The Beginning of Sephy and Jenna – Renewal and then double

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  • #26308
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *moves to his feet and dusts himself off, hissing in disgust* Where the hell are we…? *glances around, narrowing his eyes at the desolation and lifelessness all around him* The air is thick and stuffy here.

    St Sefiros: *moves away from the group, staring at the area around them* What in heaven’s name happened here…??


    Jenna: *slowly pushes herself up* I can’t answer either of those. *glares at St. Sefy as she moves to her feet* Someone distracted me just as I was finishing up a difficult spell. *She loudly snorts*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: It looks like we’re in the middle of some post-apocalyptic world. *moves away from Jenna to explore, coughing after a moment* I smell decay and rotting. *wrinkles his nose* It also smells like blood.

    St Sefiros: *growls at them* You do this often?? *shakes his head* I don’t like this place. Something about it tells me that it’s not friendly.


    Jenna: Hrmph, Seph doesn’t travel between worlds all that often. He’s rather boring in that aspect. *smirks at her mate then frowns at St. Sefy* I’ve done it quite often in my life. How the hell do you think we got to your damned world? *shakes her head then grumbles under her breath* And yes, it does smell rather retched..

    Kat Aclysm

    St. Sefiros: *glares* I don’t know how you got to my world and quite frankly, if it wasn’t for the fact that both of you could demonstrate some level of power, I would have thrown you all in jail for defamation and being impostors. And you, *glares at Jenna* Inciting to mutiny.

    Sephiroth: Oh, shut up… *moves away, growling. He narrows his eyes as he hears large explosions in the distance and snorts* Hmm….


    Jenna: *rolls her eyes* I didn’t incite anything at all. In fact, I hardly spoke to anyone aside from you and my mate. *shakes her head* You’re rather childish. *snorts. She then moves off in the direction where Midgar should be. However, she soon stops as she notices a large hole in the ground*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *raises an eyebrow at Jenna, then moves over to inspect the situation. He glances down at the hole, then around at the area* There’s no life-energy in the planet there. *frowns in thought* Hmph… *narows his eyes, then suddenly springs into the air, flying off to the north*


    Jenna: What? *growls then hisses* Seph! *shaking her head, she glances back at St. Sefy. She then snorts and waves her hand toward him, removing the blocks on his abilities. As soon as that is done, she shifts into her hybrid form before leaping into the air so that she can fly after Sephy*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *doesnt seem to hear Jenna and continues to fly on ahead, not intending to stop or slow down until he reaches his destination* *”Stay behind. I sense something up here… something huge. It would do no good if both of us are killed at the same time. And somebody needs to stay with the coward now that he’s powerless.”*


    Jenna: ~It’s not easy to kill two of us at the same exact moment, Seph. If it was, I would have killed myself and the snake years ago. Anyway, I already gave the coward his powers back. There’s no reason that he can’t fly on his own.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”You already tried to kill yourself and the snake at the same time.”* *frowns and shakes his head* *”I’m still going to examine what this large thing is… you really should stay away. Why are you coming?”*


    Jenna: ~I tried that thousands of times, Seph. Just because you saw me preparing to try once doesn’t mean that was the first and only time.~ *She glances back to where she left St. Sefy* ~I’m not about to leave you to deal with danger on your own.~ *She snorts and continues to fly after Sephy*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”Are you suggesting that I can’t deal with it on my own?”* *glances back at her and continues flying on his way* *”All I’m doing is investigating. I don’t even know if it’s dangerous yet.”*


    Jenna: ~Hrmph, if I was the one flying off, would you just sit back and allow me to go into possible danger on my own?~ *she shakes her head* ~I hardly think you would. I’m coming, that’s final.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”If you were just investigating and nothing more, I would have done that, yes.”* *shakes his head* *”If you had indicated danger, I would have come to your aid.”* *glances back at her* *”Oh, I don’t suppose there’s much point in continuing with this line of conversation. You’ll do as you please regardless of what I tell you.”*


    Jenna: ~Well, you most certainly have that much right. Though I think you are lying about letting me fly off to “something very large” without following.~ *snorts* ~I do have to wonder what the idiot will do now that he has his powers back.. He’s probably trying to get back to his home.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”He will fail, and probably seek you out because you got him here in the first place.”* *begins to slow down as he approaches the northern continent, narrowing his eyes as he sees giant branchy-tree tentacles with smaller tentacles growing off them, that reach hundreds of feet into the air. There is the occaisonal explosion that is deep and muffled, suggesting that it is going on underground. The sound is emnating mostly from the same area as the tentacle owner*


    Jenna: *soars over next to Seph’s location then straightens up in the air so that she can hover there. She tilts her head as she notices the tentacles. Then she snarls in disgust* Well, that certainly doesn’t look very “nice” nor “pretty”. *she shakes her head then she glances at Sephiroth* In fact, it kind of looks like growths of Jenova…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scans the area ahead, narrowing his eyes* Actually, it is Jenova. I’d fly closer, but… *shakes his head* I don’t know what will become of whoever goes too close. Those things look like they could grab you. Easily.

    Jenova: *her massive fully grown, matured, and ‘flowered’ form seems rather idle for now. There is another loud explosion, and a shockwave of her destructive energy ripples across the ground below, smashing mountain and levelling any rock structure near. She does this twice more, then begins to sink into the soil, heading for the planet’s core*

    *meanwhile, there is another version of Sephiroth flying high overhead Jenova, keeping an eye on things. Even though he is teeny in comparison to her, he stays nearby, protecting her*


    Jenna: *scowls as she notices that the mountains are imploding. She then shakes her head and grumbles* I most definitely think that you’re making the right decision there, Seph. There’s absolutely no good reason for either of us to get closer to that.. *she doesn’t even notice the other Sephiroth for right now*

    Kat Aclysm

    Jenova: *begins to tear the innards of the planet apart as she shakes her way deep into the soil, trying to get at the very last of the Lifestream holding the planet together. She makes a loud screech and sends powerful blasts of energy off into deep space as she does this, sending signals to other members of her species wherever they might be*

    Sephiroth: I think you might need to make a portal out of here sooner than expected…


    Jenna: *grumbles* I need at least an hour or two, Seph.. If I make one now, I won’t be able to insure that we get to where I want us to get. *she shakes her head* We’re going to just need to hold out for a short bit of time. I’m certain we can do it… *finally notices the speck in the sky that is the other Sephiroth. She then tilts her head* Hrmph..

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I suppose we can hold out until then… *raises an eyebrow at Jenna’s expression, then glances to where she’s looking* What did you see? *turns his attention back to the sky, shaking his head* I don’t see anything…

    St. Sefiros: *charges up behind the two, yelling* I demand to be taken back at once! This place is a death hole! You can’t stay here, you’ll be killed!


    Jenna: *slowly shakes her head* I’m not completely certa- *hisses as she hears St. Sefy’s yelling. She then gives her wings a rather strong flap, rather than the slow and steady ones she’s been using to stay more or less in a hovering position, to dodge to the side* Damn idiot..

    Kat Aclysm

    St Sefiros: *swings around in the air and glares back down at her* You got me into this mess, you can get me out of it again! Damn you – what were you thinking, sending us all here? *growls, then becomes quiet as he hears roaring. He seems to cheer up and flies off in the direction of Jenova*

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