The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Here, it was. I don’t know how long we were gone for when we were in the other worlds. Longer than a day… hrmph. *scowls* I didn’t want to be away for any length of time if I didn’t have to be. *glances over at her, then purrs* You find me warm? I suppose that is good.


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes at Sephiroth* Well, assuming that you are not dead and just faking life, you should have warmth to your body heat. It only makes sense. *she shakes her head at him. She then frowns* What are you going to do with those other two Sephiroths?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I’m not sure what I will do with them right now. I’ll probably kill them in my own time. One is an abomination and the other is just an idiot who won’t listen to the truth. *ponders the question, then shakes his head* Something needs to be done with them. Though I don’t quite know what… have you any suggestions?


    Jenna: Hrmph, it’s not their fault that they were forced to come here… I see no reason to kill them for that. *she shakes her head. She then glances up at the ceiling as she narrows her eyes in thought* I do wonder why one of them had red eyes… That seemed quite strange.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Probably for the same reason the other Sephiroth was a priest. Differences between the realities can be rather strong, and that proves it entirely. *snorts in disgust* I bet you in some other reality, you’re as sugar-natured as Aeris.


    Jenna: *Shakes her head* I know, but your eyes are more or less the color of the lifestream of your home world, Seph… Also, red isn’t necessarily a natural color for humans. *frowns in thought* I wonder if his experimentation ran along the same lines as that Vincent idiot… *Shrugs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I suppose we could always ask him some time. *shrug* But red eyes are natural pigment colour on my home world. If he was experimented on, it would be different to my world for sure. The outcome was also quite different.


    Jenna: *shrugs then moves her right hand up to caress the side of Seph’s head* Oh, what does it matter. No matter what, your eye color is much more superior. *grins then moves in to kiss Sephiroth*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *purrs and leans his head in towards her, moving his arms around her in the process, loudly purring* *”Everything about me is superior, what are you talking about?”* *smirks* *”Everything. But you already knew that. Didn’t you?”*


    Jenna: Hmm… *pulls away from him and pretends to be in deep thought* Well, I don’t know that for certain. I guess I”ll just have a go at them and see if you are indeed superior in all ways. *grins at him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *narrows his eyes slightly, genuinely glaring at her for the best part of 10 seconds* Hmph. *pokes her in the back* Do that and I’ll have to kill all of you. Slowly. *traces his fingers up her spine* And painfully.


    Jenna: *yawns* And that’s supposed to deter me? I’ve been killed a hundred thousand million times, Seph. *She shakes her head at him* Do you really think you’ll be able to think of something that I haven’t suffered yet? *leans in to press the tip of her nose against his, looking into his eyes* On the other hand, such experiences leave me with ample material to use against you. *grins at him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *narrows his eyes at her, releasing a gentle irritated growl* You won’t even get to try one of them, so don’t bother. *Moves his head back, then stretches out on the bed* How long do you plan on staying here?


    Jenna: *blinks at his words* Teasing. Look it up, Seph. *she shakes her head at him. She then frowns at his next set of words* What? You want me to leave?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shakes his head* Well… no. *traces his fingers along her back, feeling the bottom edges of her shoulder blade bones in the process* I was just wondering. I’ve never really seen you as the lounging type, and I don’t think you’d start taking that up now.


    Jenna: Hmm… If I am to lounge with you, I’d happily do it until the end of all eternity. *smirks at him. She then shrugs* What would you rather be doing? Playing chess?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grins at her, then sits up a bit* I do three things very well. The first of which is fighting. The second, training. And I am more than sure that if you put your mind to it, you can guess the third thing quite easily.


    Jenna: Hmm… Pass gas? *smirks at Seph, seeming to know full well that her answer was not what he wanted to hear*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *blinks at her answer for a moment, then glares* I am not flatulent. *snorts in disgust and shakes his head, irritated* That wasn’t what I meant at all.


    Jenna: *chuckles at Seph’s reaction* Well, maybe not at the moment. But first thing in the morning… That’s another story. *smirks once more*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *continues to glare at her, trying to very openly put forward the idea that he is by no means impressed or humored by her answer at all*


    Jenna: *moves closer to Seph. She then reaches in to tickle his stomach* Oh, lighten up. You’re much too serious. *she shakes her head at him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You’re accusing me of having digestive problems. *snorts* I’m fine. And I’m not going to lighten up. You would find it very strange indeed if I were to make jokes and start laughing, wouldn’t you? It just isn’t like me to do so.


    Jenna: You’re allowed to relax, Seph. You don’t need to be so stuck-up. Anyway, you do make jokes at times. I know you do. *snorts* I’ve also heard you laugh. You’re just refusing to do such to keep a so-called image.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: No I’m not. There’s nobody else around, so technically, I could be as much of a fool as I wanted to. I’m not finding your insults funny because I’m not finding your insults funny. *frowns* How would you like it if I made fun of you? *shakes his head* Phh. I shouldn’t be caring. You’re playing around and it’s harmless.

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