes her head at him* The problem is telling which thing they are crying about. *Snorts*

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