The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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    Desiree: *Crosses her arms* Even Zach can beat that guy! *points at Cloud* Yea, Zach would be able to beat him up as well.

    Jenna: *has her attention on a book. So, she doesn’t notice Seph’s butt as he walks by to the closet*

    Kat Aclysm

    Cloud: *blinks* Zack? Why do you think Zack would have even wanted to beat me up? He wasn’t that sort of person. I think you’re mistaken.

    Sephiroth: *spends some time in the closet, then finally steps out again, moving onto the bed, lying on his right side*


    Desiree: Yea, that’s right, Zach! *snorts, deciding to fake Cloud out* Hrmph, Zach’s a real killer. He’d take you on and beat you up. Yea, no doubt about it. *Smirks*

    Jenna: *reaches over to Seph’s back. She then begins to massage his back*

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    Sephiroth: *immediately begins to purr in reply to her touch, closing his eyes, his posture visibly relaxing* That does feel rather good…

    Cloud: I really don’t think so. He was a good man. How do you know about him?

    Aeris: *blinks* Zach? You mean that silver haired little boy who’s always running off with bits of raw meat to feed to the animals outside?


    Desiree: *snorts at Cloud* I know him because he lives here. Fweh, I can take you to him right now! Then you’ll regret it. *Grins, quite enjoying this now. However, she doesn’t seem to notice Aeris’s statements at the moment*

    Jenna: *grins* I’m glad that you like it, my love.

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    Sephiroth: *nods his head slightly* Now that I’m lying down, I have to admit that I am feeling quite sleepy…

    Aeris: *blinks* He’s not going to regret it because he’s a little boy! *frowns* Why are you telling Cloud that?


    Desiree: *Sticks her tongue out at Aeris. She then hops onto the floor. Then, she grips onto Cloud’s arm* Come with me. I’ll take you to Zach. You’ll see!

    Jenna: *Softly* If you’re tired, go to sleep, Seph. I’m not going to stop you.

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    Cloud: *shrugs* All right then. Though now I don’t think we’re talking about the same person any more. The Zack I knew was a great guy. He was funny and he cracked jokes. He was also a bit sex-crazed. The Zack you’re talking about sounds like none of those.

    Aeris: *sighs* He’s just a kid.

    Sephiroth: *begins to hum softly* During the middle of the day, it would be a bad thing…


    Desiree: *smirks. She then begins to drag Cloud through the base. Soon enough, she reaches Zach’s location in Hojo’s lab. She then points at Zach* There, even Zach can beat a whimp like you! *points at Zach*

    Jenna: It’s not like we have a reference for the time of day down here, Seph. *She shakes her head* Anyway, you can nap all you want.

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    Sephiroth: *grunts slightly* I’m not really fond of lazing about, but it seems like a good idea… *yawns* Perhaps… *closes his eyes and tries to curl up* But I’m just tired. *shrugs* *”If you wanted to snuggle, I would not object in the slightest.”*

    Cloud: *stares ahead as Desiree drags him through the complex. He blinks as he sees the 10 year old male clone of Sephiroth, then quickly shakes his head, not believing his eyes* What the hell is that? *snorts* That tiny little kid couldn’t beat me! You’re just trying to piss me off.

    Zach: *growls* Tiny little kid? I read at a 9th grade level, thank you! And I know more stuff than any regular 15 year old kid, so shut up! *clearly quite insulted by Cloud’s remark*


    Jenna: *glances at Sephiroth. Soon enough, she begins to chuckle as she shakes her head* Hmm… *leans over him so that she can whisper into his ear* You know, a bit over a decade ago, you wouldn’t have dared mention the word “snuggle”. How non-masculine of you. *giggles. She then settles down next to him and wraps her arms about his mid-section from behind so that she can snuggle agianst him as requested*

    Desiree: *snorts* Zach can still take on a wimp like you. *crosses her arms* You’re nothing but a big idiot. *She sticks her tongue out at Cloud*

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    Sephiroth: *mumbles* You don’t have to repeat it, you know… *sighs, but soon loudly purrs at Jenna when he feels her move up against him, thoroughly enjoying her closeness* I’m glad you decided to do that, though. It feels rather nice.

    Cloud: Stop saying things like that you short little runt!


    Jenna: *chuckles at his reaction to her. She then shakes her head before nuzzling her nose against his neck* Who would have ever thought that you’d be so very pleased by simple pleasures. *she gently strokes his abdomen as she continues to embrace her mate*

    Desiree: *scowls at Cloud* I’m not a runt! *glances back at Zach* Hey, where’s mister smelly?

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    Zach: *mumbles* He’s out…. collecting a biological specimen. He’ll be back within the hour. So don’t worry about him. *backs away from the door, not seeming happy*

    Sephiroth: *continues to purr, visibly relaxing* *”Simple? I was deprived of them for many many years. Why shouldn’t I be placidated by them? I simply don’t understand your reasoning behind that.”*


    Jenna: *chuckles at Seph* My, someone here doesn’t listen. All I said was that most would have never expected the tough, godlike, powerful, untouchable, great Sephiroth to be pleased with such simple things. I didn’t say that it was wrong of you to take pleasure. *gently blows into his ear*

    Desiree: *Deeply frowns* I thought mother didn’t like it when he tried even exiting this room.. *tilts her head then moves closer to Zach, ignoring Cloud for now* Hey, what’s wrong, brother?

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    Sephiroth: *slightly cracks open his left eye to look up at her, a little confused as to her behaviour right now. He slowly shakes his head, then tries to reach back and touch her side* *”Most wouldn’t dare. In fact, nobody had dared before. You are the deviant.”*

    Zach: Nothing’s wrong, I just don’t wanna be here. There’s stuff to do. I need to take care of it…


    Jenna: Mmmm… *continues to whisper into his ear* Deviant, huh? What other words have you come up to describe me with, hm? *grins* You’ve made me quite curious now.

    Desiree: Huh? But I thought you wanted to be in old Smelly’s lab. *glances around* What’s wrong with it?

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    Sephiroth: You already know the answer to this. You are not like the others at all. You know this and you have known it since before we met. It is nothing to be curious about. It is what is, and what must be so.

    Zach: No, ah… I don’t want to be here, here. Arguing…? With Spikeyhead here? *frowns* I want to go back inside and take care of my stuff while Hojo is away.


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes* Seph, remember what I said about listening? *Shakes her head* I just wanted to hear what other types of names you’d label me with. Come on, humor me. *grins*

    Desiree: Fweh, we’re not even arguing. *she shakes her head* There’s absolutely no brain cells in that man’s head. I’ve already scanned it to see. *grins* Perhaps you should cut him open and see how small his brain is for yourself.

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    Sephiroth: What other names do you want to hear about? *yawns* They are not names. They are fairly accurate descriptions of your personality in comparison to what I am used to seeing.

    Zach: *shakes his head* I don’t wanna. Mom doesn’t even have an MRI machine in this place. He’s probably break it with his hair.


    Jenna: Hmm.. Well, then, how exactly would you describe me, Seph? What exactly do you think is an accurate description of my personality? *she nuzzles her nose against the back ov his neck again. Then, she gently pushes aside his hair so that she can begin to nubble on his neck*

    Desiree: *giggles at Zach’s description* Come on, we could do it the old-fasioned way, brutally. *grins at him. She then glances at Zach again* He’s the guy who murdered father after all.

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    Cloud: I’m right here, you know! *grumbles loudly, then folds his arms* Weren’t you ever taught about manners?

    Zach: *sighs and shakes his head* Just leave him alone, Desi. He’s obviously not smart enough to pick a decent fight with. You can say something smart and you automatically win. *moves back into the lab* I need to finish something before Hojo gets back. *walks to the back of the lab, poking around at some biological specimens growing in beakers under a gentle heating lamp*

    Sephiroth: *closes his eyes and relaxes further, seeming to really enjoy the attention* Why do you want to know? *gently hums in thought* Explosive… erratic. Unpredictable. Dangerous. Just to name a few…


    Desiree: *pouts, seeming disappointed that Zach has killed her game. She then sticks her tongue out at Cloud and grumbles* You’re still an idiotic murder. Hrmph! *she sends a psychic shove toward Cloud. She then rushes out of the room so that she can run down to her room*

    Jenna: Oh? Is that so? Go on. *grins, quite entertained by her little game*

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    Sephiroth: Peristant… obnoxious… argumentative… deadly… *yawns, and tiredly mumbles* Lots of things..

    Cloud: *Stumbles backwards, then yells out to Desiree* You bratty little kid! Don’t you dare come back and do that again!


    Jenna: *frowns at him* Obnoxious? Hrmph. *moves her hand to poke his back* That word doesn’t belong there in the descriptions.

    Desiree: *rushes past Jenna and Sephy as she runs to her room. She then hops onto her bed and pulls out a book for her to read*

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