The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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    Desiree: *Sticks her tongue out at Sephiroth* Militaristic as always, father. *chuckles* It was only a day. We didn’t have classes yesterday. *points to Zach’s room* He was gone someplace all day. I don’t know where he is at the moment.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Ah, a day off? How very interesting. *frowns* Hmph, if he’s gone too long, get the security to track him down. Knowing him, he’s probably been spending the last day or so staring into an empty raptor nest.


    Desiree: *Giggles at Sephiroth* That woud definitely be Zach. *grins* I think he’s still in the base. He’s just hiding. *she shrugs. She then moves to hug Sephiroth once more* Will father show the others how you can fight? Zach keeps on saying that you’re a liar.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Why do they keep saying I’m a liar? *narrows his eyes* You’ve seen the recordings, haven’t you? Why would I lie about something like that? *grunts and shakes his head* I have to say that I honestly am offended by that.


    Desiree: Zach just thinks that they’re all fake. He says you’ve never fought in front of us. So, it’s all just stories and lies.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Phhh… fine. I won’t do it now, but later on this evening I shall show you what I am capable of. *narrows his eyes* That will show them. I don’t like being called a liar. I don’t have any reason to do so.


    Desiree: *grins at Sephiroth’s words* Good. I’ve been waiting so long to see what you can do, Father. You’re better than mother, right? You’ve made it sound like you can easily take her in a fight. *giggles at the thought*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Hmm. Could I take her on in a fight..? *ponders Desiree’s question, then shakes his head* Only in some ways. Physically, perhaps. I would need to get the upper hand first, however. Via abilties, I wouldn’t stand a chance. Unless I were to crush her mental defenses. Then she would go down rather quickly.


    Desiree: But you’re stronger and faster than mother… How can she beat you? *shakes her head* Mother can’t be better than you….

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I said, it all depends on the situation. Though I said it in more words. *frowns* Why should it matter who wins? Neither of us are enemies. I don’t know why you’d want to pit us against each other, just to see whom would win.


    Desiree: *frowns* Because, you are better than mother. Mother shouldn’t be able to beat you. You should be able to easily beat her no matter what.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Phh. Fighting doesn’t work like that, Desiree. You should know that. Everyone has their own indivual strengths and weaknesses, and that is all there is to it. *moves to his feet and stretches* Now how about showing me what you did in school?


    Desiree: I thought I said so before.. We didn’t have school while you were gone. It’s the weekend. *grins* We had time off to do what we wanted. *frowns in thought* I don’t know where Cancer is..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs* And you didn’t think to look for her? *shakes his head* How long has she been gone for? I suppose we should go on then. I’ve no idea where to look for her, but the computer might have a better idea. *heads for the stairs*


    Jenna: *moves out of the twin’s bedroom. She then sighs and moves to her bed, choosing to ignore Seph and Desiree for the time being*

    Desiree: *Shrugs* Cancer goes off on her own all of the time. I don’t really think about it… *shakes her head* She might just be locked up in her room.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I’m going up there to look. Maybe you can follow me, and tell me where you last saw her, Desiree. *glances back at the girl as if questioning her* Are you coming or not? *frowns*


    Desiree: *blinks then glances at Sephiroth* Why don’t we just ask her where she is? She usually doesn’t not respond back, Father. It shouldn’t be that hard. *She jogs over to his side*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns at Desiree’s words, then shakes his head, grunting* You are right. Very well, stay around here, then. I shall find her on my own. *moves up the stairs, telepathically calling out to anyone nearby to respond*


    Desiree: *sighs at Sephiroth. She then shakes her head* ~Cancer, where are you? Father’s looking for you.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Cancer: *”I said I would be in the car mother brought down for me. And I’m still in it. I like it here. I don’t care if you think it’s a piece of junk. It’s mine.”* *telepathically replies to Sephiroth, then sighs* *”You want me to come back, don’t you?”*


    Desiress: ~Well, yea. You should sleep in your bed, not some car. It’s not even a useful thing as it is.~ *she shakes her head. She then glances over at Jenna and frowns. Soon enough, she moves to hole herself up into her room*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *heads up the stairs, walking into the vehichles-hold area. He steps over to where Cancer is hiding in the car, then takes her out, carrying her back down the stairs, delivering her to the main bedroom again where he sets her down* Don’t go up there. It’s more comfortable down here. You can play with your… car later. *moves over to the bed, purring at Jenna as he sits down on it*


    Jenna: *is currently just lying on the bed, relaxing. She blinks then grins as she hears Seph’s approach* Hello. Happy to find that the children are not dead or scarred by Aeris? *smirks* I know how much you feared having her look over them for the short time that we were gone.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts* I didn’t fear it… *folds his arms* I just didn’t approve. At least she didn’t turn them into giggling idiots. I wouldn’t have been able to tolerate it if she had. *moves to lie down beside Jenna, sighing*


    Jenna: It was only a single day, Seph. Our children are not about to crumble away to stupidity in a singular day. *moves to snuggle up against him. She then grins at him* You’re nice and warm…

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