The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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    Jenna: *groans* Damn idiot, you’re going to get yourself killed.. *narrows her eyes then snorts* Stay here, Seph. *she gives her wings another strong flap in order to gain some height. She then pulls her wings in closer to her body and dives in toward St. Sefy’s location, intending to slam him down against the ground before he meets up with Jenova*

    Kat Aclysm

    St Sefiros: *continues to fly on, oblivious to Jenna’s incoming attack. He loudly yells as Jenna takes him down and tries to struggle underneath her* What are you doing?! Unhand me! *growls and tries to fly out from underneath her* I have to get to mother!


    Jenna: That one there is not your mother. *growls* We are in another reality. You, the you that you know as you, don’t exist here. Why do you think this planet is as it is? This is your planet? *she grips onto the man and prepares to fly back over to Sephy*

    Kat Aclysm

    St Sefiros: Unhand me, you foul beast-spawn! *charges a psychic attack and tries to launch it at her face, growling* Get away, you fiend! That’s mother and I must get over there…. I don’t know what she is doing, but I must attend to her at once!

    Sephiroth: Should we knock him out…? *yawns with boredom*


    Jenna: *Screaches in pain as the bast smacks into her face. She then drops St. Sefy so that she can clutch onto her face* Damn idiot… That’s not your mother. *falters in her flight as she continues paying more attention to the pain and not her flight*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glares at St. Sefiros and promptly dips down out of the sky, flying down towards Jenna to grab at her. Her heavy weight causes him to struggle and he begins flying up against the down forces once he grabs onto her*


    Jenna: *finally recovers from the pain and begins flying properly again. She then snorts* Damnable idiot… *glances up at Seph* Thanks, but you can let go now. *she tries to shake of Sephy so that she can try to catch St. Sefy again*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs and lets her go as instructed, raising her higher before doing so, so she can more easily glide and catch the air* Hrmph… sorry. I thought you were going to fall out of it altogether.

    St. Sefiros: *continues to fly off in the direction of Jenova* Mother! I’m here!


    Jenna: I did say thanks. *She shakes her head at Seph. Sighing, she then adds on* Help me catch him if you want, Seph… *She then flies away from him, headed toward St. Sefy. This time, however, she is moving a bit more slowly due to the fact that she’s still in pain from the blast to her face*

    Kat Aclysm

    St. Sefiros: *growls at Jenna and descends rapidly in an attempt to lose track of her* Get away from me! *suddenly teleports, seeming to dissapear altogether*

    Sephiroth: Hmph, why? Who cares if he gets killed? And does it really matter? *follows after Jenna, slowing to a halt once St. Sefiros dissapears* Well that’s just great.


    Jenna: *snorts at Seph’s words* It is irresponsible for us to simply let him be killed in a place where he shouldn’t be in the first place.. *growls as St. Sefy vanishes. She then shakes her head* Damn it. *closing her eyes, she tracks down all Sephiroths that she can sense out. She then casts a spell to teleport all of them to her location, with the exception of the Sephy which is more or less right next to her to start with*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiros: *is teleported from the space over Jenova to the area around Jenna, loudly growling at her. He glares at her with his burning red eyes and makes a threatening loud snarl, rising up to charge a large destructive attack to launch on her*

    St. Sefiros: *seems quite confused* I didn’t mean to end up back here…


    Jenna: *blinks as she notices the eye-color of the Sephiroth that she didn’t intend to teleport over, having only done it because she can’t differentiate any of them from each other with the exception of her Seph due to the bond. She then quickly pulls her wings in to her body so that she’d plummet the short distance to the ground. She spreads her toes to absorb the impact as she lands. All throughout, she keeps her attention on the Sephiroth that appears ready to attack*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiros: *growls as he hurls the attack at her, frustrated as it slams into the ground, missing her entirely* Damn you! How did you survive the apocalypse? *lands down near Jenna* No matter. You’ll make wonderful food for mother.


    Jenna: *growls at Sephiros* You do realize that there are two others right here. *points at the other two Sephiroths, hoping to distract the one that is intent on killing her at the moment*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiros: *glances back at the others, then hisses* Clones, hmm…? Even more energy for the planet. *grins* Once you, you, and you *points to Jenna and both of the Sephys in turn* are dead, mother will have even more energy to turn this dustball into her vessel as she sails the unknown.


    Jenna: *quickly take the moments in which the other Sephiroth is distracted with the others to cast a spell on him and St. Sefy, locking away both of their powers. For, she neither wants to be killed, nor does she want St. Sefy to run off again* Right.. I don’t want to know how you plan on following her.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiros: *stumbles back a bit as his powers are locked away, hissing as he glances back to Jenova’s direction* What the hell did you just do to me…? *tries to take off, glaring hard when he discovers that he cannot* What did you do?!

    St Sephiros: *frowns* Why is this happening again..? What are you trying to do to me? *sighs* If this is a punishment, I would like to know why.


    Jenna: I protected myself. *glances up at Seph* Do you think the Jenova over there has noticed us? *deeply frowns* ~And can she manipulate you? I don’t want to have to deal with that..~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”To be honest, I think the Jenova is too busy trying to get at the planet than bother with me.”* *frowns and lands down behind her* *”However, if you think it’s going to be a problem…”* *bows his head slightly* *”Just be sure to turn it back on when I need to get out of here.”*


    Jenna: *glances at Seph then shakes her head* ~No, you’re clearly not under any outside influence. I’d rather keep my one ally in a fully functional manner. If I do see signs, I will take up your offer though, Seph.~ *she flaps her wings. Soon enough, she shifts back to her natural form* Just a few hours…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiros: *growls and rushes at Jenna, trying to knock her down and punch her* Idiot! Mother shall hear all about this, just you wait! *loudly snarls* When mother hears what you’ve done, she’s going to help herself to your bones!


    Jenna: *hisses as Sephiros moves in toward her. However, she manages to quickly duck out of the way of his punch. As she does this, she edges toward her Seph’s location, grumbling* We have been here for nearly an hour.. maybe I should try. *narrowing her eyes in thought, she then begins casting a spell to open up a portal to Seph’s world, intending on gathering the payment that she had promised Aeris*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiros: *charges at Jenna again, leaping out to tackle her to the ground* No! What the hell are you doing? Stand still so I can kill you and harvest your life energies for mother!

    St. Sefiros: *stares at him* Mother? She doesnt’ want your life energies! What are you talking about?? *growls at him* Stop talking about mother like that!

    Sephiroth: *sighs* Hurry up, Jen. I don’t want to put up with this for very long.


    Jenna: *Yelps as she’s tackled to the ground. She then glares at Sephiros and tries to kick him in the balls* ~Well, things would be a whole lot easier if you would keep these idiots from attacking me, Seph! Remember what happened the last time one of them hit me while I was opening a portal?!~ *tries to shoes Sephiros off her*

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